Title: Chase

By: Metamorcy

Pairing: All27, Acobaleno27,

Summary: AU, To Vongola University, Sawada Tsunayoshi is the most loved professor among the students and faculty, both male and female. Everyone wants to be in his class, everyone wants him. But when one day he announces that he has a lover, it's a race to find out who it is.

Disclaimer: Seriously? Don't own, just the idea

N/A:I love you all for voting and everything but I'm afraid that the person was already chosen long before any of you had anything to say. This was mainly something to see who would start guessing who. Those that really know me, would have seen this coming, those that don't, well, have fun. But don't worry, it's not a common pairing but it's well liked. I hope that you'll at least read this and not get upset that it wasn't the character you wanted to see.

Upated 6/12/11: I accidently uploaded the wrong one! I'm sooooo sorry. I've deleted the other chapter and replaced it with the right one! Sorry again!


The front door of Tsuna's house unlocked and the door was pushed open, with the hinges squeaking in protest the entire time. A person stepped inside the entry hallway, immediately taking off his boots, while holding onto the doorknob, and placed them next to Tsuna's work shoes. Soon after he did that, he closed the door behind him and dropped a silver key that he had used to get inside into his pocket. Another click could be heard and then footsteps as the person went down the tiled entrance, towards the hardwood floor kitchen. Peeking inside the area, he found the place completely empty with the lights off, and sighed loudly.

"Guess he's not up yet… as usual," he whispered with a small smile on his lips and passed the living room that was connected to the kitchen. On each side was a hallway, leading to two different areas. He turned right and quietly stepped into a carpeted floor, going towards the master's bedroom that was near the end. There were other bedrooms in the right hallway, other doors leading to other places, but only one of them was where he needed to go and had to go to the person he needed to wake up inside. Passing by a calendar that was hanging on a wall, where he had purposefully placed, he took note of the date and smiled. It was a Thursday, a day off for Tsuna And of course, the brunet was going to try and sleep most of the morning away, unless the man had something to say or do about it.

As he opened the bedroom door without even bothering to knock, his dark eyes glanced over the figure that was in bed. The thick blankets were tightly bundled around the frame, shaping out the curves of the thin body. They covered up the brunet all way except for some caramel-colored hair that was poking out at the top. Tsuna was nestled up into the bed sheets; he looked so comfortable and peaceful. It was the perfect scene. A smile appeared on the man's face at the sight and he took a moment to lean against the door frame to observe. It was almost a sin to wake the other up, but it had to be done-regardless of it being a crime. The man pulled away and moved closer, going to the side of the bed and settled there, the bed sinking in at his weight.

Long slender fingers reached out to brush back a few pieces of fallen hair, after tugging the blankets, the tips of his digits touching the warm skin. He stared at the peaceful expression, the brunet's face buried into the fluffy pillow. Some light from the morning sun was peeking through the curtains, bringing some radiance to the room. "Tsuna, it's time to wake up."

No response came from the other, though Tsuna did nuzzle into the hand by instinct. The Ethics professor shifted towards the other man, turning to his side so that he could get closer. It was an adorable reaction, and the man chuckled, bringing up his other hand to cover his lips.

Eventually, the man began running his fingers through the thick locks, adoring the silky softness, and took a moment to rub a couple of strands together. As he did that, he lightly nudged the brunet. "Tsuna, wake up."

Of course, there was no response, like before.

The man sighed, shaking his head, but still retained a gentle smile on his lips. He gave Tsuna another shove, slightly harder this time, and called to the other again. This time Tsuna mumbled a few inaudible words under his breath. A single honey-colored orb blinked, and peered up at the man on his bedside. Slowly, the other eye opened up and the body shifted, the blankets moving around with him.

The man that settled on the bed was wearing a white robe with the top stitching, along with the outer linings of it stitched in black, while the insides were all white. Long black hair adorned the top of the man's head with it being tied back into a braid going all the way down to his waist. Right now, it was pooling around his side. Not all his hair was tied up, as his bangs were free and brushed over his face.

"Good morning, Fong." Tsuna yawned, stretching within his bed, and then curled up again, pulling the blankets closer. "What day is it?"

"Thursday." Fong smiled, still running his fingers through the caramel-colored hair and leaned over to place a soft kiss on the brunet's forehead. "I better start cooking breakfast soon. Get ready in the meantime, alright?"

Pouting, Tsuna reached forward to grab the Chinese man's hand, keeping him still. Fong peered back curiously, blinking his eyes.

"Yes? What is it, Tsuna?"

The brunet huffed and lifted up his covers slightly, scouting back against the wall to allow more room. It was obvious what he had just meant. When Fong didn't respond, Tsuna's pout grew larger and he patted the sheets. "What are you waiting for? Get underneath already, it's cold."

