Prelude: Whiteness.

The first time Tsuna thought that he wasn't normal... was when he started to have lapses in his memories.

Tsuna remembered forgetting how he got to a place in the first place, but he could still remember the reason why he wanted to be there. It was when he tried to get across the schoolyard without being seen by bullies, he guessed, when he finally noticed that someone else had been using his body.

The day had started normal. He was late to school, got beaten up by the Disciplinary Committee, got cheered up by Yamamoto and Gokudera-kun, before finally having to get across the schoolyard so he could change to his PE clothing on the gym.

The bullies had had less time of him since he saved Yamamoto from a car accident, and absolutely no time at all after Gokudera-kun declared that everyone who tried to get to the person he was indebted his life to will taste their personal hell. And Tsuna was rarely alone, but at the time he did...

Anyways, Tsuna remembered spotting those guys across the yard, in front of the gym. It crossed his mind to just go away and leave, but his head wasn't in the right place at the time, so he went anyway.

Tsuna remembered hearing a shrill laughter before blanking out, and when he came to... he was in the back of the gym, alone, and his muscles hurt from laughing.

The next day, not one of the people he saw across the yard were actually in school.

Gradually, it became... worse? Well, not really. It was always fun to have someone to talk to whenever you want. Be it in a super quiet class, or when you were in the middle of the crowd you don't know. The voice had sounded so much like himself, only more confident, more cocky, and more... fun.

But as time went by, the voice started to become worse, definitely worse. When Mochida came by, it always told him to just kill the teen. Whenever someone displeased him or shoved a chore at him, it always told him to just rip them to pieces. And the most disturbing at all... Tsuna became afraid if he lost control, then it would take over his body and do all those things it had said earlier...

He couldn't let that happen.

And amidst all the problem one Tsunayoshi Sawada, a young man in his prime sixteen, was facing... there was one thing that he knew for sure:

He might be not normal, but he wasn't crazy.

And apparently, the one thing he knew for sure had been wrong.

It had confused him. It had confused Tsuna very much. Why was the Vongola Mental Asylum's ambulance being parked in front of his house? Why? It didn't make sense! Nobody in his house was-

Ksssshi. Look who decides to finally make a move?

Tsuna slapped himself before hiding under his blanket. No, they couldn't do this. He had worked so hard to maintain his life like how a normal person would, they couldn't just... take him away?!

They can, and will~

Trembling hard, Tsuna tried to think of the thing that had got him busted. Nothing. Nothing that he can think of anyway, but, then, how-?

There was a sound of clutter in the bathroom outside. Ah, how could he be so stupid?

Suddenly, feelings of horrible pain shot his entire body, starting from his forearms. It was so painful, and stupid, but necessary. He wasn't about to kill Haru-chan just because she didn't like his hoodie. Stabbing his arm with a cutter seemed like a great option at the time.

He could hear howls of pain from his... partner. But he didn't care. He tried everything to subdue his bloodthirsty half so he didn't have the focus to see if other people were there or not...

He... was spotted, wasn't he?

When the sound of knocking hit his door, Tsuna could hear a faint chuckle before the voice faded completely out of his mind. No, not out of his mind, because it was still there.

Tsuna heard the door creaked open and his heart started to ram into his chest. He could hear light and airy footsteps- his mother- accompanied with unfamiliar ones. There was a sound of sniffle before Tsuna could feel his mother's hand on top of his blanket.

Shivering under the covers, Tsuna tried to disregard his mother's callings. He pretended not to hear anything.


"Tsu-kun... it's me..." Her voice was so quiet, it was as if she was afraid that he might break into pieces if she was any louder than this. Damn, he thought everything was normal! Then if it was, how come his mother noticed things? Not to be rude or anything, but his mother was the ditziest person alive. She wouldn't notice even if an utterly suspicious baby comes and spout nonsense about him being the mafia boss...

Huh? Where did that come from?

When he felt his mother actually touching him, Tsuna curled into a ball. "Mom..." He whispered desperately. "Mom, I'm not crazy..."

