A/N! Seriously, READ THIS: Definately AU, in that Kates' not dead (...because Idk, I like writing her character) and Ziva did join the team anyway (because I like Zeevah!) And can I just say right off the bat, that none of them are their right ages (ever) in my fics? In this particular fic that's important(in a way): Tony's like 28, McGee's 31 (idk why I made him older, live with it folkes), Kate's 30, Ziva is 30, Abby is 29, Gibbs is (who cares, he's awesome), and as we all know already, Ducky is immortal (ancient...) so yeah...on with the story! Hope you guys like it?
"IS EVERYONE OKAY?" Gibbs yelled through his mic. Kate and Ziva lay beside him in a cloud of black dust from the explosion, coughing.
"DiNozzo! McGee! Answer me!" This was bad. His men had been at the base of the explosion, checking the basement, whilst he, Kate, and Ziva had been on the first floor, looking for their suspect, one Jeffrey Simone, suspected of stealing chemicals and potentially harmful drugs after being fired from a Naval Base in Quantico.
"Gibbs!" He heard Tims' frantic voice from his mic.
"McGee! Where are you two?" Gibbs demanded, standing up from the wreckage and walking back towards the house, Kate and Ziva at his heels.
"We're stuck down here Boss, one of the metal poles is blocking the doorway and...something's wrong with Tony." Tim surmised hesitantly.
"Wrong? What's wrong with him McGee?" Gibbs asked anxiously, already calling in the cavalry.
"I-I can't describe it Gibbs, just get down here, quick!" McGee replied nervously. "I've got him on my lap, he's unconcious, his heart rate's steady and-he's coming around Gibbs!" he announced, feeling a million types of relieved. "Tony, how do you feel?"
Gibbs listened intently to the conversation from his mic as a fireman hacked down the door to the basement, knowing that was their best chance of getting the two NCIS agents out of the house.
Kate and Ziva both turned on their mics, listening in on McGee and DiNozzo with twin looks of concern on their faces.
They heard a small groan from who they presumed was Tony, and McGee saying "Shh, don't move; they're coming to get us right now." in a very soft voice, like he was talking to one of their victims, which made the rest of the team very afraid for a moment. Just how injured was Tony?
Gibbs watched the firemen finally break the door off it's hinges and set into action. They sent their smallest built man in, and Gibbs knew DiNozzo was in trouble. Because of the pole, at least half the doorway exit was covered and for McGee, that might be a tight squeeze, but for DiNozzo, who was the tallest member of his team and built with muscles, and now possibly injured and unconcious too, the odds were not looking good for him.
Ziva noticed this too and frowned, voicing her concerns, "They are not going to be able to fit Tony through that petite opening, Gibbs. They will be lucky to get Tim through!"
The fireman emerged through the small exit carrying a teenage boy in his arms, who was dirty with soot, and only half-concious; behind them McGee, also covered in the aftermath of the explosion, stummbled out.
"Where's DiNozzo?" Gibbs immidiately interrogated.
McGee instantly hushed him. "Boss, that was Tony." he whispered, not wanting to draw any attention to their conversation, as the firemen brought the young man, who couldn't have been any older than eighteen or nineteen, to the paremedics waiting outside.
Kate glared at McGee. "What the hell are you talking about? Where's Tony?"
'Took the words right out of my mouth', Gibbs couldn't help but think, looking at McGee expectantly.
McGee shook his head, "That was Tony, guys, I swear! One second we're down there looking for Jeffrey Simone, and the next Tony's tackling me to the ground after realizing we'd triggered some sort of alarm! After the explosion I expect to feel a heavy weight on me, but it's just this smaller younger version of our Tony!
He was in his suit, Gibbs; when Tony woke up for a few seconds, he even called me 'McGoo' and asked what we were doing down there!" McGee paced back and forth, "It's what happened with the other people Jeffrey Simone expiremented on back at the Naval Base; it's why they fired him. He was dealing with his own devices using government money instead of helping the other scientists in the lab! I swear that's Tony." he breathed, feeling like a conspiracist.
They'd all read the case files, what Dr. Simones' experiments had resulted in. One Jane Doe had aged eighty years in the span of an hour and being in her early twenties already, she had died of "natural causes" before the Doctor could reverse the drug. So none of them could deny the fact that there was a very real possibility of Tony now being at least ten years younger-hard as it was to get it through their skulls.
"We must keep this information to ourselves." Ziva whispered inconspicuously, "If the press gets hold of this story, they will send Tony away to be tested. This is not something to belittle, after all."
The three agents nodded simultaneously in silent agreement.
"I'm going to get Tony back from the paramedics, bring him to Ducky and Abby-not a word about this to anyone else at the office gets out." Gibbs enforced, as he walked off to see how Tony was fairing with the two fussing paramedics.
As soon as he saw his senior field agent sitting on the egde of that ambulance, looking oh so small in an oversized Armani suit jacket, a white dress shirt, and black slacks, while the paramedics poked and prodded him, Gibbs felt a fierce need to protect Tony. He swiftly walked over to the ambulance and announced, "I'll be taking my agent, now." with a finality that dared either paramedic to argue.
Tony's face showed an infinite amount of gratitude towards the older man, as he stood up on shaky legs. He nearly made a face-plant on the ground, had Gibbs not caught him just in time. Tonys' grip on his Boss was desperate and tight. "Gibbs," He whispered, not sounding like himself at all. "Something's wrong with me." big, round green eyes looked up at Gibbs, pleading for an explanation.
Gibbs put his arm around his shoulder-finding it so odd that his senior field agent wasn't in the same height range as he, when he did-and pulled him close as they neared the van, where three concerned special agents waited, "We're going to take you to Ducky; McGee got a sample of whatever chemical exploded in there-we're going to figure this out and get you back to normal, DiNozzo." he promised, squeezing his shoulder in what he hoped was comforting gesture.
A/N: BTW, I know you're all "What? This is teenagedDiNozzo, not BabyTony!" But I'm gonna' get to that in later chapters! Reviews would be AWESOME. (seriously...button's right there...just click it. You know you want to. You know I want you to. You know I know you know I want you to...So do it. :D)