Poll: Who should be the next guest from Glee on Glee truth or dare? Vote Now!
Author has written 3 stories for Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and Monster High. Hi everyone!
HAWAII: think about it story_ day, the waves where calm, the sea called your name, would you respond or keep away (if you respond go to 3) 2. You do no respond so you lay in the hamnock as people scream in fear "TASAUMI TASAUMI" Do you run to your hotel or stay and relax (go to 4 if you relax go to 5 if you run away) 3. You gentely respond "hello my sea" as the waves where calm you smile. you go to the beach and notice the clouds get dark, do you stay or leave. (go to 5 if you leave, 6 to stay) 4. The waves grew taller and taller but you stayed in the sand on the hamnock as you where the last one on the beach a huge wave crashes apon you that was a tasaumi you sank to your death. That was the end of your trip. 5. You made a wise diseshion to leave before it got worse you went to the top room in the hotel and as the water came running by you where safely up there. Do you get more people up there to help or save yourself (7 to help 8 to stay) 6. You found youself swimming in a tasaumi but how did you survive? you doing back flips with the dolphins and singing with the ocean. Do you yell at the ocean or thank it. (9 to yell 10 to thank) 7. You see a family hanging by a pole that is about to break with 1 baby, 1 toddler, 3 children, 2 teens and a mom and dad you help them and all of the other people and have been rewarded to be the first one on the helicoptor back to your home. You came on with the people behind and once everyone in the building got in the building crashed to its death but you make your journey back home. 8. You have been a selfish pig as carma came, The helicopter came to help everyone but you people pushed their way past you as you fell off the railing like the other family, Your journey is done, you are now dead. 9. You curse back at the ocean as they yell back by dragging you under the water, you come up for breath but come back down from the ocean, You dont make it out alive. 10. You thank the ocean for saving you as it guide's you safely back to the hotel and onto the helicopter you make it back home. hope you liked that! my five traits, 1. Humorous 2. bookworm 3. athletic 4. crazy 5. loving That was some random stuff about me! :o BIRTHDAY: OCTOBER 11, * GENDER: FEMALE (I think... I haven't checked in a while...) RANDOM: YES STUPIED: MAYBE CRAZY: DUH! fill that out on your profile if your a fan of my books! favorite songs, (1 the best 10 worst) too! MY MOOD: : P List twelve of your favorite characters from your fandom in no particular order. Then answer the questions about them. 1. Rachel 2. Finn 3. Kurt 4. Puck 5. Will 6. Blaine 7. Jesse 8.Quinn 9. Sue 10. Artie 11. Sam 12.Mercedes Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fic? Do you want to? Ive never read a Blaine and Sam fic, and I never plan on it :P Do you think Four is hot? How hot? Well Puck's (Mark Salling) Isn't Bad ;) But not tooo good. Can you recall any fics about Nine? There probably is fan fics about Sue but I never had any intrest reading them. Do you think Two and Six would make a cute couple? Finn and Blaine?...Yuck. Five/Ten or Five/Nine? Why? Well as much as id love to see Will go to jail for having a crush on Artie, Id have to choice Will and Sue :( Do you recall any fics about One? YESSS! I love Rachel fan fics, Either her and only her or Finn and her fan fics are the only ones I like to read from glee! Two/Seven or Two/Four? Why? Seriously!!?!??!?!?!? Finn and Jesse or Finn and Puck!?!?!?! Poor Finn, Whenever id imagion him and Jesse in a fic I imagioned them fighting over Rachel not making out :P So NEITHER! (See im not evil!!! Or am I?) Would Five and Three make a good couple? Haha! YESSSS! No, Will would go to jail, As Kurt may enjoy it but I dont think Will plays for Kurts team... Who would win in a fight between Twelve and Ten? Poor Artie, Its not right to hit a girl (Mercedes) But even if he could he would still lose because of his wheelchair, WAAAAAAA! One/Five or Two/Eleven? Why? WHAT!??! Rachel and Will? Didnt they have a episode about that, Or Finn and Sam... Id have to choose Rachel and Will because Will would go to jail (Now im