Author has written 20 stories for Doctor Who, Labyrinth, X-Files, Pitch Black / Riddick, Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock, Lost Boys, Greek Mythology, Shakespeare, Avengers, Bible, and Supernatural. Hello my freaky darlings! I'm a tragically bohemian student of literature, and no, you needn't know my name :) I expect to be quite active on this lovely website of yours and you should see me dabbling in varying fandoms. I moonlight as a Beta-reader and I'm always looking for someone to advise. As everyone knows, reviews are love and I'm open to various challenges and suggestions. May the muse smile upon you all, -DaughterOfStarlight *NEWS BLURB* Hey, motor babies, just a heads up. I have deleted my Dark Knight fic, Daughter of Chaos, simply beacuse it was taking up space, was mediorcre at best, and I really had no intention of finishing it out. For those of you who enjoyed the exploits of Jennica, I am sorry. For the rest, I assure you the world is a better place. My other fics in all fandoms are alive and well, though, and I intend to keep it that way. Regards to my enemies and love to my fans, DaughterOfStarlight FAVE PAIRINGS Jareth/Sarah- Labyrinth Riddick/Jack- Chronichles of Riddick Artemis/Holly- Artemis Fowl Eleven/Amy- Doctor Who Erik/Christine- Phantom of the Opera And obviously, because there is no truer pairing on God's green earth, Fox Mulder/Dana Scully- X-files |
BeshterAngelus (43) | nothabkyou (5) |