At that, Fong sighed, though he had a smile on. "Tsuna, its time to get up. You can't sleep all day."

"So? It's a Thursday, we don't have to work today." Grumbling, Tsuna reached over and grabbed Fong's outstretched hand, yanking the other forward. A gasp could be heard as the Chinese fell forward, landing next to his lover. Immediately, the covers were thrown over him and, with a little bit of maneuvering on Tsuna's part, Fong's legs were pulled in. He didn't waste any time in wrapping his arms securely around his boyfriend's waist, cuddling up against the warmth, and buried his face into the chest.

Fong could only chuckle at the reaction and couldn't help but shifted closer. "Fine, fine, you win." His arms curled around the smaller body, his chin against the top of Tsuna's head, breathing in the soft scent from the hair. He couldn't help but wiggle his nose when some strands managed to tickle his skin, but didn't mind it at all.

As the Chinese got himself settled into the grasp, Tsuna spoke, curious eyes glancing upward. "Hey, Fong, do you think they'll ever figure it out that my boyfriend is you?"

Fong paused in his movements and hummed to himself for a second then shook his head. "Not really. They're completely convinced that there's no way it's possible."

Giggling at that, Tsuna pulled back for a moment before going forward, snaking his arms around for a better grip on his lover. "Poor them. I would think it would be pretty obvious."

"I thought so too… Actually, I expected Reborn to figure it out, but I guess he didn't since I know he's still searching with that little group. He's convinced that I have a boyfriend, who isn't you."

"Just imagine their reaction if one of them were to arrive right now."

"I think I might actually start laughing at their shocked expressions."

Tsuna snickered at that, completely agreeing. He really wanted to see their reactions, but the effects could possibly be more troublesome than necessary.

As Fong relaxed into the grip, he felt some movement behind his back. "Hm? Tsuna, what are you doing?" He tried to look behind but from his position, it was difficult. Then he felt a tug on his hair and it clicked together in his mind. "Are you untying my hair?"

Tsuna nodded from his position, continuing to work without looking at what he was doing, and managed to pull the band off, freeing the braided hair. He flicked the band off the bed, hoping it would land somewhere he could find it later on. His fingers started to untangle the locks, spreading them out behind and underneath the covers.

"And I just tied it this morning too." Fong sighed, but didn't bother fighting back, letting the other do what he wanted.

"Then I'll tie it for you later." Muttering under his breath, Tsuna buried his face deeper into the warmth and closed his eyes. "For now, I just want to sleep next to you. Let me stay like this for another hour or so, it's far too warm and cozy to get out…"

Smiling, Fong began running his fingers through the caramel-colored locks again. He always loved to do this whenever he got the chance. "As you wish." He couldn't help but close his eyes, feeling comfortable in this position. He couldn't get himself to move away even if he wanted to.

"Oh… and stay here tonight. I'll be mad with you tomorrow if you don't." As he was whispering his reply, another yawn broke through Tsuna's lips and he made a little sound at it. He somehow stretched in his spot before wiggling back in. It was rare that Fong managed to sleep over due to the fact that they never knew who could be watching outside. Neither of them wanted to give away their secret just yet.

"Alright, anything else?"

Tsuna shifted a little glancing up with his large honey-colored eyes and smiled softly. Fong stared back, his head resting against the pillow, while the brunet was using his lover's arm and shoulder as his own. "Just one last thing. Kiss me."

This request made the Chinese blink for a second and his fingers moved away from the hair to Tsuna's chin. His fingernails lightly went across the skin with his forefinger pushing Tsuna's face upward towards his own. Fong leaned down, pressing their lips together softly at first, then deepened it. Tsuna pushed himself forward, mentally squealing within, and felt a little sad when the warmth on his mouth moved away. He was almost tempted to pout but then decided it was completely fine, going back to nuzzling into Fong's chest, his heart fluttering inside his chest. Fong, of course, went back to stroking the spiky hair, completely content with his position and closed his eyes again. Instead of breakfast, he'd be making lunch today.

Now, if only the school could figure it was the person who was the closest to Tsuna-that was the person who had claimed his heart. The same person that woke him up, went to the store together, lived only a street apart, and so much more. It was so simple, so obvious.

Fong decided, and couldn't help but smirk. 'That's never going to happen. They'll never figure it out.' He silently chuckled to himself and tightened his hold on his lover, enjoying every moment.

And thats the end! Hope you've enjoyed this little story. Just to let everyone know, theres only three weeks left for the Fong27 contest I have. The link to the site is here: http :/metamorcy1. livejournal. com/7031. html . I hope as many people as possible will be able to join!