Reviews for Cuteness Overload
Guest chapter 1 . 2/12/2016
Too damn cute and sweet and just... Oh my god!
Claywind chapter 1 . 12/24/2015
This is way too cute. There should be laws against such cuteness!
The world is not ready!

Apart from that, it was really funny to read, thanks for the crack and laughs!
Blit'zeen chapter 1 . 8/26/2015
So. I was looking for hakumor like any sane person should do. And then I found this. And I don't even know what this is. And I actually like it. This is so demented but I like it.
Hakumor forever for me though, let's kick alibaba out XD
love game chapter 1 . 8/18/2015
I LOVE this! I like haikyuu x alibaba but I don't ship Morgiana with anyone. But now I do because of you, I ship all three of them. AliMorHaku!
Eventide Angel chapter 1 . 4/26/2015
Oh my god. I love ot3's. That was funny and fluffy and I'm dying. I prefer alimor over hakumor but this ot3 is my guilty pleasure. Please write more!
Senatsu chapter 1 . 4/23/2015
Oh my gosh that was hilarious AND adorable. I think I died laughing when Alibaba was like "Want me to take him for safe-keeping til then?" Brilliant! Very cute story and Alibaba being so... Alibaba.
sukarettimay chapter 1 . 4/1/2015
is it weird how earlier I was all like, "hey I'm in the mood for some alihakumor" but then I was like "wait do those even exist tell me god give me a sign" AND THEN BOOM God gives me your story.

mahal kita,
Guest chapter 1 . 3/31/2015
OH my goodness HELLOOOO. Welcome to the 'My OT3 Has No Fics' club, it's a miserable place, but you're here in great company! AliHakuMor is without a doubt the best; it allows for the most happiness for one, and secondly, Alibaba's loserness is given a break, since he has a sort of senpai-ish status over Hakuryuu, who admires him a whole lot. And Hakuryuu's lack of surety is balanced out by both Alibaba and Morgiana, who are such strong and directed individuals who see the brighter side of things when he's just being a cute crybaby. Morgiana gets the beautiful benefits of having two people who are more experienced in normal day to day things like romance, being doted on, etc. without any pressure, since Alibaba will be sure to help her in any way he can and Hakuryuu will always be there for her to come to.
Honestly, it's the way things should go down. Fight me. I can only think of one person who did anything for AliHakuMor, though, exept for What Does Tegaki Even Mean?, where there're like two lemons. Both of which are quite focused on Hakuryuu, the poor little greenhorn, getting introduced into Morgiana's and Alibaba's relationship. It was totally hot. But it aah... it doesn't exactly end as great as you'd like it to. So maybe if you just ignore the sad ending and remember only the lemons?

But now that I'm done answering the kinda useless questions, so sorry to have those come first, I REALLY LIKED THIS ONE! I don't even know how the fuck Alibaba got into this scene, cause I thought he was somewhere else at the time but idegaf. His reaction is suprisingly stern, which I always love seeing, because compared to the entire cast of Magi, he's... well he's not very stern at all. And the REASON you NAILED ON THE HEAD! THANK YOU! Every time I read about this kiss, everyone is like
'wow hakky wtf ask permission you two ton sack of shit' and other, less common parties are like 'wow hakubby you have feels for Alinevergonnagetnoboobs' gf? you tryna cockblock?' But no wise party, somewhere in the middle considers how startling and confusing this moment must have been for Morgiana when you think about her past. As a person with PTSD, being jerked around, being touched without warning, etc, all *really* scare me when I'm not prepared and maybe it's just my personal head cannon, but it seems very reasonable to treat Morgiana as someone with PTSD due to her events with Jamil. Her fears might include anything from physical violence to straight up rape and I see precious few fics that adress that, and only one (yours) that adresses how she might feel about HAKURYUU of all people, a dear freind, doing something that might scare her so much.
And Hakubby is really cute, you're right, Alibaba's right and I feel for him. To be lucky enough to have two persons as cute as that... *clutches chest dramatically* It's so good. I think Alibaba's reactions towards cute people that he likes are kinda sad, but really funny. It reminds me that Alibaba feels a little worthlesss, a little helpless and not always attractive at all. And while all of that can be true, I think he should be a bit more confident, so he can go ahaha and ufufu with all of his other couple-y friends.
Pfft. Morgiana's last bit. It always makes me itch when ot3's never manage to complete the everyone has to kiss everyone else thing. It seems a bit complete and Morgiana was really cheeky in making Hakuryuu smooch Alibaba. I love, love, love her cheeky side. I hope she grows up like Masrur one day, beating up her own little Sharrkan. (which, under consideration, would be kinda Alibaba, right? Morgiana teasing Alibaba incessantly is hilarious, but he'd be really put out, hmm?)