Hey! Sry! This first chapter sucks, but I waz tired when I wrote it, and didn't feel like rewriting it! Sry! The nxt one will b better! And, also, the characters might b a little OOC, but I couldn't make it any other way. Besides, I hate making Hades all angry, and mean! What if he's a nice guy?

Disclaimer: I don't own PJO. If I did, I wouldn't have made Bianca die. Oh! SO sad! Anyways, on with the story! ;)

Thalia's POV

It was a peaceful day at Camp-Half-Blood. Birds were chirping, naiads were weaving baskets in the lake, and nymphs were running from satyrs. Perfectly calm. And do you know what that means? Something strange is about to happen. Something very strange indeed. See, when you're a demigod, nothing can ever be calm. Well, not unless something weird is going to happen.

All through the day, I felt nervous. I couldn't concentrate during my sword fighting class, and kept dropping my blade. And by dinner, I felt like I would explode.

"Thalia?" Said a voice from in front of me. I jumped, and pulled out my spear, pointing it at a very surprised looking Jason.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, backing away.

I sighed with relief, and put away my weapon. "Sorry. You scared me."

"Why do you seem so nervous?" He asked as we sat down at the Zeus table. "You've been like that all day."

Before I could reply, a bright light filled the dining pavilion. And when it cleared, I saw the entire Olympian Council (including Hades) standing before us. Everyone stared wide-eyed, completely forgetting about their dinner.

Zeus cleared his throat to get everyone's attention (not that he didn't have that already) and began to speak. "Due to some… erm… difficulties-"

"Oh please!" Hera interrupted. "There are no difficulties!" Then she faced the camp. "The gods and I are all going on vacation, and we need you to watch over our pets."

All at once, the campers groaned.

"Oh come on!" Artemis stepped forward. "It's only for the summer! Besides! You might like having pets! And also, they're godly pets which means they can do things regular pets can't!"

"Like what?" Travis piped up.

"Well… they… umm…"

Ares rolled his eyes. "Ok! It doesn't matter! Just watch our stupid pets!"

The campers shared another group groan, before mumbling their ok's.

"Wonderful!" Zeus clapped his hands together, and yet another bright light filled the pavilion, and when it cleared, 15 of the most random animals were each stationed at different tables. At mine, there was a female Deer, and a large, aqua blue snake. A blue tree Python. And much to my displeasure, it slithered over to me, and coiled around my shoulders. The doe went over to Jason, and placed its head in his lap.

"Would you like to know their names?" Asked a voice. I looked up to see my father, and… the witch herself: Hera.

I nodded.

My father gestured to the snake. "His name is Lexton, Lex for short," then he pointed to the deer. "And that is Lili." He said it like LEE-LEE not Lily.

Percy POV

Ok, when 13 of the most powerful gods just popped up in the middle of dinner, I was pretty freaked out. But when a fluffy, white, baby seal randomly plopped into my lap, I was even more freaked out.

"His name is Dane." Spoke a voice from next to me. I looked up to see the kind face of my father.

"Nice name." I mumbled, stroking it's soft, snowy white fur. It yelped, and snuggled into my lap.

Annabeth POV

I was too busy watching Percy with his seal pup, that I didn't realize my mother had walked up to me.

"Annabeth?" She placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh… hi mom!"

"Daughter, I hope I can trust you to look after Naiomi while I am gone." She gestured to something next to her. When I saw it, I completely froze. Standing next to her was a pure white, female lion. Ok, this day just gets weirder, and weirder.

Seeing my worried expression, my mother smiled encouragingly. "Do not worry, daughter. Naiomi will not hurt you. She is my pet, therefore she will not harm any children of mine." She looked down at the lion. "Will you Naiomi?"

The lion shook its head—wait! Whoa! It shook its head? Even weirder—and walked over to me, placing it's large head in my lap.

Beckendorf POV

Ok, so all the gods had pets. Great. But what was weird was my dad's. It was a dog. Not any ordinary dog, no, this dog was the size of a hellhound. But what was weird was that it was a husky, and it was almost the size of Mrs. O' Leary. Now that was strange.

"I hope you can take good care of Eli for me, Charles." Spoke the gruff voice of my father. "He's very important to me."

I nodded. "Yeah… sure."

Travis POV (a/n Sorry about the constant change in POVs. But I have to introduce the different pets. And don't worry, u don't have to remember each of the different names. Only a few are really important. Plus, I'll put reminders in the story whenever one comes in that's not mentioned as often of what its name is, and who's pet it is.)

So unlike the other's, my dad had two pets. A grizzly bear, and a bull. Yeah, it was terrifying.

The bear came over to Connor, and I, sniffed us both, and then placed it's huge paws on his shoulders. My brother yelped. Poor Connor.

Then, the bull strode over to me, and stood next to me. Cautiously, I patted it's head. I thought for sure that it would stab me with one of those sharp horns, but it came closer, and laid its head on the table.

"Hey boys!" My father exclaimed happily. "I see my pets like you two!"

