A/N: First I'd like to thank everybody who reviewed as it was really king of you, if I didn't reply to your review you left on the last chapter please let me know as I will try extra hard to give you a nice long reply and if you don't want to do that as it will look like I had an extra review and you're REALLY mad at me send me a PM.

I'd also like to apologise for the long wait as first I had writers block, then as soon as I got back into the swing of things my internet wouldn't work and I had to use my mum's laptop to reply to your reviews but I couldn't add my chapter from there, then I went away for four days and when I came back my internet still wasn't working and then I had writers block again to finish the chapter. So I'd like to say I'm really sorry and I've tried to make this chapter extra good to make up for it. So I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY a million times sorry!

I want to give a shout out to my favourite reviewer of this chapter and their review, I will also include my reply as I answer some very important questions:

Does he really think that he can kill Harry Potter? With knives? In a room full of wizards? With his totally epic bride-to-be in the room? And Harry's bestest friends? IS HE SUICIDAL?

1) You must remember he is Dudley, Dudley always gets his way, he wants to kill someone he'll kill them (well at least I think that's what goes on in his pea sized brain)plus Harry is just a freak who he beat up in childhood
2)Although you may be a witch (you may not, but it'd be so cool if you were) Dudley is a Muggle, and Muggles invented knifes for murder, the murder of cheese, butter, bread, and lots of other food, but as well as food it can be used for people, I would not recommend this as you would most likely end up in Askaban, or some boring muggle prison
3) As I mentioned earlier Dudley is incredibly dim, with a pea-sized brain
4) Dudley wants to murder Harry so she is HIS bride-to-be
5) Dudley hasn't noticed the freak has friends as he has been to busy drooling at the freaks girlfriend/fiancée and Dudley is stupid with a pea sized brain
6) He may very well be but remember-Harry likes to fight his own battles, fairly

"Harry!" Dudley was standing in the portrait hole, a knife in each hand. "I'm going to kill you." he whispered softly.

The whole common room stared at Dudley in silence for a minute, before the Gryffindors shrieked with laughter, but Harry, noticing Dudley's solemn face, flexing wrists and white knuckles asked,

"What's up Big-D?"

"Shut up, you're just freak." Harry winced, why did Dudley always know what would insult him most, Ginny, feeling Harry wince slid her hand into his. "You're an unwanted freak. You got left on our doorstep because no one wanted you, we didn't either but we had to put up with you that mental freak that put you on the doorstep made sure of that." Dudley had gone to far this time, insulting him was one thing but insulting Dumbledore, that was taking it to a whole new level.

Harry stepped forward, the Gryffindors who had taken out their wands ready to curse Dudley put them away, this was Harry Potter, he could deal with it.

"Dudley, you do realise I have a wand, don't you?" Harry growled.

"See how weak you are, you need to hide behind your freakishness and that twig, you cant fight without it."

"Fine." Harry spat and he threw his wand to Ginny, who used her Chaser/Seeker instincts and caught it easily. "And nobody interfere." Dudley cackled with laughter, perfect.

Then he lunged, quickly Harry jumped out of harms way, and this is how the fight continued, Harry using his nimble speed to dodge Dudley's on pour of powerful attacks.

But somewhere, somehow, something went wrong.

Harry jumped out of the way, still refusing to attack Dudley, and Dudley's other knife was waiting. The shining, silver blade wedged it's self into Harry's side, between the ribcage, and straight into his lung. Harry gasped, quickly be put pressure to the wound, and tried to ignore the black stars creeping into his vision. He felt another stab into the other lung, and blacked out, but not before he saw a flash of red hair whip across his vision.

"Shush, shush, he's coming 'round." Harry heard the muffled voice, as if from a far distance. Groaning he tried to sit up,

"Mister Potter! Don't you dare try sitting up! You've had two punctured lungs and three broken ribs, just lie down for one minute!" Harry smiled weakly at the strict but motherly tones of the Hogwarts Healer Madam Pomfery.

"What happened?" Harry mumbled.

"You, being the idiot that you are, fought Dudley without magic then he stabbed you and punctured both your lungs. So I, being the loving girlfriend that I am," Harry opened his eyes slowly, and saw Ron miming vomiting behind Ginny. "kindly gave him a little something to remember me by."

Harry grinned broadly. "Yeah, if you call two black eyes, five Bat Bogey Hexes, a balding jinx and a stunner, a little something." commented Hermione, was sitting beside Ron, his hand firmly clenched in hers.

"I would've done more if McGonagall hadn't stopped me." Ginny growled.

Harry grinned and pulled her into a kiss, while Ron groaned loudly and Madame Pomfery tittered and shook her head. Harry looked between the two of them, gave a shout of laughter and simply said,

"Hey, cut me some slack, I'm injured."

A/N- I know, it was a terrible ending but I didn't know what else to do, please review and tell me if you want me to do the weddings. I will leave it completed but I will write another chapter if you want me to.

I want to thank everybody so much, your reviews have meant the world to me!