It was the winter holidays. Three boys and one girl were all that was left of the loud and boisterous Gryffindor House. The four were all in their seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The boys were currently lounging in the Gryffindor common room. One of the boys with black hair moaned, "I'm bored, Prongs. Let's do something." The second boy, hence Prongs, had hair that was also black, but his was messy and he wore glasses over mischievous hazel eyes.

He opened his mouth to reply, but never finished as a flash of bright light filled the room. The occupants of the room jumped to their feet, pulling wands out as they did so. A pounding was heard as the only girl came running down the stairs with her wand drawn as well. They pointed their wands at the small pile of people at their feet.

"What the bloody hell-!" began a tall boy with red hair and freckles. He looked about 17.

"Ron!" admonished a girl with bushy brown hair, who also looked 17 or 18, "Language!"

"But seriously, where are we?" a girl with long red hair looked around. She looked around 16 or 17. "Harry?"

A boy with messy black hair, emerald eyes, and a curious lightning shaped scar on his forehead, looking about 17, was staring at the previous occupants of the room, the three boys and the girl. "Mum? Dad? Sirius? Remus?" he whispered staring.

The four teenagers untangled themselves slowly and stood up.

"Who are you?" said the other boy sharply, the boy with sandy hair and amber eyes.

The group stood up nervously, their eyes trained on the wands pointed at them.

"Um. I'm Hermione Granger," began the girl with bushy brown hair.

"I'm Ron Weasley," the redheaded boy said.

"I'm Ginny Weasley," announced the redheaded girl, looking fearlessly at the wands.

"And I'm Harry Potter," the black haired boy with the scar finished.

"LIES!" yelled Prongs, "Me and my dad are the last Potters!"

"Um. We're from the future. Harry is your son, James." Hermione told him.

James gaped at her.

"They're lying," said the other black haired boy, Sirius, flatly.

"Sirius!" cried Harry, "I'm not lying!"

"They're not," a quiet voice said. The voice belonged to Lily Evans, a redheaded girl with green eyes just like Harry's.

"Lilypad! How do you know?" demanded Sirius.

"His eyes are just like mine. His hair is just like James's, all unruly and stuck up at the back." She said as she rolled her eyes at Sirius' use of the stupid nickname he came up with.

"I believe them," announced the sandy haired boy, Remus Lupin, "How else would they know our names, and Harry looks exactly like you James, with Lily's eyes."

Harry groaned, "I hear that waaaaayyy too often," he grumped. Hermione, Ron, and Ginny all chuckled behind their hands.

"Hey Lily. If he has your eyes and my hair, you know what that means right?" asked James wickedly.

"I expected it to happen anyway, Potter," replied Lily haughtily. Her look was spoiled when she started to laugh. She stopped abruptly. "Harry, am I a good mother?" she asked.

Harry's eyes started to prickle with unshed tears. "The best," he managed to choke out, looking at the floor. Ginny came over and put her arms around him.

Suddenly there was another bright flash of light, but smaller. A book fell and hit Sirius on the head. He toppled down.

"OW!" he yelled, rubbing the top of his head. He reached over and picked up the book. "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," He read. He looked up at Harry. "Is this book about you?"

"Probably," Ron answered for him. Harry shot Ron a grateful look.

"Let's read!" Sirius plopped down on a sofa. "What?" he asked, looking at their surprised expressions.

"I never thought I'd live to see the day when Sirius Black wants to read a book," Remus finally said. Sirius just looked hurt. He opened the book and peered inside before his face scrunched up, like he was in deep concentration.

"What's the matter?" asked Hermione, looking concerned.

"That book was published in 1997!" he said slowly, still confused.

"We are from the future," Ginny reminded him.

"Oh right, forgot about that. Dang, this is weird!" Sirius said finally obtaining comprehension

Sirius picked up the book, sat down, and was just about to open the book when Ginny asked "Is there anyone else staying here during the holidays?"

Remus spoke up "No, but the professors could pop up at anytime.

"Let's go somewhere else. We don't want to involve the professors just yet," Ron said looking at Harry, who nodded.

"You mean they're coming too?" James whined

"Yes, we will eventually add more people, it is necessary for them to understand the future from where we come-"

"Ok, Hermione, I think they get it" Harry said laughing as he watched James and Sirius' mouths drop open in shock

"It- it's another Moony! Is that even possible? One Moony is enough..but two Moonys? It's the end or the world, there are too many smart people!"

"James dear?"

"Yes Lily flower?"

"Shut up."

"Yes dear."

By this time, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny were all on the floor having collapsed from laughing so hard and Sirius and Remus weren't far behind. Finally, when they could all breathe, James led them out of the portrait hole and to the hallway with a tapestry depicting Barnabas the Barmy getting clubbed by a troll in a tutu.

"Why are we here?" asked Lily. Everyone ignored her.

We need a place where no one can find us… we need a place where we won't be disturbed… we need a place where we can read a book in peace…

An ornate door appeared on the blank wall. They entered to find an almost exact copy of the Gryffindor common room.

"Wow! Where are we?" asked Lily, looking around in wonder.

"Welcome to the Room of Requirement, also known as the Come and Go Room," announced James proudly. James took Lily's hand and they sat next to each other on a sofa. Ron, Hermione took a sofa as well. Harry sat in an armchair and Ginny sat on the arm. Remus and Sirius sat in separate armchairs. Once everyone was settled comfortably, Sirius grabbed the book.

"Is everyone ready for storytime?" he asked in his "kindergarten teacher" voice. Everyone rolled their eyes.


"Yes Lilypad?"

"Read or I will take that book from you."

"Yes Lilypad."

"Here we go!" Siriussaid excitedly, cracking open the book.

A/N: Ok, so this is my first story, and it is a Reading the books series. I love these so much, so when I saw that Kirby1234 abandoned hers, I asked to pick it up and she agreed. Review please and tell me how I'm doing! I won't know what to fix if you won't tell me.

~Jasmine Indigo Sappihhra~