A/N – A big thank you to my beta Rina ;)
Harry wasn't sure he was able to face the results of the scan. He sat in his room taking deep breathes as Fred, George and Ginny tried to soothe him. Suddenly Maddy appeared in the doorway. Harry looked up expectantly.
"You have guests, Mr. Potter," she announced.
"Okay, thanks. Who is it?" Harry asked, chewing his lip in the hope it wasn't anybody important.
"A Miss Hermione Granger and a Mr. Ronald Weasley," Maddy said kindly.
"Oh, good. Can you please send them in?" Harry questioned.
"Of course. You are allowed in now," Maddy informed two people waiting outside the door.
"Hey, Harry," Ron greeted in a cheerful voice. Harry tried not to scowl, why did these two see so unnatural around him – was it because they too thought him to be fragile, an object which might break by their mere touch? Was it because they could no longer look up to him? Was it because they saw who he really was? A freak, a burden.
"Hullo," Harry replied, his voice dull.
"Oh, Harry, we've been so worried about you!" Hermione exclaimed. She looked as if she was about to fling herself onto him, but decided not to.
"I'm fine." Harry retorted.
"You should have told us earlier mate," Ron began but Harry had had enough.
"Told you earlier?" he spat. "Why Ron? So you could stare at me? So you could finally see me for the freak I really am?"
"Harry, don't say-" Hermione began, but Ron cut her off,
"No, so we could help you!" he exclaimed in frustration.
"Well a damn lot of help you've been!" Harry yelled. "While I've been stuck on my own all summer with no news and you have no idea what other rubbish, you have been sitting cozy! But ohh if I told you you could have helped? Well I'm sorry! Yet again it is all my fault!"
"No, Harry we didn't mean it like-" Hermione tried to intervene.
"Didn't mean it like that? Well that's what it sounded like to me."
"Harry, mate, calm-"
"Don't you dare tell me to calm down!" Harry shouted, launching himself at Ron. Fred and George, who had been trying to let the trio work this out themselves grabbed Harry. This made him thrash more violently, panic feeding his anger.
"Ginny, get Jason," Fred gasped. Ginny nodded silently and fled down the corridor. Moments later she returned with a hurried looking Jason at her side.
"Harry, it's okay, nobody here means you harm. You are safe. I am your Healer remember? Jason? Yes, that's it Harry." Jason stood to the side of Harry, his arms steadily wrapping firmly around his body, offering a comforting pair of strong arms. Ron just stood there looking shocked that his best friend had tried to attack him – and a little bit frightened.
Harry's body fell stiff as Jason sent calming magic into him, sitting him on the foot of the bed.
"Feeling better?" he asked kindly. Harry looked straight ahead of him, his eyes glassy.
"Can they leave please?" Harry's tone was soft, stiff and scared.
"Of course Harry," Jason said calmly, gesturing for Ron and Hermione to leave – they quickly complied. Jason pretended not to notice the deep sigh and the sudden relax in Harry's muscles after they left – nor the few tears sparkling in his eyes. "Do you want come to my office Harry?" Harry gave a small nod, allowing himself to be lead to him healers office.
"I'm sorry," Harry blurted out once the door had been firmly shut.
"Why?" Jason watch Harry as he sifted uncomfortably.
"Because I was rude and I shouldn't have shouted," he mumbled.
"Why did you shout?"
"I was angry." Harry felt a blush rise in his cheeks as he admitted it. He wasn't just angry at Ron and Hermione – he was furious.
"And why were you angry Harry?" Jason questioned softly, peering into the thin, haunted face.
"Because they are scared of me...and they see me for the freak I really am," Harry confessed, although no shame came with his last few words. Jason's stomach contorted in anger – who would have told a child that he was a freak? Who would have burnt it into him? What sort of people were these animals? But he masked his face into one of calm comfort.
"You, Harry, are no freak nor are you a burden. I know it shall be hard but you must remember that. Hermione and Ron do not believe that, the other Weasley's do not believe that and I most certainly do not believe that. You too must not believe it. Hermione and Ron are your best friend, Harry. They have stuck with you through thick and thin – you were meant to be there for each other and you are. Harry you must understand this is so much for them to comprehend at the moment. They have been thrown into a situation they don't understand. They do not know the extent of your abuse-"
"I wasn't abused." Harry stated flatly.
"Harry, you must learn to accept what happened to you. It wasn't your fault, but pushing your friends out of your life wont help. They don't know how to handle this, they don't know how you feel, I don't even know how you feel and even though you might see this as a reason to push everyone away, it isn't. Being alone isn't nice, Harry, you don't need to protect yourself any more. Everyone around you wants to help you, nobody will use anything you say or do against you. Can you trust me on that?"
Harry's emerald orbs calculated, wondering what to do, whether he should trust this man.
"Okay," he finally murmured.
"Thank you, Harry. Now do you want to know the results of your tests?"
"Yeah," Harry, almost inconspicuously to the untrained eye, leaned forward.
"First we will go over the memory test, the one with the objects. Your recall was a little below average, but because of your experiences and the stress you have been under –which is an awful lot for a fifteen year old boy– that is to be expected. What struck me most however, is the objects you remembered: broken cup, the cracked plate, the wand, the butter knife, the Quidditch magazine and the book. I have a small theory for these choices but I have no factual evidence or former theories that give it any base of truth. Can you guess my theory Harry?"
"No..." Harry looked thoroughly bewildered at this point.
"My theory is that the objects you chose meant something to you. You linked them to experiences unconsciously. A broken cup and cracked plate, may be a reason you have been punished in the past. The wand, your first link to the wizarding world, the first place you ever felt accepted. The knife, an object you could feel threatened by. The Quidditch magazine and book, links to things you love, Quidditch and Hogwarts." Silently Jason added, Ron and Hermione, but he knew not to bring that subject up right now.
"Oh, well right then, congratulations?" Harry's tone was questioning, as if he were confused on what to say next.
"Yes, well, onto the next test," Jason supplied, breaking the awkward silence between them. Harry shifted nervously in his seat. This was what had been worried about. "It showed an extensive list of injuries that you have sustained over your lifetime, all of which I am sure you were aware of at the time and also it showed this," Jason pulled out two scans, both of which looked like Harry's brain. "This shows a clouded area, that is signals which we have set our scanners to make when there is a worrying area in the brain," Harry looked horrified.
"You mean I'm brain damaged?" He whispered in shock.
"No, nothing as serious as that, it just was showing us you will need extra tutoring to help keep up in lessons and to go over work because that part of your brain was traumatized while you were a child. Would you except that Harry?"
"Yeah. So long as Malfoy doesn't know."
A/N- Yes I know it has taken me months to update and all I have done is a measly chapter, but I have just had absolutely no inspiration to help me write, I just didn't know what to do. I am so sorry! I cannot promise regular updates but reviews and ideas do help because it was looking over all your reviews and comments which made me actually get writing another chapter. I know I don't particularly deserve it but comments, reviews and ideas would be highly appreciated. Thank you for sticking with me