![]() Author has written 1 story for Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人. Hi there! Just an addicted reader with new obsessions at times Ane,19, brazilian. I like reading, well, anything, from horror to drama, I just need to being on mood to it. My kind of books are romance, I love to read it, I can't deny. I also read mangas, shounens and shoujos and a few seinens. Music is my life. I used to love pop, then I started listening rock. But basically I listen to anything. Now I'm most listen to japanese songs, anime openings and endings, soundtracks, ost's. I also love listen to songs with violin and piano, it's too perfect. Fandoms: Magi, Naruto, Kuroko no Basuke, Bleach, Ao no Exorcist, Ao Haru Ride, One Punch-man, Dangan Ronpa/SDR2 |