Day Two: Part 1

Naegi woke up to the siren sound of a TV turning on. The voice on the TV sounded excited. Naegi sat up and looked at the screen, the Monotoned Bear from last night was on the screen, practically bouncing up and down.

"A body has been discovered! After a breif investigation we shall begin the School Trial!" Monokuma yelled, before the TV clicked off. Naegi was scared, and got off of his bed in a flash, and ran out into the hallway. He looked around, before seeing a girl in a track suit turn the corner, Naegi decided to follow her, and after hearing who he assumed was her screaming, he wished he hadn't. Even though there was a crowd he could see clearly through. Someone was dead, lying in a pool of their own blood, several knives sticking out of their body. Naegi screamed loudly, causing some of the crowd to look at him.

"Do we NEED more screaming? Keep your mouth shut unless you have something useful to say." A Blonde haired boy in a suit said, crossing his arms.

"Glad someone said it." A girl in a main costume replied, covering her mouth.

"Hey! Leave him alone! Ishimaru has been killed!" The girl in a track suit said, snapping back into reality and glaring at the blonde boy.

"Yes. And now it is our job to find out who did it, I suggest we begin our investigation instead of gawking." A girl with light purple hair said, who looked far more calm than anyone else in the crowd.

"What can w-we tell from a c-crime scene like this?" A girl with two long pony tails asked.

"Well, shouldn't we do it detective style? Get everyone's alibis?" Junko asked.

"Probably the best idea." Hagakure answered. Some people split into small groups, trying to get each other's alibis, all except the Purple haired girl, who started investigating the body, and the boy in the suit, who scoffed and walked down the hallway. Naegi simply stared at the body with wide eyes, taking a few steps back, the true horror of the situation taking over his mind, then he was drawn out of his thoughts by someone snapping their fingers in his face.

"Hey, Naegi! You got an alibi?" Junko asked.

"Yeah, I've been asleep since last night when you stormed out." Naegi said holding back the urge to vomit.

"Can anyone vouch for you?" Junko asked, this time seeming more annoyed.

"No. I don't think anyone saw me." Naegi said, the feeling that he was going to vomit getting worse.

"Until someone can, you're on my suspect list." Junko said, storming off. Naegi then realized that everyone in the room was a suspect, and he didn't even know the names of more than three. Naegi decided to talk to the girl investigating the body.

"Um. Hi, I'm Makoto Naegi. Super High-School Level Luck." Naegi said. The Girl got up from her crouching position and looked Naegi over.

"Kyoko Kirigiri." Kirigiri replied, before going back to her investigation. Naegi figured that would be the only responce he got from her from now, and decided to go talk to someone else. Namely the girl in a track suit. Naegi walked up to her and cleared his throat, hoping to grab her attention.

"Huh? Oh, hey!" The girl replied, looking at Naegi, trying not to look at the body that was now in full view, blue hair, red wide open eyes. Naegi could now see where the knives were stabbed, two in the neck, three in his chest, and one in each arm. Someone REALLY wanted to make sure he was dead, suddenly the sense to vomit became way stronger.

"Hi, my name is Makoto Naegi, Super High-School Level Luck." Naegi said.

"Aoi Asahina, Super High-School Level Swimmer." Asahina replied, trying to smile but failing.

"So...Alibi?" Naegi asked, trying to ignore the body now.

"I was in my room all night after Monokuma's announcement of the rules. Come to think of it, aren't you that kid who ran into the door? You're alright now, right?" Asahina asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. I was in Hagakure's room until Nine Thirty, then I went to my room for the rest of the night." Naegi said.

"Oh right! This fell out of your pocket while Junko was dragging you away." Asahina said, handing Naegi a small electric device.

"Eh, what is this?" Naegi asked, as the screen lit up.

"Your electro ID. It keeps track of you, everyone else, map of the area, and evidence." Asahina said, before Monokuma walked into the hallway.

"Oh my, I haven't given you the Monokuma File yet. HERE, FETCH YA BASTARDS!" Monokuma yelled, throwing a few files into the air, before running away laughing. Naegi picked up one of the files, which gave a small summery of the murder.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru was killed sometime after 2:30 AM. The cause of death was being stabbed in the neck.

Obviously the most helpful thing ever

"Oh, yeah, thanks Asahina!" Naegi said, before walking back over to Junko who was talking to a boy with a single hair point sticking straight up.

Evidence obtained: Aoi Asahina's Testimony

Evidence obtained: Monokuma File 1

Evidence Obtained: Knives

"Hey, Junko, I forgot to ask for your alibi."Naegi said.

"I went to my room after leaving Hagakure's. Fujisaki over there can back that. After that, no-one can confirm anything" Junko said, pointing to a girl talking to Kirigiri. Junko then went back to talking to the boy in front of her.

Evidence Obtained: Junko Enoshima's Testimony

"Come back in a bit Naegi, there's something I want to show you." Junko said, montioning for Naegi to leave. Naegi was about to talk to Kirigiri again, only for Monokuma's voice to come over the PA system.

"I forgot to explain the school trial, didn't I? Meet me in the Gym for instructions." Monokuma said, before the PA faided into Static.

"And here I thought things couldn't get any worse." A blue haired girl said, who seemed vagely familiar to Naegi. After a few minutes, everyone was in the gym, waiting for Monokuma's appearence. Suddenly, Monokuma popped out from behind a large podium on a stage.

"Wow! Someone killed without me needing the motive tapes! I'm almost impressed! Guess I have a motive for next time. Still, a murder on the first day? Preeeety extreme. I guess I need to explain the school trial? I already mentioned it, but who cares? I'll make this easy to understand. Someone kills, then you investigate. You will have three hours for this process. After that time is up, you will report to the elevator on this floor, and go to the school courtroom. Then you have to figure out who the mur-" "I'm not doing any of this." Junko said cutting off Monokuma.

"Eh?" Monokuma asked confused.

"Why should we do your dirty work for you? Kill the guilty person yourself!" Junko yelled ignoring Naegi's motions for her to stop.

"OOO! Scary! But I will back down from no evil. Especially a sister killer." Monokuma said putting his paws in front of his mouth.

"SHUT THE HELL UP YOU BASTARD!" Junko yelled, running towards Monokuma, stopping when Naegi put himself between them.

"Stop Junko! Didn't you read the school rules? You can't hurt Monokuma." Naegi said, Junko began screaming loudly and fell to her knees.

"Bastard...bastard...bastard..." Junko muttered to herself, not looking at anyone.

"I'll let you guys continue your investigation. Just remember, the culprit IS among you, after Miss Enoshima's outburst...maybe you should suspect her? I'll leave you bastards to your thoughts." Monokuma said, before jumping back behind the podium. Naegi stood up. There was a murder to solve.


Students remaining: 14/15

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