A normal case is a homicide. A normal case is a robbery. A normal case is anything but this. When we took this case, it was normal, like the rest. The description was simple and easy to understand. Our boss didn't say anything beside the usual script. We don't fear much, she and I. But to be caught in this situation was something beyond our wildest nightmares. Our forces were weakened. They had gained the upper hand.

She looks over at me. I can feel the pressure in my own eyes. This is my last breathe. My remaining seconds. There are so many things I never got to do. Or experience. Or see. Or feel. Or say... I don't think I have much of an option. My last words have been decided. Through the maniacal laughter, I yell...

There is a note on my desk as I walk in. It's a common occurrence. I always receive a piece of beige paper whenever the boss wants me to work on a new case. These little notes are what pay my bills.

Togami Investigation Services has been place of employment since I've graduated high school. A fellow classmate, who I honestly wasn't quite fond of, currently runs my sector. Part of his job was to recruit new members; he even held this responsibility in his teenage years. I was one of those new members, along with three other classmates of mine. I assume he judged them mostly of their skill. Our school was a collection of teenagers who all exceeded in one certain skill. I was personally assigned with 'Super High School Level Luck,' and to how that is a talent, I do not know. He also recruited the Hacker, due to her extensive abilities and sly skills, the Gambler, considering her cunning strength, and of course, the Detective, which is pretty self explanatory. I never really associated myself with the Gambler or Detective, but I'm rather good friends with the Hacker. I knew that our friendship was true when I was told her darkest secret. She is legally a he, but I revere her enough to treat her as she pleases. Though my relationships with the girls were so, we all worked together with equal respect.

Everything was strictly professional.

That was the first rule to working at Togami Investigation Services. It was heavily discussed at the meeting held on our first day. 'Any instance where the relationship amongst two individuals is beyond friendship, both will be renounced immediately,' was what the rule said. I don't intend on a work romance, so that shouldn't be an issue to me. Togami reminded us constantly over our first few weeks. There must be some backstory to why he feels so passionately about the regulation. But I'm not in a position to ask. As I said before, Byakuya Togami and I are anything less than acquaintances. It's not because of any event in particular. We just bicker occasionally. Nothing worthy of starting a rivalry, but enough to make us distant.

The notice told me to meet in the standard conference room. I set my bag down, remove my coat, then proceed in an orderly fashion. As I had assumed, the other three girls are already sitting in the chairs that line the lengthy table. Togami stands at the front of the room, giving me his signature bitter glare. I saw it first during my freshman year of high school and I still get blessed with it two years after graduation.

"You're late," he hisses at me whilst I take a seat near Miss Hacker. "Again, might I add."

"I get busy with things, Togami. But it's okay if you don't understand, considering you do nothing other than boss people around," I fire back. My eyes notice Chihiro fiddling with her hands awkwardly.

"I'll have you know, Naegi, that I work very hard at what I do. I take my job seriously, as opposed to you."

"Look, you don't–"

"Let's save the arguing for another time, boys. You're both just making fools of yourselves," Celeste intervenes with a chuckle, obviously angered with us. The eerie thing about Celestia Ludenberg is that her emotions are reversed. A scowl is replaced with a smile. Yelling turns into laughter. This makes it difficult to work with her. We agree with silence before Togami clears his throat.

"I've gathered you all here to discuss another case." The four of us shift focus to the speaker. "Our information teams have recently collected details on a dangerous gang. They're the ones responsible for the recent crimes that have been happening all over the city." Togami opens up the file on the table, tossing pictures and documents in front of us. "They call themselves... Monotone. They run around painting their slogan onto walls of dark alleys and windows of abandoned buildings." Proof of this is in the file. "And that slogan is–"

"If you feel on your own, then speak in monotone..." I read aloud, cutting off Togami. This sort of angers him, yet he continues.

"They use it to gain new members. We don't know exactly how, though."

"Well, isn't that helpful..." Celeste chimes in with sarcasm.

"Why Monotone? What is that suppose to mean? Is it some kind of acronym?" Chihiro speaks quietly. Her habit of talking in a low voice is something we're all accustomed with. I look over at Kirigiri who is carefully examining each piece of paper. I don't know her very well, but I always love to watch her delve deep into a new case. Give a detective a new job and of course they'll have a field day. I gaze at her for a moment as she sorts through everything, then stop myself before Togami gets the wrong idea. Interest shouldn't get me fired.

"Bring me a phone," Kirigiri says as a response to Chihiro's question.

"A phone?" I ask. She looks up at me, eyes as piercing and usual. "Why do you need a phone?"

"Naegi, this may be hard for your small brain to comprehend, but she's the lead detective. I think she knows what she's doing. So we get her a phone." And there's Togami with his inspiring words of motivation. We scowl at one another until he goes to get Kirigiri her phone. A long cord connects it to a wall. She drags the wheel around, dialing the three numbers of the local area code, then 666-8663–Monotone.

"I love the irony with the first three digits..." Celeste rings the words, personally scaring me to the bone. Kirigiri puts the phone to her ear and waits. Seconds later, we can hear a voice–A female with a high pitch–talk to Kirigiri.