evil :P) And I would never imagion Finn playing for Kurts team. Who would win in a fight between Nine and Six? Sue Vs Blaine... Well it wouldnt be right for Sue to hit a girl (Tempting to say!!!) and for Blaine to hit a girl... But Sue doesnt care, So Sue. Two and Seven are making out. Ten walks in...their reaction? haha! Finn and Jesse, IM SORRY FINNY! Well a Fisse (FinnJesse) moment is going on and Artie rolls in... He would be shocked and try to wheel out as fast as he can, and then tell Kurt who will tell Mercedes and Rachel and it would just spread on and on. Three has to marry Eight, Four, or Nine. Who would they choose? Kurt has to Marry, Quinn, Puck, Or Sue. Well I dont HATE Puck so he's out. And on glee episodes I do catch Quinn and Kurt smiling and dancing together, I must choose Sue and Kurt! HAHA-LARIOUS!!!! :P What would happen if Seven discovered Three and Ten in a secret relationship? What if Jesse found out Kurt and Artie where "Partners" Then Jesse would probably spread the rumor that Artie plays for Kurts team, Literally! Is there such thing as a Four/Ten fluff story? Why is Artie getting picked on!?!?! Haha, Well id imagion a Puck and Artie 'Fluff' story but I think as to this day the chance has yet to come. Suggest a title for a One/Five Hurt/comfort fic. Rachel and Will hurt/comfort fan fic title... Maybe... Um... Oh!... Young love can never last (Dont ask.) What would be a good pick up line for Eleven to use on Six? Barf moment, Sam's pick up line for Blaine... Maybe... Hey babe did it hurt when you fell from hel- I MEAN HEAVEN! (Haha tempting to say!) Why is Six afraid of Seven? I would understand why Blaine would be afraid of Jesse... No actually I dont... Besides his singing ability theres nothing... 7 admits their love for 1, what does 2 do about it? O wow, Um Jesse admits his love for Rachel and what does Finn do about it... Wow this kind of actually goes with the storyline on glee... Um Finn would probably try to win Rachel over and then try to beat up Jesse and Jesse becomes a jerk and turns Rachel into a omlette! Haha Nine murders Two's best friend. What does Two do to get back at them? Sue murders Finn's best friend... Finn would probably cry, then go insane and get back at Sue, then cry again. Everyone gangs up on Three. What happens? Poor Kurt... Just because he doesnt play for the same team... I think Puck will enjoy it though and Sue... Haha. Four jumps you in an alleyway. Who comes to your rescue? Ten, Two, or Seven? Out of everyone Puck would be the most likely to jump me in a alleyway, Well Artie (10) would probably try his best to help, Same with Finn (2) and Jesse... He might try to help but then get annoyed and go french kiss a lama. :P Ok so I found a different version of what I did up above so I decided to do both! list twelve of your favorite characters from your fandom, in no particular order. 1. Sam 2. Kurt 3. Quinn 4. Blaine 5. Rachel 6. Finn 7. Puck 8. Tina 9. Mercedes 10. Jesse St. James 11. Santana 12. Sue 1. Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fic? Do you want to? Finn and Santana!?!??!?! NO! 2. Do you think Four is hot? How hot? I have no interest in Blaine whats so ever! 3. What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant? What would happen if Sue got Tina pregnant? Idk, what would happen? 4. Can you recall any fics about Nine? I imagion there would be fan fics about Mercedes I just dont care. 5. Would Two and Six make a good couple? Kurt/Finn? Some people think yes but I am not one of thoughs people!!! 6. Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Why? Rachel and Mercedes or Rachel and Jesse???? Well I dont like Resse but id have to pick them :( 7. What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve making out? Puck would probably beat the stupidness out of Kurt for kissing Sue. 8. Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fic Could it be love at first sight? Or just trying to make their ex's jealous? 9. Is there any such thing as One/Eight fluff? First, I dont no what the crap 'fluff' means and second, Sam and Tina will not make a good couple! 10. Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve hurt/comfort fic. Hate, sarrow, and Love? 11. Does anyone on your friends list read Three yet? Quinn... Idk 12. Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven? Santana? IDK why dont I go and ask them? 13. Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five? Kurt, Blaine, and Rachel??? Well in a episode its sorta like that. 14. If you wrote a Song-fic about Eight, what song would you choose? I cant be tamed by Miley Cyrus Haha 15. If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warning be? Never mess with Sue 16. When was the last time you read a fic about Five? 15 minutes ago (8/7/11) 17. "(4) and (9) are in a happy relationship until (2) runs off with (4). (9), brokenhearted, has a hot one-night stand with (3) and a brief unhappy affair with (6), then follows the wise advice of (7) and finds true love with (1). Blaine and Mercedes are in a happy relationship until Kurt runs off with Blaine (KLAINE). Mercedes, brokenhearted, has a hot one-night stand with Quinn (Oh my!) and a brief unhappy affair with Finn., Then follows the wise advice of Puck and finds true love with Sam. (Mercedes and Sam! HAPPILY EVER AFTER!) 18: (2) (5) (1), (6), (8) and (3) are playing Truth or Dare. (1) asks (8), and (8) says Truth. (1) asks who (8) loves, and (8), confessed their true love with (4). (4) does not share the feeling, and in fact is in a secret relationship with (5). (8) is heartbroken, and seeks comfort in (3) while (4) and (5) run into the sunset together. However, (1) is secretly in love with (3), and become so jealous of (8), who, after the comfort from (3) becomes in a relationship with (3), and so (1) decides to murder (8), but is stopped just in time by the police officer (7) and is sent to prison, allowing (8) and (3) to continue their relationship. Kurt, Rachel, Sam, Finn, Tina and Quinn are playing Truth or Dare. Sam asks Tina and Tina says truth. Sam asks who Tina loves, and Tina, Confessed their true love with Blaine. Blaine does not share the feeling, and in fact is in a secret relationship with Rachel. Tina is heartbroken, and seeks comfort in Quinn while Blaine and Rachel run into the sunset together. However, Sam is secretly in love with Quinn, and become so jealous of Tina, who, after the comfort from Quinn becomes in a relationship with Quinn, and so Sam decides to murder Tina, but is stopped just in time by the police officer Puck and is sent to prison, allowing Tina and Quinn to continue their relationship. 19. How would you feel if Seven/Eight were in a fight? Puck and Tina? Who cares. 20. What would you think if you found (5) was a really good friend of a sibling or relative of yours? Rachel!?!?!? OMG AWESOME!!!!!! would you react if you saw (8) and (11) in a closet together with a rubber ducky? Tina and Santana in a closet? OMG! CALL THE COPS! 22. How would you feel if (2) dissed you in the worst possible way ever? Why would Kurt diss me??? :( 23. You just came home from school and all of your friends hate you, your teacher just gave you an F on the most important project of the year (just imagine it happened for the smart alecks out there), and your parents have grounded you as your teacher had already called and told them of your grade. You open the door to your bedroom and you find (10) rummaging through your stuff. What do you do? I kick Jesse's butt and tell him to get out or ill cut him! haha 24. What would you think if (1) was emo and had tried to slit his/her wrists? If (1) is already emo/slit his/her wrists already, what would you think if (1) became the most optimistic person in the world? SAM!?!??! I understand Quinn cheated on u but still! 25. What would you feel this second if (4) gave you a daisy right now? Id be a bit disturbed by Blaine considering he is dating Kurt. 26. (6) has just stolen your hairbrush. What is the first thing you would say? "Why do you need a hairbrush? Its not like you'll be using it!" GET IT! HE'S BALD! Jk I love Finn! 27. (7), (9), and (4) have banded together at 3 in the morning and starts to sing the most annoying song you know as loud as they can, waking you up. What is the first thing you think? Puck, Mercedes, and Blaine? Well they're already getting on my nerves so ill probably want to cut them (Jk. Im not emo) 28. (7) and (12) are your teachers. What would you do? Puck and Sue are my teachers? AWESOME! But boo for Sue! |
GoGreen43 (19) | sillygirl121 (2) | xxxAngelBlueEyesxxx (15) |