Dreams of the heart


Raining Sky Guy

Summary: Alibaba, Morgiana and Hakuryuu are now officially together, so of course Sinbad considers it's time for some bonding time as they visit each other's heart and confront themselves.

Hello, back again!

"It was really nice of Sinbad to gift us these rings… but what brought this on?" Alibaba Saluja, third prince of Balbadd said as he scrutinized said gift to the moonlight that entered through the window.

"Maybe he wants to remind us that Sinbad is a really good and benevolent king." Ren Hakuryuu, prince of the Kou Empire, mussed out-loud, not completely hiding what he thought of that. He paced around the room, tossing his accessories right and left.

"I think they're pretty…" Morgiana, descendant of the famed Fanalis clan, mumbled, sticking out her bottom lip as she rolled the metal circle in her hands. The blond and raven princes each paused before sharing a smile between them.

"We never said they weren't, Morgiana." Alibaba said in a fond murmur as he patted her head, sitting next to her in the edge of the bed.

"Alibaba-dono is right, Morgiana-dono. The rings do suit you of course." The other male said as he crouched down in front of her, taking the ring to slip it into her finger. The girl blushed and turned even redder when Hakuryuu took the chance to kiss her hand.

"You really think so…?" She then said, dismissing the previous event as she critically stared at the simply silver band of three colors. "You wear them too, then." Smiling and nodding like the couple of idiots-in-love they actually were, both princes complied.

"Well, we better go to bed before it gets even latter. We still have a lot to do tomorrow." The blond teen said as he crawled over to the pillows, opening up the bed for all three. "Morgiana, it's your turn to be in the middle right?"

"Ah, yes, if you don't mind…" The redhead answered, more out of habit than anything. She elegantly slid over to her designated spot, making sure everything was alright like a cat before sitting down on her haunches. "Hakuryuu-san?"

"Ah- sorry, I'm coming." The scarred teen hastily kicked his remaining boot before crawling to his spot. After both males were both down and motionless did she finally lay down.

"Umm, good night."

"Have sweet dreams, Morgiana-dono. You too, Alibaba-dono."

"Love you bunches."

And as they all drifted off, they failed to notice the small spark of Rukh dancing between their intertwined hands.

(Almost half a building away from them, Ja'far sighed, giving his lord his usual look of 'what-have-you-done-this-time' as Sinbad laughed it up to himself.)

Morgiana opened her eyes. Where was she? She looked around herself and to her surprise her surroundings very much resembled the Dark Continent. Out of a sudden, she had to jump atop a tree branch when chains shot up from the ground and went after her.

'What is going on?' Morgiana was thinking to herself when she was alerted by surprised yelps…that oddly sounded like Alibaba. "Gyaa!" And Hakuryuu.

Not sure what was going on, the Fanalis child steeled herself and scanned her surroundings, senses on alert. There. Down to her right. One jump was sure to be enough.

As she flew in the air, a bird of silver color rose up to meet her mid-flight. She spared it a glance before focusing on landing properly.

Alibaba was trapped in chains.

Fury grew in Morgiana as she dashed to help one of her favorite persons, her talons slamming down on the sturdy chains as if they were made of paper.

"Alibaba-san, are you alright?" She huffed as she scanned him seriously. He seemed alright. And the chains weren't coming up anymore. Alibaba barely managed a nod before the girl jumped again, going after a similarly trapped Hakuryuu.

The Balbadd prince immediately scrambled to his feet, following after her as he fumbled for his sword. Sword that wasn't there. Panic overtook him for a second before he managed to compose himself and look properly.

Amon's metal vessel wasn't on him. Nor any of his other jewelry or accessories other than Cassim's earrings and the ring of Sinbad. Which actually, was glowing quite suspiciously. A subconscious part of him guessed this was his doing, but he pushed that away as he picked up a branch and rushed after his loved ones.

He failed to notice the sudden redness of the sky.

"Guys! Are you alright?!"

Hakuryuu kicked the last of the chains away, seeing them slip away with distaste as Alibaba reached them.

"Yes, Alibaba-dono. We're just fine." He spared a sullen glance at the similarly sullen girl behind him and sighed. "Actually, there was no need for assistance. I was perfectly capable of doing it on my own."

A vein started visibly pulsing on Morgiana's face but she preferred to remain silent. That could wait until they were in a safer place. Alibaba seemed to be thinking the same.

