I do not own any Harry Potter chacters, places, spells ect. Just the story line. I am new to this so please review if you have any praise (haha hopeful I know!) or more importantly constructive critisim. I would like to get better but I need your help. It's not an overly original story but i hope you enjoy it. Remus/OC, Sirius/OC and James/Lilly.

Sirius lay on his bed in number 12 Grimwarld Place. He was miserable, he had been back home for all of two and a half weeks although it had felt more like two years. The moment he got home, he had locked himself in his bedroom. Not that his dear old mum would let that last long. No Walburga Black had other ideas. Sirius was forced to, as his mother put it 'Act like you are part of this family'. This ment eating with the other Blacks, attending dualing lessons with his cousins, having The Nobel House Of Black history lessons with his farther, (which was just another way to force their purest beliefs down his throat) even being taught to dance by his mother, for the highlight of the season, The Ministers ball.

Sirius had also been subjected to a multitude of dinner parties, Balls, magical sporting events (not that he would mind, but it all came down to the company his mother kept), charity events and politicle dos. He truely dispised being home over the summer. Generally the only thing that kept him going over the summer were the letters he recieved from his friends.

It was in the third week that Sirius recieved another letter . This one was wrote in an elegant script, to tidy to be one of his friends. Initally he dismissed the letter, expecting it to be from one of his admirers at school. Deciding instead to glare at the breakfast, Kreacher had placed in front of him. As usual the breakfast table was deathly silent. Orion Black would occassionly russle his paper when turning a page. His mother Walburga sat straight backed sipping her tea threw thin lips, staring steadily at the thier family portrait.

"The Minister's ball is at the end of next week, Druella intends to start looking for suitable matches for the girls. I wounder if we to should use this oppertunity to find the boys' a match as well ".

Sirius and Regulus shared a dark look. Both Knew what would be expected of them, if thier mother was successful in finding matches for them. To marry some dull pure blood, the older the family the better. Get her to push out a couple of kids, boys preferably. And then live the rest of thier lives misserable and drunk on fire whiskey.

"It would certainly be an idea, there are precious few pure blood families left. We need women capable of bareing sons for the house of Black, not some dried up old spinster." Orion spoke from behind his paper.

Sirius and Regulus were used to being spoken about as though niether of them were in the room. Usually it would not bother them. It was always better to be under thier parents radar, than facing thier anger. But today Sirius could not take it. They were planning to marry him off and not give him any say in the matter.

"Do we have any say in this?" Sirius never stopped glaring at his plate as he spoke.

"What and have you choose some half blood? I don't think so!" Spat Walburga.

"So I am just expected to do whatever you say?"

"Your expected to carry out your duty to The House Of Black! Get yourself a filthy blood traitor whore if you must, but only after you have provided hiers to carry on the family name!" Walburga's eye flashed dangerously as she eyed her eldest son.

Sirius sat shaking with supressed anger. "May I be excused? I've lost my appitite." Not bothering to wait for a reply, he push out from beneth the table. Sirius went straight to his room, and began pacing in his frustration. Eventually he calmed down enough to write to his best friend James Potter.


You will not believe what the evil old bitch is planing now! Next week at the Ministers ball she is going to start vetting girls for me! She is planning to have me married off, probibly before I graduate! My life will be over if its Alecto Carrow! Save me Prongs!


Once he had sent his rescue note, he turned his attention to the mystery letter he recieved that morning.

Dear Sirius,

I hope this letter finds you well and enjoying the summer.I'm really only writing to say thank you for that, brilliant prank you thought up! It really did work a treat. Marius was fuming when he woke up hair-less. Took him fourty five minuets to realise! Of course mom used a hair growth charm, which backfired wounderfully! I went for Gryffindor's red and gold. Truely seething doesn't cover it. At any rate, I am now costantly on gaurd waiting for him to take revenge, but it was most definantly worth it.

As i said before thanks. Hope the rest of your summer goes well.

Louisa Nightshade.

Louisa Nightshade one of they few girls at Hogwarts that doesn't swoon at the sight of Sirius. And thus a challenge, Sirius liked a challenge but she was, also one of Lilly Evans best friends. Making her out of bounds (James orders. He did not want his chances with Lilly ruining anymore). Of course until last christmas, Sirius hadn't paid her the slightest bit of attention. Returning to school after christmas he had noticed that Louisa had blossomed. But that didn't change the fact, that the two had barely exchanged two words in thier time together at school.

Then low and behold at the end of the year they ended up in detention together. To Sirius suprise the girl had more to her than just good looks. Truth was they had allot in common. They both hated snape, both supported the Falmouth Falcons, both had brothers in Slytherin House and both knew the strain of living in an old pure blood family. Although her family wasn't as crazy as his. Sirius had also been suprised by how comfortable he had been around her. And now even though her letter gave no indication for him to reply, he found himself sitting down to reply.