![]() Author has written 15 stories for Harry Potter, Naruto, Anime X-overs, Death Note, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Hellsing, Fairy Tail, Gintama, and Final Fantasy VII. Name: Some people know me in real life -_-;;. Just call me Khorale. Gender: I'm a girl. 5/21/20 Suuuup. I've been jumping fandoms kind of quickly and at this point I'm wondering if I can stay in one long enough to even write something... Hopefully soon. Hopefully. Status of Ongoing Stories: 1. Khorale's Collection of treasure (KCoT) Nope. Nothing for this one. 2. Negotiations (N) Will I ever finish this? Uh... don't count on it. 3. Vongola: Home of the Crazies (V:HotC) Just not in this fandom right now. 4. Little B (LB) Same as above. 5. More Than One Way to Redemption (MTOWtR) Got something started. Link to the magazine pages mentioned in Chapter 5 Omake: http:///post/125270744827/mtowtr-omake-is-out Hilarious quotes from various stories done by other people: "Angry clowns are going to take over the universe?" Naomi's nightmare was becoming more real by the moment and Mr. Snuggles was at the heart of all of it, "And Beyond Birthday will break out of prison and become God Emperor?" "…Yes." Light paused and then adjusted his statement, "Except for Beyond Birthday being God Emperor, I will be God Emperor." Naomi sighed in relief, "Well you as God Emperor isn't so bad, I mean at least then you wouldn't try to turn the known universe into jam filled anime convention." Light paused again and then said, "Are you more likely to follow my schemes if Beyond Birthday is God Emperor?" Naomi wondered if not answering would allow Light to assume she had said yes, of course if she said no he'd instantly know she was lying… "On second thought Beyond Birthday will be the God Emperor." All You Need is Love by The Carnivorous Muffin "Ushishishsi, Xanxus is a devil…." Belphegor commented. "This is tiring…" Mammon said. "Tiring? You are not even running! You are floating!" Squalo exclaimed. "Ahhh what did I do to deserve this…" Lussuria sighed. "Mukuro's kisses are much better than this!" Fran suddenly exclaimed. All of the Varia automatically stopped when they heard this as they looked at Fran with their mouths wide open. Varia:Off Mission by deadly-chronicles "We were playing a game. One in which someone says a word and another must say whatever comes to mind." Maxwell and Integra nodded in unison, familiar with the game. Alucard gestured towards the quieting vampire. "The Police Girl was the one saying the word, and Father Anderson's turn had come, so she said 'Puppy' and his response…caused the uproar." "What did he say?" Integra narrowed her eyes at the absurdity of the conversation, but she was somewhat curious now, as movement told her Anderson had started walking towards the door. "Well…" Alucard smiled, watching the paladin leave. "The Police Girl said 'Puppy' and our dear priest replied 'Alucard'." Word Play by death-in-the-orchard Rule # 69 of being Sawada Tsunayoshi: If he thinks a situation couldn't possibly get any more bizarre, one Rokudo Mukuro will always find new and exciting ways to prove him wrong. "Tsuna..." Dino whispers, fear palpable in his voice. "Your crazy mist guardian is seducing my turtle." You and Me Baby, Ain't Nothing But Mammals by Lady Androgene A dark hallway loomed before her and a tall man was walking towards its end. In his hands he held two brooms, and in his mouth a third. As he moved, he swept. And with each stroke of the three brooms, the darkness spread. What a strange dream it was. In fact, the man with the brooms looked rather familiar... "It's the Pirate Hunter Zoro!" "He's in our base, sweeping our floors!" "THE FIEND!" Yes. It really was a very strange dream. Though A Bird Can't Fly, That Doesn't Mean It Never Will by Phalanx Itachi's eyes opened in realization. "You must be the Cock Rider." Everyone face-faulted. The blonde Akatsuki quickly picked himself up. "I told you many times that it was just how we called a rooster in the Land of Earth! Hmm! And now you'll pay for the humiliation that I suffered!" Itachi waved him off. "Listen, man. You're the one that pulled out your giant..." And he used finger quotations as he said, "Cock and mounted it. Then you tried to chase me with your Cock while throwing this off-white substance that you carried in that sack. You also kept saying that you wanted a big explosion while riding your Cock." A huge tick mark appeared on the blonde Akatsuki's head. He looked over at his partner and saw him visibly shaking while one arm covered his mouth. He grit his teeth and heard the snickering coming from the others in the room. He stomped his foot in anger and glared at Itachi Uchiha who looked at him with an aloof and cool look. "Why you-" "You're obviously not the boss around here." Itachi waved him off before he could start another threat. "It's clear to me that you're just some sort of road block that we'll have to plow through. Do me a favor and run along and bring Deidara." "Hmm! I am Deidara, you asshole! Hmm!" Itachi shook his head. "That name doesn't suit you. Somehow, I think you will survive this encounter and annoy us some more later on. Sasuke, what is a good name for him?" The younger Uchiha placed an appraising eye on the one called Deidara. "I think we should call him 'Mid-Boss'." "Very well. You're new name is Mid-Boss." Deidara screamed at their audacity. "MY NAME IS DEIDARA! HMM! You assholes!" "Whatever you say, Mid-Boss." The Lazy Uchiha by Hibiki54 Coolly murderous eyes regarded him. "Harry Potter." "I am so, so honoured to meet you!" The dark eyes widened, shocked surprise