Author's Note: Hey, what's up everyone? Okay, this story is an experiment of mine. It was inspired by the song "Play With Me" by ICP. That, and Christina (i.e. christinainwonderland) has this blog on Tumblr called "big-time-genre-swaps". There's a link on my profile - just click it and look at all the different lights to see BTR in! This story is under suspense. Chapters will be updated a day earlier there for anyone who cares, so go follow! Anyway, yes, it is a bit different, but that's the point of genre swaps! Give me some feedback! Please, review and tell me what you think!

"Your left! LEFT! God damn it, you tool!"

"Kendall! Chill. Jesus Christ…"

"OH! Who won that? I did! OWNED!"

Katie leaped up from the couch, doing a victory dance as the words 'Player one wins' blinked on the screen. Kendall tossed his controller aside, rolling his eyes. He was never a good loser, but when it came to his competitive streak against Katie, it took on a whole new level. Logan watched the siblings play incredulously, somewhat glad he was an only child. Kendall reset the game, picking up Katie's controller and pushing his to her.

"Rematch. I got a bitch team; that wasn't fair." he demanded. Logan's eyes widened and he shook his head as he chuckled. Kendall was ridiculous when it came to games - even moreso than Carlos, which was definitely saying something. Finding the bickering between the two distracting, Logan stood to leave for the pool.

"You've been playing for three hours," Logan stated before walking to the door. He paused when his hand was on the doorknob, and he turned to look back at Kendall. "You two should find a more… I dunno, active thing to compete in. You know they say violent video games can lead to violent behaviors." Giving Kendall a final grin, he opened the door. Behind him, he could hear Katie and Kendall already chatting about what he said.

"He's right. We need something more challenging. Raise the stakes…" Katie's voice faded as Logan walked down the hall, and he chuckled again at how intense the two could get.

As he headed to the pool and found an empty table to read his latest medical magazine, Logan saw James and Carlos standing in front of the Jennifers. Since their arrival at the Palm Woods, the two had been trying to hook up with the girls, but were never successful. The Jennifers never did anything without each other, so Logan had to doubt that his friends would get anywhere with them today. Focusing on the magazine again, he flipped the page, finishing the article. It was an interesting piece on genetics, and he was enthralled by it.

"Hey! Logan!" Camille shouted, running towards him. Logan peered over his magazine, seeing the eager brunette coming his way. He gave her a smile, and observed the costume she wore. It was, oddly enough, the most normal she'd ever had. She wore jeans, and a white shirt. The only off thing about it were the blood stains. Noticing that he was staring, Camille explained. "I'm auditioning for a part in Stab 4. You remember that series, right? They're finally making a new one." She seemed pleased with the idea, and Logan couldn't think of a better part for her. Something that needed the extremities Camille could provide was definitely a horror film.

"Sounds cool. I hope you get-" Logan was cut off by the sound of his phone beeping, and immediately he recognized the ring tone. Glancing apologetically at Camille, he pulled out his phone, opening the text message. Kelly had sent it; Gustavo needed him in the studio. "Oh!" A broad grin stretched across his face, and he stood up. "Sorry, Camille. Kelly needs me to go down to the studio and record some solos for our new song!" As sorry as he was for having so little time to talk with Camille lately, he was excited about getting more parts in songs. The entire process of making new music was enjoyable to him, and he was happy to have his own time in the studio. Rolling up his magazine and tucking it in his back pocket, Logan prepared to head off, when James and Carlos bolted to him.

"Logie! Buddy! Hey, we need a favor." James announced, his expression hopeful. Carlos had an extra bounce in his step, and behind them, the Jennifers were approaching. Logan instantly knew where this was going. "Dude, we got a yes from the Jennifers. We just need a third guy to go out with the… Uh, that last Jennifer. Not the blonde, or the one with curly hair, but that last one. You know? You and Camille are still broken up, right?" Staring at his friend skeptically, Logan shook his head.

"I can't. Kelly and Gustavo need me at the studio to record solos. Just go without the last Jennifer! Those girls need some time apart." he suggested, shrugging. In all honesty, he wasn't exactly attracted to any of the Jennifers. They were pretty girls, but they were over the top, and too snobby for his liking. James rolled his eyes, and Carlos' goofy grin faded slightly. "Sorry, guys." With that, Logan headed off. He was prepared to head back to the apartment and grab the keys to his recently purchased car (which was a reward from his parents for finally obtaining his drivers license), but figured the least he could do to make up for not going with James and Carlos was let them use the car. He could just as easily take the bus. Sending James a text, Logan notified him that the car was his and Carlos' for the night, and he left for the bus stop.

Camille passed Logan as he departed, and waved goodbye as she walked in the opposite direction. She was heading up to her apartment to gather more props for the audition, and when she reached her room, the door was ajar. Her eyebrow raised, because she knew her father had gone golfing with some of his friends. He wasn't due home for another hour. Pushing the door open, she poked her head inside.

