Dear beloved readers,

I think it's pretty obvious to everyone that this story has been abandoned. I just logged on to fanfiction for the first time in 7 months to make this post, and I most likely won't be back. I started this story when I was 12. I'm 15 now, and I just re-read the entire thing. Honestly, I hated it and cringed at my own writing more then I should have. I'm seriously wondering how anyone ever thought this was good.

I'm putting FRS up for adoption (if anyone even wants it). PM me if you want to make the story yours, and I'll give it to the first person who sends me a message. You can literally copy-paste my chapters into your documents as long you credit me by saying "This chapter was written by That One Yellow Smiley- she has given me permission to adopt this story".

I'm really sorry, and I really hope that no one's actually sad about this. If you care about my reasons for leaving, I posted on the second to last page of the "So Long Goodbye" thread in the forum "Live It Up: Percy Jackson" back in September.

Goodbye everyone.

- That One Yellow Smiley