A/N:Thank you so much for all the reviews and PMs I've received for these updates. I really appreciate it and it's spurring me on to write more so keep 'em coming!

For all of you who are wondering if the guys are having twins, the answer is no. I refer to the baby as They or Them because Tony and Gibbs don't know the sex of the baby yet and I think it's nicer than calling the baby It. Still, I understand that it's a bit confusing. If you want to see Tony and Gibbs dealing with twin babies, my fic Snapshots: Coming Home deals with that, and their cute twins Jake and Oliver. Head over and read it, I'd love to hear what you think.


Em x

"I've come to help you break out of here," Gibbs announced, backing through the door, pulling a wheelchair behind him.

"Seriously?" Tony's face it up at the sight of his lover.

"Well, I've come to bust you out for an hour to sit in the gardens, so don't get too excited."

"Right now the ability to go to the toilet on my own would excite me, so fresh air might send me over the edge," Tony grinned, pushing back the covers and gently manoeuvring himself until he was sitting on the side of the bed. "How did you get them to agree to this?"

Gibbs knelt in front of Tony to help the other man put his sneakers on.

"I just told them that you were losing your bronzed God glow and that if you didn't get some sun on your face soon, you'd end up looking like Edward Cullen."

"Nice film reference, J, I've taught you well. Although, I would have gone with Count Orlok – it's more old school," Tony laughed, gratefully accepting Gibbs' help as he moved from the hospital bed to the wheelchair.

"You comfortable?" Gibbs asked, moving around Tony and readjusting the pillow behind the younger mans back.

"Stop fussing. Whoever would've thought that Leroy Jethro Gibbs would be a mother hen?"

Gibbs stopped in front of Tony and glared at him. Tony reached out and grabbed Gibbs by the collar, pulling him close until their lips were almost touching.

"But I love you for it," he whispered, kissing his partner gently before pushing him away. "Now, let's head 'em up and move 'em out!"

"Mmmm, can you smell that? No disinfectant. No stale food smells. Just honest to God fresh air." Tony tilted his head towards the sky, his eyes closed and a contented grin on his face. They were sitting in a secluded part of the hospitals landscaped gardens, overlooking a small sculpture garden. Gibbs had parked the wheelchair next to a bench and he and Tony were sitting side by side, Tony enjoying his temporary freedom and Gibbs enjoying watching his partner and the joy he was taking in such a small thing. It made Gibbs all the more grateful that Tony was carrying his child and was willing to give up the simple pleasures in life in order to keep their baby safe.

"So what I have I been missing back at the office?" Tony asked, turning to face Gibbs, his cheeks already showing a little colour from the sun.

"No work talk," Gibbs replied gruffly.

"Well, what are we going to talk about? I can tell you that after more than 3 weeks in here I have concluded that the grape jello is decidedly nicer than the orange or lime flavours," Tony joked.

"How about we talk about how in just over a week, you're going to be induced? What are you thinking about that?"

Tony grimaced. "To be honest, I'm trying not to think about it. As much as I can't wait to meet our little bug, the thought of squeezing a baby out of my...you know, scares me senseless."

"It's not too late to decide you'd rather have a c-section," Gibbs said, his expression serious as he took in the obvious look of fear on Tony's face. "No one would think any less of you if you did."

Tony placed both hands on his protruding belly and sighed.

"As scared as I am, I know it's the right decision. A c-section would mean weeks of recovery and I know I would regret it in the long run. Besides, it's the miracle of childbirth, right?" Tony forced a smile on his face.

Gibbs covered Tony's hands with his. "I support you, whatever you decide. You amaze me, Tony DiNozzo. Every day of this pregnancy, the way you've dealt with everything, you take my breath away."

Gibbs couldn't tell if it was the sun or his comment but Tony's cheeks were flushed as he looked at Gibbs.


"What for?"

"For being here for me, for keeping me sane. For loving me and our baby."

"How could I not? You're the best thing to happen to me in years. And this little one," Gibbs caressed Tony's swollen belly lovingly, "they're going to make our lives complete."

"I love you, J," Tony said, leaning closer and capturing Gibbs lips for a soft kiss that lasted only a moment but said everything he needed it to say.

"I love you too, Tony. Now, I'm sorry to be a killjoy, but I'd better be getting you back to your room."

"Just five more minutes?" Tony pleaded. "It's so nice out here."

"Okay, five more minutes. When will I ever learn to say no to you?" Gibbs asked, draping an arm around his lover and holding him close.

"Well," Tony said, joining their hands over his bump, "I'd say our little bambino is proof that sometimes it's a good thing that you can't say no to me."

Well, what did you think? I'm thinking that the baby might make an appearance in the next chapter...unless people would like one more chapter of pregnant Tony? I'm willing to go with what the majority would like. Let me know.