"A-ah, does anyone have any idea where we are?" The blond asked, garnering both of their attention, "I also can't find Amon's sword…"

Hakuryuu's eyes widened as he immediately started searching for Sagan's metal vessel. It wasn't there.

"Were we robbed?" The prince asked outrage in his eyes. But he was snapped out of it when a warning was shouted at him.

"Someone's coming, quick let's hide!"

Though they didn't manage to get very far before a towering figure suddenly fell in front of Hakuryuu, sword unsheathed and raised. Instinctively the prince raised his wooden arm for protection but he was chucked out of the way by Morgiana.

He frowned again at being saved once more but his lover wasn't paying him any mind.

"…Gol…tas?" Morgiana said in disbelief. Alibaba also recognized the name.

"But how? Didn't he die back in the dungeon?"

The single eye behind the mask of the slave glinted with amusement as he didn't look away from Morgiana.

"You seem to be doing fine." His words echoing everywhere. Goltas then turned to Alibaba, amusement gone. "I'll take care of these intruders, Morgiana."


"W-wait! Goltas, they are my friends!" The redhead shouted, immediately rushing to put herself between them two. "Why are you doing this?" She decided against asking how, being the practical girl she had always been.

"I know. But anyone other than you is an intruder here." Goltas replied in his deep voice, raising his sword regardless. "Intruders aren't allowed here."

"Goltas!" Morgiana yelled but had no time to even close her eyes as the sword descended… passing through her as if she weren't there. Huh?

"Whoa!" Alibaba's voice behind her alerted her that the sword hadn't magically vanished, and after avoiding her it had carved a deep gouge on the dirt, just where Alibaba's leg had been. "That was a close call… But is that really you? I thought you had…?"

"Morgiana, calm down. I'll take care of them. You're safe." Goltas reassured her, patting her head amicably.

"Goltas…why?" She asked, confused by the warmth in that hand. Chains once more slipped from the ground beneath her and started grabbing hold of her. Behind her, the blond and black-haired princes rushed to her aid. Ignoring them, the towering slave reached down and broke the chains away.

"Calm down, child. You still haven't figured out where you are?"

Morgiana looked around her, the sky was paler than before, but she still saw the Dark Continent environment. But this wasn't it.

"You carry your roots even in your heart."

Like a hit, those words suddenly made Morgiana understand exactly where she was and turning around she was suddenly very frightened to see Hakuryuu and Alibaba there.

"Why are they here?" She whispered, getting defensive as they approached.

The Saluja son's brow furrowed at the change in his girl and exchanging a glance with Hakuryuu he tried speaking, "Morgiana, what are you talking about? What is this place?"

The Fanalis girl did not answer, chains sprouting to cover her from sight. Alibaba stared at the floating chains that looked like creepy algae with concern.

"Morgiana?" Both teens called her out at the same time.

Out of a sudden, they weren't in the outside any longer, but in a dimly lit chamber as a child of about ten years raised a whip with glee over a huddled figure.

"OI!" Alibaba rushed out to get the whip out of his hands as Hakuryuu pushed the child away. The huddled figure raised familiar red eyes to them before she vanished before their very own eyes. "What's going on?"

"That child looked like Morgiana-dono…" The blue-eyed prince mumbled aghast as the other boy in his grasp started struggling. Hakuryuu forced him in front of him, angry. "What were you doing?!"

"Leggome! Leggo! Y-you're nothing but a lowly slave, how dare you-!" And with a poof, the boy with the whip was gone. But Alibaba had managed to get a good glimpse at his face.

"He looked like Jamil…"

Realization hit him as he jumped to his feet, looking around for his lover. He turned to his other love and informed them that, "I think we're inside Morgiana's heart."

Hakuryuu's anger fled from his face just as his blood. He looked around, the room was dark but still it was easy to see several bodies strewn around, covered in blood, chained to the wall. He looked behind him and noticed they were inside what looked like a prison cell. "Are you quire sure, Alibaba-dono?"

"It's the only explanation I can find. Goltas is dead. He was a fellow slave that served under Jamil, just like Morgiana." Alibaba explained soberly, looking away from the rage in ice eyes.

"How dare such scum hurt Morgiana-dono!" Hakuryuu roared to his surroundings, getting up to do something but was jerked aside by the blond.

"Quiet, you. Jamil's dead too, so I'm not sure who're you expecting to find. With that scary look on you, I hope not Morgiana." He chastised the surprised prince, who flinched. "I don't know what this is all about, how we actually got here, but we better find Morgiana."