replacing deadly threat. "Your son has been telling me all about you," Harry gushed on, hardly even knowing what was coming out of his mouth but just talking as fast as possible. "But of course I knew about you all before then, everyone knows about you, the great Lucius Malfoy! The most honoured laureate of all the House of Slytherin, I've been thinking about trying to get into Slytherin House myself just because I heard you were in it as a child -" "What are you saying, Mr. Potter?" came a near-scream from outside the shop, and Professor McGonagall burst in a second later. There was such pure horror on her face that Harry's mouth opened automatically, and then blocked on nothing-to-say. "Professor McGonagall!" cried Draco. "Is it really you? I've heard so much about you from my father, I've been thinking of trying to get Sorted into Gryffindor so I can -" "What?" bellowed Lucius Malfoy and Professor McGonagall in perfect unison, standing side-by-side. Their heads swivelled to look at each other in duplicate motions, and then the two recoiled from one another as though performing a synchronised dance. There was a sudden flurry of action as Lucius seized Draco and dragged him out of the shop. And then there was silence. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by Less Wrong Pepper watched in amusement as Tony pulled out a Stark Phone, took a picture, and sent it to Cap. It had taken a few months, but Tony had finally made Steve understand the ins and outs of his own matching phone. This was confirmed minutes later when he received a three-letter response: lol! "I'm surprised he even knows what 'lol' means," Pepper commented, looking over Tony's shoulder. "Well, I wouldn't say that exactly." Tony bit back a smirk as he slipped his phone back into his jacket pocket. "He... may or may not be under the impression that 'lol' means 'lots of love'." Pepper arched an eyebrow but looked less than surprised. "And when do you plan on telling him otherwise?" "After he uses it in some horrifically manner?" Pepper sighed and shook her head the way she always did when she was amused but did not want to encourage Tony's antics. Just to verify, she sent Steve a message that read: my grandmother just died. His response: lol :( Nine lives by MaverikFlame "Cake is made of..." He glanced fearfully at Hatori. "F-L-O-U-R." L's eyes went wide and without a word he threw the plate away from himself. He ran over to the sink and spit out all the cake that was still in his mouth, frantically sticking his head under the faucet and rinsing out his mouth, spitting again. Flour baby by Dlavvanzor "We're going to cuddle now," says Loki, and Tony's pretty sure he's never heard the word 'cuddle' uttered in such a vicious and threatening tone. "No, we're not." Loki's hand shoots forward, stopping just a fraction of an inch from grabbing Tony's throat in a claw-like grip. "Yes, we are. You can agree nicely, or I can crush your spine and paralyze you from the neck down, thereby rendering you immobile and incapable of refusal. Which would you prefer?" Are you there, God of Mischief? It's me, Tony. by fullofleaves "Sherlock this is getting kind of weird." "How so?" "We're two men, both practically naked, staring at a bowl of human testicles talking about sexual kinks." Sherlock crossed his arms over his chest and squinted at John, "Isn't that known as "guy talk"?" Seven Devils by GirlsinGlassCages “Oh,” Mukuro said, rising smoothly to his feet. “Is this how you like them nowadays, Akashi? Tall, green, and handsome? And —” his voice faltered for the first time — “carrying a large penguin…?” a study of sadism and oddly-colored eyes by onymouse Every now and then Hisoka would somehow accumulate mass amounts of sausage and grill them until they charred black. He would invite Illumi over to feel them. One by one. It was only ever the two of them. Is this... friendship? Is this what Killua wants? To feel Gon's grilled sausage? Sausage by Rupert How cruel life is, thinks Akashi distantly as he carries the container out to the common dining room, filled with basketball club members who chorus a greeting that goes unacknowledged. He gathers his breakfast and eats it with Tetsuya's dead body in front of his plate to reprimand himself. How fragile and how transient. How could he have been so careless with Tetsuya? Surely there was some way he could prevented this outcome. Akashi And Other Animals by half_sleeping “Sam, I hear where you’re coming from. It’s gonna be gruesome, and it’s not really the win any of us imagined,” said Steve, with the full on Cap voice, what the fuck. He threw an arm back around Barnes' shoulders and reeled Sam in with his other arm and squeezed, wow, sort of tightly. “But I will do anything—anything—not to lose all of you again. I will go up Thanos’s butt myself, if I have to.” let's keep our eyes on the cracks by napricot "So, we have two facts. The first is that the Lifestream is located somewhere in the centre of the planet. The second is that the planet's core, or centre, if you will, is made of chocolate." "Right." "So, logically, if everything comes from the Lifestream, and goes back to the Lifestream, aren't we all just made of chocolate?" There was a crashing sound as Cloud dropped whatever he had been holding. "I think that might the most profound thing anyone has ever said, Sephiroth." Zack really hoped that Cloud was being sarcastic when he said that, but from the awed tone of Cloud's voice, it seemed like he was hoping in vain. Cpl. Dansen snorted loudly and Zack shushed him. "Don't draw their attention. It's safer that way." Bake Sale by XpaperplaneX |