"Dad? Dad, are you here?" Camille called out, scanning the living room. No answer. Cautiously, she walked further into the apartment, slowly treading towards her room. That door was open too. The fear she'd been acting out for the audition was now real, and she desperately wanted to turn and flee. However, her legs wouldn't let her. There was a thirst to find out what was going on. Someone had broken in. Were they still there? Her knees felt as stable as jell-o, and when she entered her room, she found it was empty. Scattered across the floor were her props, and the chest she kept them in was open. "What the hell?" Nearing the chest, she sifted through what was still inside.

Oh… Camille thought, suddenly relieved. There were only a couple masks missing. Yes, she had been robbed, but it had happened before - not to her, but to a few other residents. Carlos' father had been visiting that day, and he discovered that Lightning the Wonder Dog was the culprit. That was the most logical explanation for all of it. She knew everyone at the Palm Woods. Stealing from each other was the last thing on anyone's mind. Rolling her eyes at the fear that now seemed silly, Camille picked up her props and shoved them back in the chest. She grabbed her script from her bed, and opened her closet, searching the top shelf for the prop she'd come for.

Feeling the prop in her grasp, Camille pulled it down, blowing the dust off. It was a plastic knife - something she knew she'd eventually find a use for. Her father always discouraged the prop-shopping sprees she went on, and when she brought home the fake weapon, this disapproval only deepened. However, now that she had some use for it, her father was bound to grow at least a little less apprehensive. Closing the door to her room, she picked up one of the spare keys to the apartment, this time locking it as she left. Trotting down the stairs to the first floor, Camille was aiming to rehearse by the pool. She passed a few familiar faces in the lobby - Katie was walking through the lobby with a checker board, Guitar Dude strumming a new melody - when she bumped into Jennifer Hale, the third Jennifer. Her eyes were rimmed with pink, and she seemed to be holding back her tears.

"Jennifer, hey, are you alright?" Camille reached out, placing her hands on Jennifers' shoulders. Jennifer sniffed and wiped her eye, nodding. "What happened? You know what, come on, we'll go to my apartment and grab some tea." Though the Jennifers always put up a fiercely tough façade, they were still girls. Camille knew that well; she could remember when they were their own people instead of a package deal.

Back inside her apartment, Camille led Jennifer to the kitchen. She took a seat, still wiping the persisting dampness that blurred her vision. While Camille heated the tea, Jennifer finally explained what happened.

"The other Jennifers - they've never done anything without me, so for them to just go on a double date and not even care that I'm all alone…" she hiccupped, covering her face as her emotions got the best of her. Camille shook her head, sitting adjacent from Jennifer and consolingly patting her back.

"Jen, you never needed them bef-" Camille's words of comfort were cut short. The two girls jumped, startled by the loud bang that came from the other room. Camille looked down the hallway, seeing it was empty. Again, the eerie feeling she'd felt earlier crept into her mind. Shaking her head, she reasoned something had simply fallen. It wouldn't be the first time. "Sorry, let me just… I'll be right back." She gave Jennifer a sheepish smile, leaving the kitchen and walking to the bathroom. The light was on, which didn't shock Camille. It wasn't ever really turned off. What made Camille freeze, and stare in shock, was the clown mask that rested in the sink - one of the props she had believed to be stolen. The mirror was broken, and shards of glass littered the counter.

Someone was in the house.

Gulping, Camille darted down the hall, calling out to Jennifer. Skidding in front of the entrance to the kitchen, she opened her mouth to call Jennifer again, but immediately her mouth went dry. Jennifer's mouth was covered by a hand that wore black gloves to match its' black pants and sweatshirt. The figure had their hoodie covering their hair, and their face was covered with the second item Camille thought was taken from her. It was a doll mask, now cracked. Whoever it was, they held Jennifer's face up with one hand, and a bloodstained butcher knife in the other. There was a thin, red line on Jennifer's throat, and blood began to seep out of it. Her eyes were wide, etched with the final emotion she was ever going to feel. Fear.

Tilting their head to the side, the figure stepped away from Jennifer, letting her body slide out of the chair and onto the ground. Camille felt her breath coming in fast, short waves, and her heartbeat accelerated. Her entire body trembled and she turned to run, but the figure was faster. As Camille wheeled around, she heard the swoosh in the air, and felt the sharp pain searing up her spine. Falling against the wall, she finally found her voice, and a horrified shriek escaped her lips. The masked assailant ripped the knife from her back, grabbing her hair and pulling her around.

Camille's screams echoed, but from the method actress queen, this was normal. No one would've suspected a cold dagger was sliding across her jugular, silencing her forever. Thrilled by the rush, her murder opened their eyes to make direct eye contact with her. The color, shape… She knew it well. What she didn't know, what she would never know… was why. Warm, sticky blood flooded from her throat, and her eyes rolled back.

As Camille was released by her killer, she slid to the floor, paralyzed with fear. Her blood drained out of her, and slowly, everything began to fade. She heard the front door open as the teapot squealed. Heavy footsteps slowly moved back into her kitchen. There was the click of the stove, then, nothing more.