![]() Author has written 16 stories for Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and Harry Potter. Hi guys I´m obsessed with - Books - Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Harry Potter - Twilight - Hunger Games - Mythologie - Eragon Who else , please raise your Hand . ( ;) If you dream of killing a character in a book so you can go out with their boyfriend, post this in your profile. (haha...ha..) If you want to be a writer someday, copy and paste this into your profile. If you're friends think you're an idiot for going to this site on a daily basis, but you don't care cause this site rocks, copy and paste this to your profile If you spend multiple hours each day reading or writing or a combination of both...copy and paste this on your profile. If you think that Writer's Block sucks, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever pushed on a door that said pull or pulled the handle on a door that said push copy this into your profile If you've ever walked into a wall because you were looking sideways at a friend, copy this into your profile If you've ever walked into a doorway that you could've clearly dodged, you just weren't paying close enough attention, copy and paste this on your profile. If you have ever run into a door, copy this into your profile. If you have run up and down an escalator copy and paste this into your profile. If people think you are mentally insane...copy and paste this onto your profile If you've ever copied and pasted something onto your profile, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you talk back to the TV, copy this into your profile. If you love walking around in the pouring rain without an umbrella, copy this to your profile. If you think iPods were gifts from the gods copy and paste this onto your profile. (Haha, Apollo) If you have ever been the only one to think some really stupid joke was funny, copy this into your profile If someone has ever said something to you that had nothing to do with your current conversation, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever changed your password on something and forgotten it, copy and paste this into your profile. If you like smiley faces, then copy this into your profile :D If you are a total clutz copy this into your profile. If you haven't died yet, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you've ever tripped over your own feet, copy and paste this into your profile. If you've ever thought about killing someone you hate, took out the chainsaw and then realized that murder is illegal copy and paste this onto your profile If you have ever just wanted to SLAP someone, copy this onto your profile. Quotes of awesomeness You cry, I cry, you laugh, I laugh, you fall off a cliff, and I laugh even harder It takes 42 muscles to frown, 28 muscles to smile, but only 4 to reach out and slap someone Don't knock on deaths door. Ring the bell and run. He hates that Boys are like trees – they take fifty years to grow up Be yourself. That's crazy enough. They say guns don't kill people. People kill people. Well, I think guns help. I mean, if you just stood there and yelled, "BANG!" i don't think you'd kill many people Flying is not inherently dangerous- crashing is. I have animal magnetism-- when I go outside, squirrels stick to my sleeves. The trouble with real life is that there is no background music I have not lost my mind; its backed up on a disk somewhere ~Beware the letter 'G'. It is the end of everything. Forecast for tonight: darkness Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died. If everything seems to be going well, you obviously overlooked something Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall through a sewer hole and die. I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it Love your enemies. It gets them really confused. Some people are born great, some people achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. Heaven doesn't want me there and Hell knows I'll take over. Wanna know how to keep an idiot busy? Take him into a round room and tell him to sit in a corner. There is no great genius without a mixture of madness Lately the only thing keeping me from becoming a serial killer is my dislike for manual labor. PMS: Every woman's legal right to be a *. Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them as much My imaginary friend thinks you have serious problems If aliens are looking for intelligent life, why the hell are you scared?! I called your boyfriend gay and he hit me with his purse. Me and the gummy bears have a plot to rule the world but shhh its a secret! I'd like to see things from your point of view but I can't seem to get my head that far up my *! Wherever there is life there is love Boy break hearts so why don't we break their necks? Exactly how much fun can I have before I go to hell? HELL- Where all the fun people end up! ( Nico Di Angelo ) ( XD ) Some say the glass is half full, others the glass is half empty, all I want to know is who's drank my water! All people have the right to stupidity but some people abuse the privilege. Life isn't about the number of breaths we take, but the moments that take our breath away. Like choking. Come to the dark side. We have cookies. Being weird is like being normal, only better. ╔══╗ ╔╗╔═╦╗ Put this in your profile ╔══╦╦╦╦╦╗╔╦═╦╦╦══╗ / (\_/) PUT THIS ON YOUR PROFILE If you're a Demigod copy this into your profile and sign yourname Clarissa Jackson Shorty/Kris KG/Lizzy Wisegirl101/Lindsay WiseOne27 SeaweedBrain013/Sebz CloudyAlore/Faye XxxBeLLxXxGiRlxxX76/Bells xXthe shadow huntressxX annapercy1 Hula The New Ace of Spies 7Cerberus7 Storyteller-221/Kali Lennor AthenaPersephone14 Laserfire JBaddict1234 SeaweedGirl1 HotChocolate in Summer/ImNotCrazyImMe WiseGirl100210 The Percy Jackson pledge: I promise to remember Percy MY ADDITION TO THAT POEM: I promise to remember The Stolls NORMAL PEOPLE: rely on their local weatherman for the weather forecast PJO FANS:will tell Zeus to make it rain NORMAL PEOPLE: say OMG!
NORMAL PEOPLE: go to a psychiatrist to tell their feelings
NORMAL PEOPLE: say shut up or i'll tell on you! PJO FANS: say shut up or my godly parent will vaporize you! NORMAL PEOPLE: think that PJO fans are stupid PJO FANS: know that normal people are stupid NORMAL PEOPLE: when being chased yell HELP ME SOMEBODY!
NORMAL PEOPLE: get nervous/scared during thunderstorms PJO FANS: yell at Zeus to calm down NORMAL PEOPLE: would choose somewhere sunny to go for vacation PJO FANS: would try and find Camp Half Blood NORMAL PEOPLE:don't have this on their profile PJO FANS: MUST have this on their profile! some favorite sayings-you can't spend enough time with someone when you know your dying, dying is the easy part; living is the hard part 92 percent American teens would die if Abercrombie and Fitch told them it was uncool to breathe. Copy this into your profile if you would be in the 8 percent laughing their butts off at the others. Ninety-Five percent of teenagers are concerned about being popular. If you are part of the five percent who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list: Queen S of Randomness 016, Queen B of Randomness 016, AnimieKittyCaffe, The Gypsy Pirate Queen, That Bloody Demon, The Astrology Nerd, Shadow929, Crazy Billie Joe Loving Freak, Yavie Aelienel, Hyperactively Bored, Spymaster E, Shanny-Boo, Gem W, Brown-eyed angelofmuisc, piratesswriter/fairy to be, Bara-Minamoto, Em Quagmire, Buffy the Mary-Sue Slayer, Harry's Girl 01031992, Dawn over the Valley, Captain Samantha Lovegood, LilyGinnyBlack, Lilyre, Hermione16, iLoVeMoOnYnPaDfOot, Someone aka Me,Yourcool79, Give up your Prejudices, MyNameIsCAB, Shatchi, LE Trex, ImmaBeatYouWithaCrowbar, emotionalpoemgirl, Battle-Royale-Hiroki, mockingjay411,Clarissa Jackson 90 percent of teens would have a breakdown if Miley Cyrus was standing on the edge of a six story building. Copy this into your profile if you're part of the 10 percent yelling JUMP!! 90 of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10 that would be laughing/hacked the site in the first place, copy and paste this to your Profile. This is weird, but interesting! If you Nerds are cool. Nerds are smart. Nerds will one day rule the universe. If you're a nerd and proud of it, copy this into your profile. 93 percent of American teens would have a severe emotional breakdown if someone called them a freak. If your part of the 7 percent that would ask the person "what was your first clue?" copy this onto your profile then add your name to the list:Sunlit Goddess of the C.O.C.A, Moonlit Goddess of the C.O.C.A.,Evil Genus of the C.O.C.A., Invador Miley Phantom, dAnnYsGiRl777, BloodySalvation, Lady Lost-A-Lot, BellaBookworm9, Bella Masen Cullen, Vampire Scooby, Alannaswarrior, Spottedlilly, Alleyanna Cullen, hugs.for.all.the.emo.boyz, I'll have some stupid Cliche, rainxface, maximumride24,FangsGirl24601, A Silenced Angel, UNDERLANDERfromtheOVERLAND, sunshine2006578, SareRide9, Battle-Royale-Hiroki, mockingjay411, Clarissa Jackson I am the girl that