Ramble Story


A/N: So with the Hitori Kakurenbo (Hide and Seek Alone) craze flying through the internet I thought I'd do a little one-shot special for all the tumblr blogs out there that filled my dash up with this nonsense.

I'm not really sure why I'm doing this.

It's pretty much Black Star's fault, with his shit-eating grin and know-it-all look. But Maka Albarn doesn't turn down dares, especially when they involve ghosts. Because ghosts don't exist and stuff.

Much less want to play hide and seek.

But it sounded creepy enough, maybe that's why Tsubaki looked a little worried when she handed me the instructions for this stupid game. Given, she's Japanese and they're superstitious like that, well technically I'm Japanese too...

Right. The doll.

I held up the old, hand-woven doll that my father had gotten me for my birthday. The two painted dots that served as eyes were fading, and the hair was torn and frayed from years of neglect. Honestly, I wasn't too sad to see it go.

It's kind of stupid to waste perfectly good rice though.

All the same I made a vertical incision on the doll's petite body. Cotton puffed out of the opening, and for a moment I kind of regretted ruining a gift my Papa gave me. Eh, oh well.

Cut the doll and replace its insides with rice and something from your body.

After removing the cotton, I carefully filled the doll up with rice and a few nail clippings I had taken before Soul had left to watch the game at Black Star's place. He didn't seem too interested in the game either, but maybe he was just playing it cool.

He's a sucker for ghost stories.

As I sewed the doll up, I could hear the telly from the living room: some sort of reality show Soul likes. He was probably recording it and forgot to turn off the telly.

Wrap the doll with the red thread as if to hinder it.

Using the same red thread I used to sew it up, I wrapped the doll up and double knotted the ends. Now that I looked at it, I suppose the doll looked very creepy, but harmless with her stitched smile and oversized feet and hands.

I remember when I first got this doll. This was back when my love for books wasn't as strong as my love for toys. In fact, I think my mother was still in the Nevada at that time. But she was somewhere else... I forgot where. I don't even know where she is right now.

In a bathroom, pour water into a washbasin.

As I let the tub under the sink fill with water, I went to the living room to turn off the telly. We really should get a new one, the sound on this thing is getting lower by the day. But Soul wants some ridiculously huge, flat screen, wall-hanging, life-time-of-servitude-costing model that I can't stop rolling my eyes at.

I could hear the tub overflowing from the bathroom so I went to turn off the water. The doll sat where I had left it, staring at me with its faded eyes and crooked, stitched smile. Oh right, the instructions. I looked back to the small paper on the corner of the bathroom's counter, checking off another line of Tsubaki's elegant scrawl.

Give the doll a name.

"I guess I'll call you..." I stared at the doll for a second longer, then the red thread, "Aka."

I wasn't really sure if I blinked or not, but it looked like the lights flickered for a moment. This has happened before, and it was usually just my mind playing tricks on me, but for some reason the timing was just too perfect.

I stared at the doll apprehensively this time, before taking it to the living room. I set it on the coffee table, facing me, and opened a book I was halfway-finished with. I peeked at the clock: 1:30AM.

I forgot if Soul said he would stay the night there or not, either way he always came back late. He's always late when he's dicking around with Black Star. Excuse my language.

Start the game at 3AM.

I was just getting to the good part (Hina was going to stand up to her abusive father) when I checked the clock out of habit again. 2:55, well now's as good a time as any.

I looked back at the doll, staring at me with its smile that seemed to be growing creepier by the hour, and took it back to the bathroom to keep the basin of water company, then back to the living room to do the one thing all scary rituals universally required.

Turn off all the lights and lock all the doors.

I used to be scared of the dark when I was a kid. I remember my mother bought me a small nightlight that didn't help at all. It only created more shadows, and when you're a kid your imagination and seeing shadows are not a good combination. I still have the nightlight too. Somewhere...

I first made sure my bedroom light was off. I knew for a fact Soul's was off, he never turns the thing on. That boy loves the darkness.

He really is an albino.

Next I turned off the kitchen and the living room lights, even the small table lamp that doesn't give off much light to begin with (It's a miracle I don't need glasses. Yet.) I skipped locking the doors because there is no key to unlock them again (it'd look pretty uncool to lock myself out of my own room). Then I went back to the bathroom and turned off that light as well.

It took a moment for my eyes to adjust. All I could see was my vague silhouette in the bathroom mirror and the reflective lights of cars from the street below pass the building. Even if it was in the dead hours of the night, "Someone's always awake in Death City.

That thought gave me a little comfort, until I remembered the end of that saying.

...or something."

Close your eyes and say "First tagger is (doll name)!" three time [talk sternly to the doll].

"Well sternly's no problem." I said to myself as I crossed off another line of Tsubaki's notes after my eyes adjusted to the darkness. I took another look at the doll and closed my eyes.

"First tagger is Aka."

"First tagger is Aka."