And noticing the tremble in Hakuryuu's features, his face softened as he stretched out a hand to him. "Come on, now. It's alright to get angry at that bastard but let's find Morgiana first."

The crestfallen prince took the offered hand and together, they exited the cell, looking for the missing girl.

Mortified. She was so mortified, How could this be happening? How had they all ended up here?

Morgiana hugged herself as she tried to calm down. She easily ignored the running Jamil now, even with his jeers and taunts as she tried to think exactly how to get everyone out before they saw anything else.

"Goltas? What should I do?" Morgiana asked her guarding angel —she hoped he didn't propose again getting rid of them by force since he didn't know either what would happen to them.

"I guess you can make a way. This is your heart Morgiana. Lead them to a door to the outside."

Not even pausing to wonder if that was even possible, Morgiana willed all her fears away and focused again on the glimpse of the Dark Continent she had seen before. If she could change her landscape into that, she would know she was headed into the right way.

Just as she was thinking that, she heard hurried footsteps nearing her but when she opened her eyes the door in front of her vanished and was replaced by the great view of the edge of a cliff. The ones that had been previously running for her, were now falling down said cliff much to their confusion.

Alarmed but controlled, the Fanalis stepped back, before she ran forward, doing a dive. Again, as soon as she was in the air, the same silver bird appeared by her side, cawing gleefully. Wondering if this too was part of her, Morgiana pointed at Alibaba and, to her surprise, the creature dutifully flew over to him and snatched him out of the air.

Now with only Hakuryuu to worry about, Morgiana leveled herself to his height before drawing him to her and lifting him up, just seconds before they both hit the ground. The redhead's feet created a crater around them from the impact, but she was injured. She jumped out of it, to let a shaken Hakuryuu down, blinking in surprise when the prince clung to her as if frozen.

"Are you alright, Hakuryuu-san?"

The prince sputtered incoherently as he let go, but his embarrassment was short lived as a blond monkey that was clinging upside down a beautiful bird appeared in his line of sight.

Alibaba0's features were frozen in a silent scream, not moving an inch when the bird landed and started shaking to get him off. With a huff, the boy met the ground and the silver bird vanished into the air.

"Alibaba-san, can you stand?"

Hakuryuu blinked in surprise as Alibaba accepted Morgiana's help in standing up with an easy but embarrassed grin. But he soon forgot about everything when the redhead started fidgeting in place, eyes hidden.

"Um… I need you to go away. I mean… I don't- we need to find a door so you can leave."

"Morgiana… do you know where we are?" The blond asked softly, and the girl nodded her head softly. There was silence between them for a moment.

"Morgana-dono, why is- why is someone like Jamil here?" Hakuryuu asked in a quiet mumble ignoring the warning look from Alibaba. "Do you still fear him?"

Morgiana fiddled with her hands, giving a single step back.

"Morgiana-dono, please, I just want to help you." He pleaded when the ground started to move —probably chains trying to cut loose.

"…Not him."

"What do you mean?" Hakuryuu asked, confused, ignoring the chain that was slithering up his arm. Morgiana looked uneasy as hell, but he forged on. "Morgiana-dono?"

"I'm…not afraid of him anymore."

Alibaba immediately understood. That they had seen was a memory, yes, but Jamil's figure represented more than anything all of her fears. Probably the chains as well. Her fears that tried to chain her down. He looked at his raven-headed love and knew he too had caught on,

"And what's the deal with Goltas, then? It's cool how you have a guardian for your heart!" Alibaba said with relatively good humor, walking up to the Fanalis and extending a hand to her. He smiled, "Right?"

She blinked at him in surprise, raising her gaze to see Hakuryuu almost mimicking the other. The Kou prince put one knee to the ground and gently took her hand into Alibaba's laying his own atop of hers.

"But we're also here for you, Morgiana-dono. You should know we're also here to guard you from anything."

"And be saved by you, apparently…" The Saluja child mussed with a funny face and Morgiana let out a chuckle.

A door appeared out of thin air before they could even get surprised and as it opened it sucked all three of them into it.

The covers were thrown away, fingers were squashed, stomachs were elbowed, heads met painful collisions and the trio eventually fell off the bed in a heap of limbs.

"Ow…okay, I hope this makes sense to you, did any of you have the same dream I had?" Alibaba asked, too tired to even try to untangle himself, preferring to speak to his lovers upside-down as he was. An elbow suddenly pressed into the side of his face as the person he guessed was Morgiana struggled to get off and away.