doesn't go to school dances, or games, and when I do go, I sit in a corner and read a book. I am the girl that people look through when I say something. I am the girl that spends most of her free time reading, writing, or doing other activities that most teenagers wouldn't call normal. I am the girl that people call weird and a freak either behind my back or to my face. I am the girl that doesn't spend all her time on MySpace, or talking to a girlfriend on a cell phone or regular phone. I am the girl that hasn't been asked out in a year. I am the girl that has stopped to smell the flowers and jump and splash in the rain. BUT I am also the girl who knows and is proud to be who she is, doesn’t care if people call her weird (it's a compliment), who loves reading and writing and doing the things that no one seems to have the time to do any more, who loves and is obsessed with the Hunger games and Maximum Ride, who can express herself better with words than actions, who doesn't need a guy to complete her, and knows the importance of the little things. Copy and paste this onto your account, and add your name to the list, if you are anything like me, so the girls who are different and unique can know in their weakest time that they are unique but not alone: Iheartjake, TeamJacob101, Boysareadrag, The Dawn Is Breaking, twilite addict, The Lonely Teenager, AliceDaSpaz, Skittle.Rocke, Silent_Broken_Heart, St. Fang of Boredom, flyaway111, physics chick, CrazyNerdyFangirl, ColorTheSky, Mockingjay411, Clarissa Jackson If you're obsessed with PJO like me, copy this into your profile. If at least once a week, someone misspells or mispronounces your last name wrong...copy and paste to your profile If ANY class kills all of your self-esteem, copy this into your profile. Recent studies show that 92 percent of teenagers have moved on to rap. If you're part of the 8 percent that hasn't, put this in your profile If you have ever just wanted to SLAP someone, copy this onto your profile. If your a danger magnet like Arya and me (means when your in trouble 9 times out of ten it's not your fault) copy and paste in profile If you think Edward Cullen in a creepy stalker, copy and paste this onto your profile. XD If you ever read past two in the morning, copy and paste this to your profile. "You've got as much charm as a dead slug" -Haymitch (the Hunger Games) by Suzanne Collins "you and a syringe against the capital. see this is why no one lets you make the plans" "May the odds be ever in your favor." -Effie (the hunger games)by Suzanne Collins " I hate this language. It changes too often!" -Zoe (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, 3rd book)by Rick Riordan "I want to use the dam water fountain," -Grover (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, 3rd book)by Rick Riordan "Didn't they start the Trojan War and get thousands of people killed?" Percy (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, 4th book)by Rick Riordan "Fnick" PERCABETH FOREVER!! (see above) IF YOU HATE PRACHEL, COPY AND PASTE THIS ONTO YOUR PROFILE. LONG LIVE THE GODS!! Hunger Games pleage : I promise to remember Rue When mockingbirds’ songs wake me I’ll think of Foxface every time I eat a strange new berry If my little sister pets a goat I promise to think of Prim And if my best friend acts depressed Then Gale; I’ll think of him When I toss some wood in the fire I’ll think of Katniss every time And I’ll always think of Peeta When my birthday cake’s sublime The Capitol will cross my mind When someone is unfair I’ll be sure to think of Clove Each time I pretend to care I’ll always think of Glimmer If someone’s pretty, but a dunce And Thresh will occupy my mind If I spare someone, something... Once Whenever I watch a reality show I will think of the Hunger Games I’ll sure imagine Haymitch If someone calls me names I swear to think of Cato When I’m homicidally inclined I’ll make sure I think of Effie When there’s nothing on my mind I swear to remember the Hunger Games And Catching Fire too It’s important to think of the characters But they’re NOT mine (So, Collins, don’t sue!) If you've ever wondered what you're like in another dimension...copy and paste this into your profile (It's actually a lot of fun! Wondering, I mean. Not copy-pasting.) If you love to sadistically torture your favorite characters in your stories, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you feel the need to read through someone's profile even when you don't know them, copy and paste this into your profile. ╔══╦══╦══╗ I have been diagnosed Random ideas from Pj Percy: Go To Tartarus Kronos: Been There Done That Athena: Get lost kelp head suddenly a wave appeared from no where, full of kelp and dumped itself on Athena Poseidon: Who's the Kelp head now Stupid Warnings: This is a list of all the stupid warnings on the products most of us use daily. 