"First tagger is Aka."

Put the doll in the wash basin.

I let the doll fall with a comedic "plop" into the wash basic, watching her rice-filled body sink to the bottom. I wondered what the point of this was, and made a note to ask Tsubaki later. Not to stereotype, but when it comes to Japanese traditions and legends, there is always a meaning behind everything. Literally everything.

English teachers in Japan must be hell.

Close your eyes and count to ten. Say "I found you (doll name)!" and stab the doll with your weapon.

"This'll have to do." I muttered under my breath, pressing the eraser on my mechanical pencil so the lead tip would be more prominent, "I found you Aka!"

With years of Kishin fighting under my belt, I stabbed the doll efficiently straight through the chest which I had so carefully stitched up before.

Close your eyes again and say "Now (doll name) is it!" three times.

"Now Aka is it, now Aka is it, now Aka is it." I said, barely above a whisper. The darkness and the loneliness of it all was really getting to me.

This is ridiculous.

Place the weapon next to your doll.

If I stabbed the spirit to make it angry, I wasn't really sure why I would want to equip the spirit with the means to stab me back, but I set the mechanical pencil next to the basin all the same.

I'm not sure why I felt the need to do this, but I pressed the lead point back into the mechanical pencil, leaving only the dull edge remaining. I really don't feel like getting stabbed today.


It's hard not to be cliché, but the closet is really the only place I fit in, so I headed to my bedroom. It was so quiet I could hear my footsteps as I walked. Did this count as cheating? Wouldn't the doll hear me heading for my room?

I almost face-palmed as that thought crossed my mind. I seriously should stop letting this stuff go to my head. With only a cup of saltwater to guard myself, I stepping into my closet and closed the doors. As I shut the last door, my awareness seemed to increase ten-fold. I guess dark, enclosed spaces can do that.

Drink the salt water, do not swallow it.

Salt water is actually pretty healthy for you. So I took a medium-sized gulp and sat there with my cheeks jutting out like some cheap imitation of a hippo.

I lay my head against the wall and wait, I wonder how long I'll have to sit here until I can end this hoax of a ghost tale and punch Black Star in the face.

When hiding, be silent.

Serious, it's been like an hour. This is stupid, the water in my mouth is starting to taste like liquid metal, how does salt ward off spirits anyway? I should just end this game and go back to reading. I was at a good part too!

Hina was going to finally become a free woman and marry James and-

I tensed, it couldn't be...

Was that the television?

It sounded like the telly, the host of that reality show raving about something. I remember Black Star saying something about the telly switching on and off randomly but...

A foot step.

Another one.

I put both hands over my mouth to keep from gasping. I didn't want water spilling all over me.

But this was insane. Was it just Soul?

No he would have called my name, he would have said he was home. I try anyway.

"Soul?" I could barely whisper through my mouth full of water.

I heard the creak of another step halt, as if whoever was out there had paused because my idiot mouth had to say something. The footsteps started again, louder, more frequent, headed straight for me.

Okay. Time to end the game.

I burst out of the closet to see the bedroom door was open even though I had clearly shut it when I came in. I scan the room, but I don't see the doll.

I run in to the hall and straight for the bathroom, slamming my hands on the sink to spew salt water in to the basin. But I stop myself, the doll's not here.

The doll's not here.

A strangled sound garbles up my throat. But I contain it and head back into the living room where Soul's show has switched to Dr. Phil of all things. Ignoring the telly, because electronics are not my thing, I search the living room. My senses were so much on alert, I almost missed when the telly started changing until I heard quite clearly:


"will find-"


I turned to the telly just as the screen flickered off, as dead as how I had left it before.

I really wanted to poop my pants.

Business first. I check the kitchen to see nothing there, the only place I haven't looked as the room at the end of the hall. It was a cramped little room that we mostly used to put our junk.

I head to the room but just as I pass Soul's room I hear- no I feel something following me. I walk faster and this time I can hear light footsteps getting heavier. I'm just about to turn my head when I remember Tsubaki's notes.

Don't look back.

I run straight for the storage room, opening the door before slamming it behind me. I leaned against the door, sagging against it to sit on the floor. This isn't my most glorious moment, running away from a doll my father probably bought at the dollar store.

As I catch my breath I listen for footsteps to hear nothing. What felt like half an hour passed. The stacks of cardboard boxes and random objects before me offer no moral support and I lean my head against the door with a dull 'thunk'.

And then:

"I found you."

I shriek in pain. Something just stabbed me!

In my butt!

...in my butt?

I pat my jeans to feel something thin inside my back pocket though I could have sworn nothing was in there. I grab hold of the object and hold it at eye level. Even in the dim light, I recognized it immediately.

My stomach dropped. It was my pencil.

Upon closer inspection I notice something: a short length of lead sticking out of the tip. The spirit knows how to work mechanical pencils. I'm doomed.