His mother was silent, but eventually called out to him again. Even softer this time. He wasn't crazy, nor was he a fragile teenager that needed coaxing. He was just a normal sixteen year old boy who had two voices inside his head, he could keep things under control!

"Mom..." Tsuna's breath became more frantic as he felt even more hands touching him, petting his head and spine in a comforting manner that certainly didn't comfort him. It scared him, so he curled even tighter. "Mom, please..." Even his breath was shaking now.

"Tsunayoshi-kun, it's all right. You're not crazy, we're just trying to help." He could hear a grown man's voice outside his protective blanket. His partner, though, hissed maliciously. It was always like that whenever Tsuna got close to anyone who wasn't Yamamoto, Gokudera-kun, or his mother...

Bullshit. His partner echoed. If he's not crazy, we're not crazy, how come you're wearing that fucking doctor's jacket that said psychiatrist? He cackled.

Tsuna covered his ears, but it made him let go of the blanket he'd been holding. His mother then managed to yank the blanket out of him to find her son shivering on top of his bed, mumbling incoherent sentences that sounded suspiciously like a plea to stop. Nana averted her eyes to the doctor beside her.

"It's all right, Sawada-san, you are doing the right thing. It would be dangerous if he keeps on staying here, especially with the suicide attempt he did yesterday. We will take care of him, your husband can attest to that." As the Chinese-garbed doctor coaxed her son into the ambulance, Nana could never forget the sad and desperate look on Tsuna's face, mumbling a broken "I'm not crazy" for her to hear.

She knew. She knew that her son was not crazy. But the screams in the middle of the night, the accidents with Lambo-chan and Haru-chan, and finally, the suicide attempt had become too much for Nana to handle. When she called Iemitsu, her husband had regretfully asked her to let her son recover in the best place around; the Vongola Asylum.

Nana didn't like it. She didn't want her only son to be away from her, but she also knew that this was the best option. And so she cried to her handkerchief as she watched the ambulance detaining her son went away to God knows where...

Reborn was a hitman in his golden years, and a doctor at his retirement. It wasn't that these years weren't his golden years, mind you, at the 27th year of his life, Reborn was living in a temporary retirement that his only best friend (the others were just underlings to him), Luce, had advised to him.

Being in the battlefield for as long as he was could bring about two things. One was an intensely honed-skill, serious prodigal tendency, and mad skills for being a hitman. Although being a pain in the ass was included in that list as well. And the other was stress, frustration, and clumsiness towards his own life. Luce had this weird power to see the future, and she had predicted that Reborn would definitely sink into the second option if he didn't go to a retirement soon. So he complied with Luce's wish, knowing that she won't ever push him into his death.

He couldn't never be truly rid of the thrill of facing worthy adversaries though. So, what place was better for him to spend his temporary retirement than the infamous Vongola Asylum? And oh, did he mention that he was the head supervisor of the Dangerous Corridor, a facility that was created exclusively for people who were deemed too unstable to function like a human being? He didn't, huh? But now you knew.

Whenever someone rampaged here, he could go crazy at them. Like that one time when Mukuro decided that he wanted to take a bath with Chrome instead of bathing himself, Reborn was the one who beat the crazy- ehem. That was a taboo word here- he meant the mentally challenged self-proclaimed illusionist back into his room, unconscious.

So that's why when Iemitsu sent him a message that his son was going to be admitted to the asylum, Reborn just snorted. He'd seen Iemitsu's brat before. He was meek, shy, and incompetent. He even called the boy 'dame-Tsuna' on their first encounter. And if he could handle Mukuro, he was so sure that dame-Tsuna would just be a walk on a park.

Oh, how wrong he was.

"Would you look at that, Tsuna? You're alone now. For the first time ever, no one is here for you." The calm, cool, and collected voice said as Tsuna woke up in a white room with nothing but himself. The brunet shivered as he realized what the voice had said. He was alone. Nobody was there for him. Alone.

If it was Tsuna from a few months ago, he would have thought that it was fun to have his partner around whenever he was alone. But... there was a reason why Tsuna had tried to be around people as much as possible. The voice seemed to be fainter whenever there was another person around him, and now that he was in an asylum, he'd be forced to spend most of his time alone, and that meant lots of quality time with his partner.