1. Children's Asprin: Warning: Keep Away From Children 2. Peanuts: Warning: Product May Contain Nuts 3. Curling Iron: Warning: Do not use while sleeping 4. Candle: Warning: Warning, A burning candle is fire 5. Frozen Pizza: Warning: Do not eat before cooking 6. Blanket from Taiwan: Warning: Not To Be Used As Protection From A Tornado (Now what am I going to use???) 7. Frisbee: Warning: May Contain Small Parts 8. Butcher Knife: Warning: Keep Out of Children 9. Railroad Sign: Warning: Beware! To touch these wires is instant death. Anyone found doing so will be prosecuted. 10. Hair Coloring: Warning: Do not use as an ice cream topping 11. Dial Soap: Warning: Use like regular soap (And how do I do that???) 12. Sleeping Pills: Warning: May Cause Drowsiness 13. Puzzle: Warning: Some Assembly Required 14. Japanese Food Processor: Warning: Not to be used for the other use (Now I am curious...) 15. Korean Kitchen Knife: Warning: Not to be used in Children (hmm..something must have gotten lost in the translation..) 16. On Sears hairdryer: Do not use while sleeping. (Gee, that's the only time I have to work on my hair!) 17. On a bag of Fritos: You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside. (The shoplifter special!) 18. On a bar of Dial soap: Directions: Use like regular soap. (and that would be how?) 19. On some Swann frozen dinners: Serving suggestion: Defrost. (But it's 'just' a suggestion!) (Wait! That goes against #5!) 20. On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert: (printed on bottom of the box) Do not turn upside down. (Too late! you lose!) 21. On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding: Product will be hot after heating. (Are you sure? Let's experiment.) 22. On packaging for a Rowenta iron: Do not iron clothes on body. (But wouldn't that save more time?)Whose body?) 23. On Boot's Children's cough medicine: Do not drive car or operate machinery. (We could do a lot to reduce the construction accidents if we just kept those 5 year olds off those fork lifts.) 24. On Nytol sleep aid: Warning: may cause drowsiness. (One would hope!) 25. On a string of Christmas lights: For indoor or outdoor use only. (As opposed to use in outer space. You know them astronauts...they just love the holidays!) 26. On a food processor: Not to be used for the other use. (Now I'm curious.) 27. On Sainsbury's peanuts: Warning: contains nuts. (but no peas?) 28. On an American Airlines packet of nuts: Instructions: open packet, eat nuts. (somebody got paid big bucks to write this one...) 29. On a Swedish chainsaw: Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands. (Raise your hand if you've tried this.) 30. On a child's Superman costume: Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly. (WHAT! I was so looking forward to showing my friends!) HOW TO TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FRIENDS! A good friend would visit you in jail. A best friend would be right next to you saying "HOLY CRAP! That was awesome!" A good friend would lend you an umbrella. A best friend would take yours and say "RUN! RUN! (evil laugh) RUN!" A good friend wouldn't be mean to you. A best friend would have the dignity to laugh behind your back. A good friend would review your stories and give you friendly critisism. A best friend would have the courage to say: "This sucked." ████████████ 1000 Percy Jackson fan! (¯v´¯)(¸.•´ Percy Annabeth~~ (¸.•´ .¸ •Forever•.¸••.) «´¨• Lightning Thief •´¨» ´•.¸(•.¸ ¸.•´)¸.•´ «´¨• Sea of Monsters•´¨» ´•.¸(•.¸ ¸.•´)¸.•´ «´¨• Titan's Curse•´¨» ´•.¸(•.¸ ¸.•´)¸.•´ «´¨•Battle of the Labyrinth•´¨» ´•.¸(•.¸ ¸.•´)¸.