As if to answer my sinking feeling of despair, I could hear distant laughter, like a child running away. To hide. I hold the pencil like I would a knife. It was my turn now.

To end the game, spray the water from your mouth onto the doll and shout "I win! I win! I win!"

I opened the door, the hallway was empty save the small rectangle of light that came from my bedroom's window, which was right next to a street lamp outside.

I head for Soul's room. The familiar stench of boy and the sight of messy clothes comforted me a little. But I was alone. Soul wasn't here.

And I'm pretty useless without him.

It took about ten minutes to search his room before giving up and heading to mine. I should have picked a bigger doll, this might take all night. And according to Tsubaki I should have ended the game by now. I just peered under my bed when the slam of my door had me up on my feet.

I turned to see my door was closed, footsteps and laughter sounded from behind it.

I run back into the hallway. The telly is on again, some commercial that no one really watches. I head straight for the bathroom because maybe it's hiding somewhere in there when something from the kitchen catches my eye.

The doll, broken red string still clinging to its body, was floating- no, flying straight for me!

I screamed like a little girl, crouching down to cover my hands over my head. The water in my mouth splattering to the ground. I'm not sure what it could do without the pencil but I sure as hell didn't want to find out!

Suddenly the lights flickered on, and a laugh- an annoying laugh- bellowed from the couch. I opened my eyes to see the doll a couple feet from me, swinging innocently on a thin string.

"What the hell?" I demanded, falling to my butt. I could feel tears of relief prick the corners of my eyes.

"Wow, I haven't heard you scream like that since... that spider in the bathroom." Soul said, appearing in my blurry vision, "Are you crying?"

"You wimp!" Black Star guffawed from the couch where he was hiding. How I hadn't notice that chaotic mess of blue hair I will never remember.

"Are you alright, Maka?" I heard Tsubaki ask, to see her coming out from behind the kitchen counter.

"This... this was a prank?" I ask in shock, not really expecting an answer.

"Well you seemed so confident nothing would happen and..." Soul said, helping me up. I let him take the pencil from me in case I stabbed someone. Mainly Black Star.

"You jerks!"

"Sorry, Maka!" Tsubaki pleaded, trying to contain Black Star from rupturing something with all his laughter, "We didn't think you'd take it seriously."

"Of course I did! There was footsteps and-" I sighed, whatever. Jokes on me.

"Well, you got me good."

"Don't sound too excited." Black Star said through his snickers, "We even got you a photo finish."

I watched him dangle the camera from his pinky finger and lunged for it.

"Hey now-" Soul caught me, "You'll laugh about it later. I promise."

I glanced at the doll, staring at me while it hung on the ceiling light, "Way, way later."

"Well it's 3:10, time to go. Sorry again, Maka." Tsubaki apologized as she led Black Star to the exit.

"I'm going to tell everyone about this at school tomorrow!" Black Star shouted as Tsubaki towed him out.

I slapped a hand on my face, "Seriously?"

Soul only chuckled, "It wasn't that bad right?"

I didn't respond, suddenly realizing something, "Wait. What time is it?"

Soul stared at me curiously, "Ten past three. Don't tell me you're going to complain about lack of sleep."

"There must be a mistake," I blurt uncertainly, "It's been two hours."

"You were only in the closet for 10 minutes, Maka." Soul told me carefully, his red eyes almost guarded somehow.

"No," I argued, "I was in there for an hour. And then I went out to look for the doll, and you guys chased me to the storage room. And I was in there for another hour!"

"You must have fallen asleep or something." Soul amended, rolling his eyes.

"Then why did I have the pencil?" I demanded, and now Soul was frowning.

"I don't know. I thought you just took it with you."

"I left the pencil with the doll, Soul."

"That doesn't make any sense. We saw you leave the bathroom and head to your room. And that was ten minutes ago."

"Then..." we both turned back to the doll, "Just to make sure?"

"Yeah..." Soul muttered like an afterthought. I retrieved the cup of salt water from my room, first giving Soul the cup. He took a long gulp before handing it to me and I did the same.

We went straight up to the doll and sprayed salt water all over her smiling, creepy face.

"I win." I said.

"I win." Soul continued.

"I win." we said together. This time I'm sure the lights flickered, because out of the corner of my eye I caught Soul looking around in confusion.

I turned back to the doll, the salt water only enhancing its black dot eyes, "That should do it, right?"

Soul shrugged, "You're the Japanese one. Not me."

I flicked his nose (he hates that), and headed back to my room, grabbing my book along the way, "Now if you'll excuse me I'm not going to sleep a wink tonight."

Soul watched her leave, closing the door behind her. He yanked the doll off the ceiling, staring at it with more intensity than required, more specifically at the small puncture wound in the doll's chest. His hand traced up his body to rest over his chest, on the same spot of the doll's wound.

His eyes turned black for a moment before he grinned, "I don't doubt that."

You must play alone. The more people there are, the higher the chances of someone getting possessed.