Tsuna shivered. The last time he sat for a full hour with only his partner, the inanimate voice had managed to convince him to jerk off and please himself. He was thoroughly disgusted though. Nobody understood. The feeling of being assaulted by yourself... Ugh, Tsuna didn't want to think about it.

The brunet realized that he was in a straitjacket, that was probably a good thing. But... no, not really. His partner had managed to snap off Mochida's- let's not think about that! Let's not!

His point was the fact that his partner was strong should be taken into a consideration as well. Maybe tearing off a straitjacket wouldn't be a problem at all, shattering the preparation room's window wasn't a problem before, after all.

Tsuna stood up, took a deep breath, and finally rammed his shoulder to the door. "Let me out! Let me out!" He couldn't stay here! What if he lost control of his partner? What if he hurt somebody? What if he killed the person who came here to feed him?!

"You can't detain me here! Or he will-!"

"Will what, precious?" The voice purred pleasantly on his ears. "You know what you want, Tsuna, and you also know that I can grant it for you..." He wanted out. Out of here. And his partner could grant him that, but he shouldn't be careless. What if... what if...

"Stop thinking, won't you?" The voice sighed, as if Tsuna's thoughts were giving him headache. But Tsuna ignored it, he kept on ramming himself on the door. Although he noticed the huge bolt on the door's hinges, he kept on going in some sort of a desperate attempt to go out from this place.

It wasn't until Tsuna felt a strong pair of arms pulling him away that he stopped. He could feel it. The invisible arms were just as big as his own, and also as slender, but it was waaay stronger. He could feel something wet tracing his face, something akin to a tongue. He could feel something heavy pinning him on the wall just across the door, slamming him mercilessly.

"Let go of me!" He said to the empty room. But it didn't go away. He could feel the invisible hands tracing his cheek, down to his jaw, neck, and finally stopping on his waist. Suddenly, Tsuna felt something colliding with his face and restricted his breathing.

"No!" He panted desperately. "No, STOP!" The invisible force was now tackling him on to the floor. He felt sickened as his eyes met with the ceilin- no...

What was that?!

There was a boy on top of him. He looked at him, eyes tripling in size. It... he was there. Wearing his face, having his hair, using his body. The only difference between them would be the sparking orange that Tsuna knew he never had. It was beautifully breathtaking, and it gazed to him with such love and devotion. If only it didn't have the sheer madness emanating... Tsuna would have fallen so hard for the boy who looked just like him.

"Surprised to see me, partner?" His voice had sounded nothing like him. Tsuna's voice were always quiet, meek, and nervous. Although warm and understanding if you hear him long enough, but his voice sounded so cruel and evil. It sounded like two voices, one evil one and one sadistic one were layered on top of one another. It sounded distorted, but it somehow complement the mad grin that was plastered on his face.

Tsuna trembled, shivered, and whatever the words that would describe the uncontrollable shaking of his body. Merciless. Proud. Sadistic. Cold. He could sense all of those within the boy who was pinning him down.

"I take it that you are surprised." He sounded amused now. "How adorable, Tsuna..." He breathed out. But Tsuna was too busy convulsing to hear what the boy had to say. "Don't be such a spoilsport. Hush, hush!" Before he could do anything more, the door to his room opened. Tsuna gasped, relief washing over his body to the point that his mind shut itself to prevent overload. During that lapse, he felt a warm and strong pair of hands cradling him to its chest, protecting him from whatever it was outside.

And Tsuna fade into whiteness, thinking that this warmth might not be so bad at all.

Since I made this with the full of intention of making it a series, I'll cut it here. The last one was meant to be a oneshot, after all...

So if you're a second time reader, you'll know that the next chapter would be about how Zero confronts Reborn. For you guys the first time reader, you don't already know that. But I don't think you know about Zero yet, so think of it as an insignificant babble maybe?

And lastly, I don't know if I should bump this to M. Since there would be no HadeS crap this time around (rest assured, ByakuranUni will still make appearance), I intend to make this more of Hyper Tsuna molesting Tsuna through some sick means (dreams, delusions, etc.) what do you think?

Please leave a review :)