•´ «´¨•Last Olympian•´¨» P Chuck Norris Facts: Percabeth Style Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Percabethtatorship. There are no steroids in baseball. Just the power of Percabeth. A picture is worth a thousand words. A Percabeth moment is worth 1 billion words. When taking the SAT, write "Percabeth" for every answer. You will score over 8000. RickRiordan once worked as a weatherman for the San Diego evening news. Every night he would make the same forecast: Partly cloudy with a 100 chance of Percabeth. If at first you don't succeed, you're not a Percabeth shipper. As President Roosevelt said: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself. And pairings that go against Percabeth." In a fight between Batman and Darth Vader, the winner would be Percabeth. He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword. He who lives by Percabeth never dies. To be or not to be? That is the question. The answer? Percabeth. All roads lead to Percabeth. And by the transitive property, total awesomeness. There’s an order to the universe: space, time, Percabeth... Just kidding, Percabeth is first. There are two types of people in the world... people that suck, and Percabeth shippers. Only Percabeth can prevent forest fires. The pen is mighter than the sword, but only if the pen is held by a Percabeth shipper .Most people know that Descarte said, "I think, therefore I am." What most people don't know is that that quote continues, "...a Percabeth shipper." He, who laughs last, laughs best. He who laughs at Percabeth … dies. People have often asked the United States, What is your secret weapon against terrorists? We simply reply...Percabeth. The active ingredient in Red Bull is Percabeth juice. Some people say that Percabeth is a myth. Those "some people" are now dead Things Learned From Percy Jackson 1. When in doubt, find the dam snack bar-The Titans Curse Know You're Obsessed with PJO When... •You go to the Empire State Building and you ask for the 600th Floor. Oh, I just might try that! •There’s a thunderstorm going on and you scream, "CALM DOWN, ZEUS!" No. I don't believe in this kind of stuff. But, I might do it for fun! Every time you use the Internet, you thank Hermes. Sometimes When you see Harry Potter, you think of Percy with glasses Um, ick. You burn food to see if it smells good. (NO) You see an owl, you go, "Hi Athena!" Lovely little thing called Irony. I was reading greek myths and I commented about Athena's overeaction to Arachne. Then, an owl hooted. You’re in a running/swimming race and you’re praying and sacrificing to Hermes/Poseidon. CRAZY! •You think that your favorite singer is a child of Apollo. (maybe...) Someone close to you dies and you give them money just in case… (hell no... or should I say Hades no) Everyone else is creating a Twilightfamily and you create a PJO family. (I want to, but I'm like the only PJO fan at school...) You go on a cruise and you hope the boat isn’t The Princess Andromeda… You’re on a boat and you pray that Poseidon is in a good mood. (Whenever I'm on a boat I pray that I won't get seasick) You’re in the air (hang-gliding, cliff-diving, bungee jumping, flying, in a plane, etc.) and you hope Zeus is in a good mood and won’t blast you out of the air. You go to Aunty Em’s and say you’re camera shy. (Is that a real place?) You find your true love and thank Aphrodite for sending him/her to you. (lets just hope he/she stays with you!) You think George Bush is a son of Ares. Bring a blue plastic hairbrush with you everywhere. (_ i don't even have a blue plastic hairbrush) When it gets really cold randomly, blame Kronos. You get a Greek mythology calendar for Christmas. (my parents would'nt let me...) You get really mad at Hades when a family member dies. You sometimes try to control water. (water? i tried telekinesis not aquokinesis) You don't read anything but PJO for 3 months. (with school and all that might be hard.) •You've gone to Google maps and looked up Camp Half-Blood’s address (Yep! it does't work *sad face*) Even though not diagnosed, you claim you have ADHD or dyslexia and blame it You yell "Annabeth!" everytime you see a NY Yankees hat. You make the PJO characters on Sims, as Miis on the Wii, and other video •Anytime you see an orange shirt, you look at the front of it to see if it is •You are a PJO character for Halloween. (i'm planning to dress up as Zoë) •Recite lines randomly from the books. (Sounds... fun...) •When you see/hear about anything myhtology-related, you talk about how it Buy anything New York or San Francisco-related. (no) You are going to the Camp Half-Blood in Texas (Too far away from home so no.) You are suddenly obsessed with Adidas shoes because they have the Hermes You claim that Percy IS real and lives in New York no matter how much your friends argue with you. (Like I said before: I'm not that stupid.) •You have dreams about PJO characters/events (Well, there was this one... but it was PJO and HP) •You carry a ballpoint pen in your pocket (I sometimes carry a pen in my pocket.) That everytime you pick up a pen, you think it'll turn