"Umm, dad?" Connor mumbled, still uncomfortable from the huge bear. "I thought George and Martha were your pets."

Pets? Hissed Martha's angry voice in my head. We aren't pets! We're helpers!

"Quiet you two!" Snapped Hermes. "Anyway, no, they aren't my pets. But these two are." He gestured to the bear, and the bull. "Now the bull's name is Malachi, and the Bear's name is Nicholi."

"Why do they rhyme?" I wondered aloud.

"Well they're twi-umm, I mean I just thought it sounded nice." And with that, my father strode away, to avoid further questioning.

I was confused. He had been about to say twins. But that was impossible! A bear and a bull can't be related. Then again, these were godly pets. And with the gods, anything is possible.

Silena POV

I was a bit disappointed when I saw that my mother's pet was just a cat. But when I looked closer, I saw that it was a bubblegum pink cat.

It leapt into my lap, and began to purr happily.

"Her name is Seraphine!" Gushed the excited voice of my mother. "Isn't she just amazing?"

I nodded. "No doubt."

Clarisse POV (a/n this changing in POVs is even annoying for me!)

My dad's pet was downright terrifying. It was a rhino he claimed to be named Jordan.

"And he likes you to polish his horn every day!" My dad blabbed on and on about how I was to treat his 'precious little Jordan'. Yeah, this thing is little all right. A little big.

Katie POV

My mother's pet was absolutely shocking. It was… an alligator. An alligator that chose me to care for it!

"His name is Dave!" My mother explained.

Dave? What kind of name for an alligator is THAT? I mean… it's just so… normal, and not scary. Fang would've been better.

Zoë POV (a/n sorry about all the a/ns, but I forgot to mention that the hunters r at camp!)

When I found out that Lady Artemis had a pet, I expected a wolf, or a deer, or a bunny. Instead she had a panther. Yep, a pure black panther. And much to my displeasure, it came over to me.

"Her name is Alisha." Lady Artemis said.

Strange name for a panther. "Yes, Milady." I nodded.

Pollux POV

My dad's pet was normal, which was a relief. After seeing Ares' pet Rhino, I was downright terrified of what my dad's would be. But it turned out just to be a white stallion.

"Take care of Liam while I am away." My father ordered sounding utterly bored. "And you," He pointed to Castor. "Will be head counselor while I am gone."

Great, Castor gets to be head counselor, and I get to baby-sit a horse. That's fair.

Will POV

When I found out that my dad's pets were just an Eagle, and a Blue Parrot, I was a bit disappointed. I mean, Zoë got a panther, and all I get is an eagle? Not fair.

"Now," Apollo explained, as the eagle perched on my shoulder while the parrot flew over to Michael. "The eagle's name is Alan, and the parrot is named Celeste."

Alan and Celeste. Why did those names sound so familiar? Oh! Right! Before I had been claimed, there were two campers in the Apollo cabin with those names. Twins. Could these birds be… no! It was impossible! Alan and Celeste went missing years ago. Maybe my dad just missed them, so he named his pets after them. I decided not to ask.

Nico POV

I glared at my plate as all the gods and goddesses went around, and introduced their pets to their children. This wasn't fair! The gods were going on vacation, and felt they had the right to dump their pets on us? Ever heard of a kennel? Well, I'm not going to stand for it! When my dad gets here, I'm going to look him dead in the eye, and say no!

"Nico, I hope you don't mind taking care of my pet for me." Said my father's voice from in front of me.

Ok, say no! "Of course not!" I replied, looking up at him. Damn.

My father smiled, which was strange. He never smiled. Never. It was then that I noticed he was cradling a raccoon in his arms. It was quite large for a raccoon. Almost the size of fox. It seemed to be squirming in his arms though. Almost like it was trying to get to me…

"Alright, alright!" My father hissed at it. "Go on!" It all but leapt out of his arms, and crawled onto my shoulder.

"Gah!" I exclaimed, as it curled around my neck. But I soon regretted speaking, because it's furry tail went right into my mouth. Angrily, I spit it out.

My father snickered. "Yeah, he does that. Try not to talk when he's on your shoulders.

I nodded, and turned my head away from its tail. "So, what's his name?"

"Constantine." He replied. "Con for short."

"Constantine?" I repeated. "Why not Stripes or something?"

My father shook his head. "No he wouldn't like that at all."

At that moment, Zeus cleared his throat, at the front of the pavilion.

"Now," he announced. "You all know our pets, but remember that these are godly pets. Not normal ones. Do not insult them, because they know what you're saying. And I think that's it! Goodbye!" And with that, all the gods flashed out.

Yeah, I know it SUCKS! But I wanted to publish it as soon as I could, so don't hate! Anyway, I'm going to try to get the nxt chapter out as soon as I can! Plz review, or I can't write anymore! I know it soundz stupid, but my first fanfic I ever put out was an epic fail, so I'm kinda sensitive about not getting reviews. K! Thnx for reading! And no flamers Plz!