A pair of studded black boots pounded the pavement in pursuit of their home. The girl pulled her thin cardigan tighter around her shoulders.
Why had she worn this instead of her jacket?
Jade wondered this as a black car pulled up next to her.
The passenger side window rolled down and the barrel of a silenced pistol slipped out.
A flash was all Jade saw before the bullet pierced her heart, sending her world into blackness.
Everyone in the class was antsy. They were waiting for the big announcement.
Sikowitz was supposed to announce the lead of the final musical of the year.
Beck leaned towards Tori and whispered. "Have you seen Jade yet?"
"No. When was the last time you saw her?"
"Last night. We had a fight and she walked home."
"Maybe she just stayed home because she didn't want to face you."
"Probably." Beck leaned back in his chair as Mr. Sikowitz walked into the class.
"Class, I have some sad news." He sighed and leaned on the whiteboard. "Jade West, passed away last night."
The whole room was silent.
"How?" One syllable was the only sound made and it came from one spontaneous redhead.
"You will have to ask the police that." Cat nodded. "I was thinking we could have a memorial for Jade in remembrance."
"Do you want us to put on a show for her?" Andre asked.
"If you would like to you can write a song, a skit, a poem, or you can paint a picture, something to remember her by." He weakly smiled.
"Okay." Andre nodded and pulled out his notebook and started scribbling notes.
Hollywood Homicide Police Report
Detective Marshall stepped out of his car and walked to the police tape.
"What have we got here?"
One of the newbies raised her head. "Teenage girl, shot in the heart."
"Damn." He mumbled.
Marshall ducked under the yellow tape and lifted the tarp.
The cold face of Jade West stared back at him.
"Do you know who she is?" He lifted the tarp a little further to look at the wound.
He felt dizzy as soon as he saw it.
"Jade West. She attended Hollywood Arts."
The detective nodded and looked around. Who would do this to an innocent girl?
He saw a black car about 40 yards away, hidden in the shade.
Inside that car Jade's murderer sat, twirling the gun around their finger. Planning their next kill.