into a sword. (Third time now: I'm not that stupid) Everytime you play dodgeball, you bring a suit of armor. (Where can I find one?) You go to San Fransisco looking for the Old Sea Man. You find yourself praying to Poseidon for rain. Whenever your internet slows down, you yell at the sky and say "HERMES! WHY •You stuff your Harry Potter books in the back of your closet so you When someone gets married, you say: "I hope you shall not anger Hera" (No, that's too much against my religion) •In the beginning of your first History class, you burst out "Will we be You pretend (or actually) faint when someone asks "Who's Percy?" (I would freak out NOT faint) When someone mentions the name Percy (like Percy Weasley) you scream When someone dies, you pray to Hades to allow them to go across Styx for You are known to scream names of the characters at random times (No.) •You've got any copy of any book in all your backpacks/binders incase of You pray to Athena when you don’t study for a math test. (no) And when you flunk said test, you blame her irritation on Percabeth. Yes. SOME OF MY TEACHERS ARE STRICTLY PERLIA! You make a list of characters never to anger, like this one and why: You have ADHD, are diagnosed, and are convinced that you are a demigod because of this. (nopes) When you steal your friend's pen you believe it's justified because your dad is the god of thieves, and you thought it was Riptide and had to check to make sure Percy was still alive. (really?) •You write PJO fanfiction constantly, even when you're not at your computer (I do it during free period in school... only half an hour but...) When your mom grounds you from the computer, you blame it on a combination of Nemesis, Hera and Hermes' little joke. You want Hephaestus to fix your iPod when it breaks. •You give all your siblings god parents (yeah, my sis is like Zeus, Aphrodite and Apollo all in one!) You call the "Ares kids", or school bullies, Martians. (no, my school is bully free) You quiz fellow fans on the minor gods and win. You spend time doing pointless research at , just because Rick Riordan linked it on his site. You still think Thuke could happen. (NO) You plan several statements to avoid Apollo's lines and remember he's a player, should he ever hit on you, and several ways to get out of being cursed. You imagine the gods alone, and what they really do on the Superbowl (boys...) You think Percy's extended family needs extensive therapy. You want Kronos buried under Witchita, Kansas in a safe deposit toothpick box. No one will ever look there, and hopefully he'll be too tiny to bother the locals. Your mother thinks you need to get a boyfriend, as does your father to cure your obsession. You blame your little brother's desire to turn off your Internet in the middle of this review on Hermes' anger that you've joked about all of them. You imagine random unwritten PJO moments during class and laugh. When one brave soul unaware of your obsession broaches the question of why you were laughing, you try to explain. (no thanks, i have a rep to keep) They think you are nuts because you are laughing at Hades' wild card of Nico. You think of creative names for Percy besides Seaweed Brain, such as kelphead16 because his head is full of kelp and there's an 85 chance he'll die at the age of sixteen. (I'm not creative enought to) You wonder if you'll be able to drive a car come your 16, provided Percy saves the world, because of that. You know you're obsessed when you lose something, and say, "Come on Hermes! You think all the popular girls at your school are children of Aphrodite. (not really) You go on YouTube and look at PJO themes for characters (I dont like youtube) You read page 287 of BotL over and over again or say the lines in your head (what is on page 287!?!? I lost BotL by accident!) Your internet homepage is Rick Riordan's blog. (Nopes) You and your other PJO obsessed friend cracks up if any one mentions the word You and your PJO obsessed friendstart a fan club withonly you two in it. (Maybe if my friend was obbsessed with it and if I were too.) You get other people obsessed. You have constant vivid dreams about the fifth book. (Never, even though i wish that) You know exactly what someone means when they say LT, SoM, TC, BotL, PJO and •Your favorite quote of all time comes from PJO. (How did you know?) You and your friend has "diss-wars" using PJO CHARACTERS When someone dies, you give them a sack of red rubber balls for Cerberus. (not that stupid) Every time you see a guy in a wheelchair