"If that's the case, it wasn't really a dream, was it, Alibaba-dono?" The Kou prince said voicelessly even as he managed to crawl away from the tangle. He flopped belly-up and breathed in gasps of air. With one person less, the other two had an easier time untangling. Yet somehow Alibaba ended up nearly toppling over Morgiana, causing a flicker of fear to shot up her face.

"A-ah, sorry, Morgiana…" The blond immediately said, pulling back, a frown on him. He sat up and Morgiana did the same, not looking at any of them. "Hey, are you alright? Sorry, we were tangled up bad, right?"

Hakuryuu also lifted himself from the floor alternatively looking at both of them. Morgiana's hands were balled into fists. She knew too, then.

That it hadn't been a dream.

"You are so very strong, Morgiana-dono." He spoke up softly, almost to himself as he looked down at his lap. "Brave as well…" and here he flushed, seemingly noticing what he was saying, "I-I mean, we all knew that, and everyone agrees you're both things but- I just. I think I should tell you you're admirable!" He finished in a quick stream of words. He noticed Alibaba staring at him wide-eyed and he blushed, looking back down at his lap.

"Hmm-hmm!" Alibaba quickly nodded, refraining from pointing out how cute his prince was looking right now, "he's right, Morgiana. Not everyone can confront their fears in the way you do. You're awesome!"

Morgiana finally fidgeted. Once, twice. Looked up and immediately looked down again. Alibaba waited for either of his partners to look up. The second time she looked up she met Hakuryuu's gaze and immediately both looked down. The prince of Balbadd was torn between laughing at them, sighing or cooing at how cute they were. He settled for sighing.

"Come on, we can't just stay like this. Can you guys at least look up? Please?" Alibaba cleared his throat, wondering where that said tone came from. He was trying to be cheerful here!

"…You really don't mind?" The girl mumbled after a pause— garnering the other's attention.

"What do you mean, Morgiana?"

"…What you saw…I don't creep you out?"

Something cold gripped Alibaba's heart. No, Morgiana couldn't be thinking like that!

"What are you talking about Morgiana-dono?!" Hakuryuu snapped so quickly he tripped over his words, " I do not- I already told you, I admire you, for what I saw. You're the bravest person I know…" He trailed off.

Alibaba still couldn't find the words.

A sob caught their attention, Morgiana's eyes widened at seeing Alibaba trying to wipe his eyes clean. "A-Alibaba-san!?"


"No, I'm-I'm sorry I just…" The blond put up his hands defensively before harshly wiping his eyes clean, "Oh, god, I'm so sorry, it's just that..-" He snorted lamely, "you shouldn't say things like that Morgiana. It hurts to think you see yourself like that, and I just don't know what to say to make it all better…"

The flame-haired girl blinked, confused at those words, feeling sad for being the cause of Alibaba crying, but soon enough a finger was pointed accusingly at her,

"Listen to me! I love you! You're one of the best things that have happened to me! You shouldn't put yourself down! You have to shine and smile and beat up all those who go against you because you're just that amazing!" Alibaba proclaimed, sniffing every now and then. He recovered enough to look concerned, "I really do love you. Morgiana. And I'd like to know that if you ever feel scared of something you will come to me or Hakuryuu. Because we care about you."

The blue-eyed prince looked at his homologue in silence, something tugging at his heart as well, but being much better at controlling himself. Instead, he crawled forward, so he was butting knees with Morgiana.

"I believe Alibaba-dono already spoke more than enough for both of us. And I agree with him, please do not belittle yourself, my beautiful Morgiana-dono. Please rely on us too as well. We're here for us, aren't we? We won't ever let a chain trap you ever again, we swear."

Morgiana's knuckles turned white, and in a sudden move she had grabbed Hakuryuu and Alibaba by the neck and forced the breath out of their lungs in a bone-breaking hug. The girl buried her face in-between them.

Surprised, both males paused a second before returning the hug with equal ferocity.

So relieved were they for their huge break-through, they forgot to ask Sinbad about the rings.


I dislike Sinbad, but I find him to be a good plot device XD. I think it has been decided, I am sinking with this ship. If it come down to it. And dang it, I think Alibaba is going to be a crybaby in this xD.

What do you think? Like it, hate it? Realizing AliHakuMor is actually possible? Was there anything confusing? Do tell me!

Not sure when next chapter's up, but will give it my best. For more, check my other story, Cuteness Overload (please don't mind the tittle, it's supposed to be a bit crackish).

Guess whose turn is it next! Leave a review with your thoughts and help spread the love for this ship!