A Semi-Happy Ending

So, Connor was forced to spend the rest of his life stuck on Calypsos island without ever touching her, Aphrodite was forced to kiss Hesphaestus, and just about every single person in camp hated them both. But on the bright side, me and Annabeth were back together. Forever.


"Percy, pull Thalia closer to the shore, please." said the barely aged Annabeth.

Percy summoned an ounce of his power over water and pulled his oldest daughter closer to the shore, where her parents were.

"Annabeth, please help Juniper make a decision on which ice pop she should choose.
She's going between orange and cherry." the also barely aged Percy said.

"Sweetie, choose cherry, orange gives you headaches." Annabeth said like she'd been over it before.

"Thanks, mommy and daddy." the girls chorused.

"Oh thank gods their gone." Annabeth exclaimed.

"I know!" Percy agreed.

Annabeth and Percy stared at each other long and hard. They both started leaning in for a kiss, and finally their lips met. They saw a flash through their closed eyes. They pulled away to find their little girls snickering as they looked at the photo they had taken with the families digital camera. They dropped the camera on the beach towel and ran to the beach before their dad could tackle them.

"Percy." Annabeth mumbled.

"Yes?" Percy asked, though he already knew what she wanted.

"I want the sea animals to tickle their feet and them to be bathed in sea water. Make it happen." Annabeth demanded.

"Got it, gorgeous." Percy once again focused on bending the sea to his will.

The girls laughed and had minor chokes, but it was all hilarious.

Annabeth turned to Percy and said, "Percy, I think we're going to be together forever."

Percy looked troubled and said, "I don't think so, Annabeth."

Annabeth looked down and let a tear slide down her cheek.

Percy picked up her face with his hands and whispered, "I know so." Annabeth smiled as they shared a kiss that set the rating for the other kisses they had until the day they died.

"Forever." Annabeth confirmed.