you think "Chiron!!" (too weird) •You find yourself saying things like "Oh my gods!" and "What the Hades?" (1st one no 2nd one maybe i should) •When your boyfriend dumps you, you take the oath of the hunters (i will if he does, but i have faith that he won't) When you burn yourself, you curse Hephaestus/Hestia. (nopes) You put an offering to Demeter next to your garden. (nopes again) You go up to a teacher in a wheelchair and say, "I know who you really are, Chiron…" (not that stupid... from now on when i want to say not that stupid ill just say NTS) You say "Maia!" when you are wearing basketball shoes. (NTS) You checked to make sure your principal doesn’t have a tail. (NTS) •You know which pages the good parts are on. (mostly) •You suddenly hate thunderstorms. (I always have always will) You start hearing Percabeth in every song you hear. (nopers) You started calling your dog Mrs. O’Leary. (dont have a dog) •You start figuring out who your godly parent is. (I admit it, i've tried) You never looked at a ballpoint pen the same way again. (NTS) You ask the cashier at the store if they stock Mythomagic cards. (are they even real?) You start doing pro/con lists in your head. During Math. When you’re supposed to be taking notes. (why pro and con?) Each day you check every fan site you know of for new information. You try to figure out how much food dye you need to turn chocolate chip cookies blue. (Eww) •You make references to it in school reports and/or to friends that haven’t read it. (Yes that's me!) •The first thing you ask someone when you meet them is, "Have you read PJO?" (Stalker!) You yell "Mizzenmast!" whenever you enter a boat. (NTS You curse a god/goddess a lot. (no NTS) You have one (Or more) pictures relating to PJO in your room. (sadly no) You know PJO better then most sane people. (i dont know, i havent checked) You have links to every great PJO site (not really, there are so few) You add things to the list every day You know what you would do if you were Percy (huh?) You argue with your friends about if Nico should turn evil or not. (Nico? Evil?) At least half of your friends have read all the PJO, or are going to in the very near future (oh they better!) You wish you could find a rainbow and a golden drachma to see if Iris messages work (NTS) •You give friends and youself a godly parent,(yep...) •You are trying to learn Greek kalo, yai! (heck, yeah in greek) •You keep thinking about one of the PJO books when you go on a trip. yeah You think of Percy every time you see a dark haried green-eyed boy dey (no in greek) You have an instant crush on Nico! (eww no) •You just have to research more about greek mythology (a little bit) You want to learn Latin. Οχι, αλλά γνωρίζω ελληνικά! (No, but I know GREEK!). •You copy/paste this onto your profile Nawwww... •Most of your fics are PJO related, even if it is a cross over yes •You have taken every test you can find about what demigodly parent you would/should have, and your trying to get your friends to ALL BUT TWO •You make sure all of your friends (Or most of them), have an idea about what you say when talking about PJO All but two. So sad. Sniff. Your friends (At least one), think you are obbsessed with PJO, and you agree All but TWO of my friends of obsessed with PJO. •You have one or more things related to PJO on your school stuff, and if someone asks you why, you tell them Yup! You have something on your school things (Or home things), that says 'Daughter (Or son if you're a guy) of God/goddess', and you don't even try to hide it, even if it says daughter of Name of unliked god/goddess. No way! •You’re nodding and smiling when you read this Oh my gosh, It's reading my mind! You own every single book Yes. Not saying I have all the pages, just I have bits and pieces of the stories in trashed covers. You are planning on adding a lot more things to this list Heck, yeah I do! You call yourself a demigod. I like to think that. You wish with every fibre of your being that the first page of The Lightning Theiftold the truth, and the PJO series is real. I wish. Although I am Christian. I think I could possibly be a half blood and still be a christian. You find yourself praying to a random god when you didn't study for a math test because you were too busy reading PJO. Ummmm... dey You think the TLT poster in your room is a video camera, and they are secretly watching you. I actually don't have one because the movie kind of sucked GRYFFINDOR: Thanks for reading my profile please send my a message xoxo Clarissa |