The Top Ten Things NOT to do with Nico

1. Don't Touch Nico

The reason is well... if you touch him he makes a sound like a fire alarm. And you don't want that to happen

2. Play Mythomagic with Nico.

This reason is very obvious but for the stupid I'll explain it. Nico will just go on and on about how awesome Apollo is because he gets how many stupid points when he plays insyuments he plays.

3. Don't mention Persephoneto Nico

He's really sensitive on the subject because it reminds him of how much she puts him in a closet with that tractor Demeter gave him.

4. Don't mention Apollo

Well if you mention Apollo Nico will just ramble on and on about how great Apollo is and how hot Apollo is and how cool Apollo is.

5. Don't offer him cereal.

Nico is sick of the stuff! He has to eat it for breakfast, brunch, lunch, and dinner. Oh I almost forgot he eats it for a midnight snack.

6. Don't buy him a McDonalds Happy Meal.

This will just waste your money. All Nico wants out of the Happy Meal is the toy, especially if it's a Barbie doll.

7. Don't try to make him be emo.

If Nico is being forced to be emo he takes the roll very seriously. So don't offer him knifes!

8. Don't offer him a day with his grandfather.

Nico tries to make his granddad happy by making him get a tan. Also it's very odd when Nico is calling Luke Granddad.

9. Don't tell him how to wish on 11:11.

He wishes for the same thing every time. The brand new Barbie's Dream House.

10. Don't show him this list.

It makes him go into depression.