AN: Another Tiva list.

1) When Michael—finally—falls asleep, I am not allowed to watch Quantum of Solace. It will wake him.

2) Feedings are not solely her responsibility—we will trade off every other night.

3) I am not allowed to pay McGee to come over and feed my child.

4) It does not matter that Ziva does not know. It is wrong.

5) I am not allowed to color his hair give him a cup of "coffee" and a cap gun and make him Gibbs for Halloween.

6) When Ziva shows me the second pregnancy test, I am not allowed to laugh.

7) When I do laugh, I am not allowed to use Michael as a shield.

8) Michael's questions about Mommy's tummy are to be answered carefully.

9) Sex is not a careful answer.

10) Neither is "Aliens are growing in her tummy."

11) When Michael has nightmares about the "aliens", it is my job to comfort him.

12) Gibbs' and Jenny's daughter is not a little pink football.

13) If I joke about throwing her I will be keelhauled.

14) When a five-year-old Michael asks why Mom is so sad, we will do our best to explain to him about her miscarriage.

15) When all four members of the MCRT have bloodshot eyes because of their children it is not my job to break the tension by playing a recording of a crying child.

16) When Ziva shows me the third positive pregnancy test in nine years, I will applaud and immediately regret it.

17) Picking up Michael and Tali to protect myself will not work.

18) Ziva will simply order them to tickle me to death.

19) I will learn from previous mistakes and allow Ziva to explain to the kids that they're going to have a new little sister.

20) When Ziva has complications during her third labor, it is my job to keep the other kids calm—no matter how scared I am.

21) I will hold her that night, and tell her how scared I was, and she will comfort me as we watch our daughter sleep.

22) No matter how crazy it drives me I will not threaten to slip our newborn sleeping pills to stop her from crying.

23) When she shows me a fourth positive pregnancy test, I will faint.

24) When I wake up, she will say "April Fools" and won't talk to her for all of two hours.

25) I will tell her that it was mean, and she will say that she's sorry, and I will kiss her until I forget that I was mad at her.

26) Nights spent on the town will become nights in playing Yahtzee with my family—and I won't mid it.

27) Ziva and I will fight, we always do, but we will do our best to never let the kids see us.

28) Changing diapers is not a task to be solely performed by a woman. I am capable of doing it as well.

29) Even though it makes me feel old as dirt I will smile when Michael tells us his wife is pregnant.

30) When they put my first grandson in my arms I will flashback to a day nearly 25 years ago when they placed Michael in my arms and Ziva said "Remember to hold his head."

AN: I love writing things from his perspective. Tony is such an interesting character. Thanks for reading. :)