"... My answer is no... You have ears. I said no. I was attempting to dial someone else, but it seems I made a mistake. I apologize... Okay, I won't... Goodbye," and she hangs up, speaking directly to us. "My suspicion was correct. That is the number to their society. A woman asked me if I wanted to join. Of course, I denied, and she asked if I was sure. I made up a lie, she told me not to tell anyone, and I lied again."

She never seizes to amaze me.

"Bravo, Miss Kirigiri. Bravo," Celeste smiles.

"Impressive as always," Togami adds on, smiling himself, which is extremely rare.

"They aren't kidding, Kirigiri," I decide to tack on my own words.

"Come on, guys. This isn't anything out of the ordinary..." she says modestly, but I can detect a bit of pink tint on her face. I don't think I've ever seen her blush before... "In any case, we now have that piece of information. That will surely be helpful."

I put the phone down and groan.

"If people are smart enough to realize that our number is our name but don't wanna join, then why bother calling?" My sister looks up at me. She's currently involved in a poker game with a few other members. "I mean, the girl said that it was a misdial, but I'm not an idiot." She throws a heavy amount of her chips into the pile.

"It could've been the police, Junko. They've been on our tail lately," she replies.

"The police are so boring. I hate them," I sigh, rolling around in my throne. Mukuro has told me multiple times not to call it that, but I'm better than her, so I don't care. The members of gang run around the building, hanging out, drinking, sharing drugs. The usual. "Now I'm bored. Ugh!" I jump out of my seat and look around the room. "Quick. Someone amuse me," I order.

"How can we amuse you, Miss Enoshima?" The voice of a girl who doesn't know her place speaks.

"Like I would know! And I know you're new, but never call me by my name."

"Don't worry, Sonia," Ibuki mutters, trying to comfort the newbie. "I made that mistake on my first day, too." Sonia smiles at her.

"Uh, hello?! I'm still bored here!" I remind them. Saionji speaks up.

"Stop forcing us to entertain you all the time, you ugly trash! Find your own source of amusement!" Everyone in the room quiets down. I'm used to Saionji talking rudely to me, but that doesn't mean I will tolerate it. She stands bold as I approach her. Then I smack the bitch, push her over, and kick her when she's down.

"You better watch your fucking mouth, whore! I own you! I can ruin your life with the snap of my fingers, and don't think I won't!" I scream, with my shoe imprinting her back. She starts to cry and forces an apology. "Whatever." I take my foot away and she stands up, her face getting gradually more bloody. There's laughter coming from the back of crowd.

"Wow, Leader! You sure are strong!" I turn his way as he makes himself visible. "I'm still surprised that someone as amazing as you let worthless garbage like me in your gang." Ah, there's nothing I love more than receiving a compliment at the price of someone's self esteem.

"And that's why you're my favorite, Komaeda." The little psycho's face lights up as I say these words.

"Aw, Sis, I'm sort of offended," Mukuro chimes in comically.

"You're special, baby, and you know it," I joke back. "And by the way, you still have to call me leader even though you're my sister. It would be unfair and awkward for everyone else."

"Not really…" comes Kuzuryuu's voice. "We don't really care…"

"How about you shut your mouth?" I walk up to him with both hands on my hips. "You've got no right to speak to me like that. Why, you were so bad at what you did, you had to quit and come running to us." He gives me an angry glare, clenching his fists. "We accepted you with open arms, so at least give us some respect."

"What the hell are you talking about? I was the best! In school, my skill was being a gangster, and you know that!" I look to the left and cross arms.

"Oi… Why should I care about your Super High School Level?" Everyone in the gang have graduated Hope's Peak at some point, so they all understand what we're talking about. "You're weak!" I shove him as I yell. "You were the best in the game. You were the king. Yet… You fell from the castle… Why?"

"... Peko stills works for me. One word is enough to destroy you," he speaks cautiously.

"Oh! A death threat! How despairing!" I spin around on the tips of my toes, disfiguring my long pink hair. A good amount of time was spent rolling up my hair last night, but it's okay. The effect of messy hair is even better. I notice Komaeda smiling at me in my peripheral vision. He's a doll. A psychopathic doll, but one none the less. "Death threats can go both ways, you know."


"You heard me. Don't you get it?" My face goes blank. "Send you stupid tool over to me with dirty intentions and we'll… punish her ourselves." The smirk I give him is one that is not returned. "Aw, don't look so glum. Just know your place on the food chain." I wink at him and return back upon my stage.

"The point remains! I'm still bored~!" The seven members gather around. Mukuro joins me. It seems like something exciting is about to happen! I can't wait! "We need to do something, and quick. Give me ideas, go!"

"Maybe we could hold up a corner store?" Leon suggests.


"I heard the bank down the street has low security…" Mondo mentions.

"Hm… No! Next!"

"There are some people who I personally don't want to exist anymore," Ibuki trails off.

"... I like it." Mukuro grins along with me, following me down to speak directly to Ibuki. "Give me a name."

"Okay… His name is…"