WOW! I did it, an Attack on Titan Fanfiction. With a crossover of Assassins Creed, included. Now this may sound impossible, but believe me this story will not be a waste of your time.

No Assassins Creed characters, YET!

I still have to give shout outs to the same duo I mentioned in my oneshot

"NWA 187" (Homecoming)

"X jasmin 3 x" (Unexpected)

Please enjoy this chapter, for all of you to read.

Heads up: In this story, Eren is 14 which also means that everyone else is around that age as well.


Chapter 1: The Balance of the Hunt

(An excerpt from an old Imperial textbook)

The land of Yggdrassil wasn't always the land of Yggdrassil. Once a darkened wasteland has been built into a land of promise. All was built by the Titans. Their size was immeasurable, and their numbers were countless. Yet the Titans, the builders of the land of Yggdrassil have vanished. No ruins, no fossils, no clues. Though they did leave behind ascendants, the human race, and understanding. May the Titans return and deliver us from the unreasonable.

A feminine voice calls to the reader from outside the kitchen, "Eren?"

Eren quickly closes his book, and places it on the coffee table. Getting up from the couch, he goes into the kitchen "Yes Mom?" he calls to her mother, Carla.

"I need you to go get some firewood," She says to Eren while she peels her potatoes, "Your friend Armin will be waiting for you-" She finally turns her head to her son, "-at the edge of town."

"Huh fine!" Eren grumbles.

Eren leaves the house towards the shed to pick up his fire wood pack. Before leaving out to meet Armin, he returns to his house to pick up something for a side activity, "MOM! If I got time I'm going to do some hunting. I'll be back at sunset."

Carla sees her son is already equipped with his gear; his bow and arrow, some rope, his green hooded cape, a compass and his hunting knife.

Eren didn't go for the door until his mother responded, "Okay, just don't go too far. You're father doesn't need to tend to anymore of your wounds." Carla starts to give Eren a disciplinary glare, "Besides, it took me three days to get those blood stains off your hood. Be careful this time."

Eren nods, and closes the door.

Underneath the autumn air felt refreshing. Eren decides to take his horse for a ride through the town. Inside the stables, only one horse is available. While releasing his horse "Emerald", he finds his red scarf hanging on a nailed rack. Eren just scrunches his shoulders and gives it a nod. He unwraps his scarf from the rack and stuffs it tightly in his pocket.

The town of Verspruchen isn't powerful, but it has enough to get by. Strolling down the city streets feels like an extravagant experience every day for Eren. All the merchants that pass always carry different faces. The sights and smells are the town's best friend, but Eren can always make them all out. Different locals, but everyone is known to Eren. There's always something new in this town. As expected, Armin, and his own mount is found where Carla said he would be.

"Hey Armin!" Eren waves high to get his only friend's attention.

"EREN!" Armin returns the greeting with a wave the same size.

Eren picks up the gallop on Emerald, and as he comes closer he can see that Armin gathered a lot more firewood than he could've carried. "That's enough firewood for me too. I hope he and I can split it. My family needs more meat to shoot." Eren thinks to himself as Emerald slows his pace to meet Armin.

"That's a lot of firewood, what's it all for?" Eren looks at the bundle of wood, very curiously.

"Nothing" Armin's answer is as light as the blonde hair on the top of his head, "I just thought you may need some of your own."

"Well thanks Armin…" Eren gives his next words some thought, "Hey, you think you can do me a favor?" He sets foot on the ground form Emerald.

"Sure what is it?" Armin asks, removing himself from his own horse.

Before Eren makes his request, he fills up his pack full of firewood, "Could you can take my firewood to my house? I need time to hunt.

"Yeah I can do that for you." Armin straps a spare harness on his horse for Eren's firewood.

"Thanks Armin," Eren hands Armin his share of firewood, "I'll see to it that you get a good share of my catch."

"Good! I know you're the doctor's son, but you're the best hunter I'll always know."

Eren grins to his best friends comment, and eyes him with pride "Let's hope it stays that way!" They latch onto their horses, and depart their separate ways.

(Away from the town.)

Leaving Emerald strapped to the lone tree in the grasslands, Eren presses forward into the thick forest. Remaining quiet, vigilant, and light, he finds deer's tracks heading north east. Eren follows the tracks long enough to lose his sense of time, he hit a big jackpot. An entire herd of deer has been found. Eren takes refuge in a body of tall grass, and pulls out an arrow. He sneaks closer to his family's dinner for the best shot. Holding his breath while he pulls the string, patience surging all in his body. As he releases his breath, so did his shot. A direct hit on a real, big, and meaty buck. It goes down in only mere seconds. Hauling in his prey, he eyes for the sun, it's practically sunset, and he's already got a good meal for probably the next four days.

Then instantly he hears gunfire to the west. It takes him a moment to react to the sudden burst of gunshots.

"Bandits!" Eren whispers. Using his rope, he begins to tie up his kill. The tree above him seems strong enough to handle it's weight. Climbing through the bark, cracks, and smaller branches with the rope in his mouth. He made it high enough to heave up his kill, away from predators, and bugs. His uncooked food is high and tied up to the tree, he can now go and investigate the gunshots.

The sun has only inches left of its crack in the horizon. Eren doesn't have enough time with sunlight, but in the forest, the light is bleak. So it's already dusk in this maze of nature. Eren was given a spare source of with the moon light. Following the direction of the gunfire, and the woman's scream is hard, he's going by memory. Luckily he found remnants of a caravan, two dead horses and what's left of their owner's. Eren furls his green hood to investigate. He came close to the bodies, and found blood all over the ground. The first corpse was a man with blonde hair who looks to have been in his mid 30's. Next to this corpse is a woman. A woman who looks to be from the east of Yggdrassil. Eren hasn't been to the Far East, but he knows that this woman is Asian. No pulses on each of them, a pair of tracks are seen going deeper north, another corpse farther on the road with no pulse either, and dragging lines.

"What the Hell happened here?" Eren crunches his eyes, and breaks out a single tear. Then it hit him, "Wait! I've seen these people before."

(Back in the town of Verspruchen, hours ago.)

All the merchants that pass always carry different faces. Striding on Emerald, a simple merchant family is just about done putting up their shop. Eren has a few euros to spend, why not. He halts Emerald's reins, causing him to stop in place. Dismounting his horse, to greet these people properly.

"Hello there, is it too late?" Eren asks to the family.

"Of course not, welcome to our shop!" The man says while feeding their horses.

"What can I do for you?" A woman walks from behind, and takes a bow, "What can I help you with; we've got Bakkwa, kuaizi (Chopsticks), and some kunai's." The woman finishes her list of products.

Eren is confused on what to buy or better yet, what to pay with? "Do you have anything for hunting?" Eren asks to the woman.

"Oh ugh…" The woman skims through her list, and turns her clueless reaction into a risky act, "Well we don't have anything to those specifics, but might I offer you a kunai knife."

Eren gives the woman a nod in agreement, "May I see it first?"

"Of course. Mikasa, could you hand me a kunai knife in the carriage for our customer?" The woman calls to someone, behind their haulage.

From behind the carriage comes a girl that looks to be the age of Eren. She gives her mother a piece of wrapped tapestry, "Here you go mother." The young girl takes a bow, deeper than her mothers, and sneaks a peek at Eren. She takes a brief look and smiles at him. Eren nods to her greeting, but she's already gone away from view.

"How much?" Eren comes back to the attention of the girl's mother, "For the dagger?"
"It's a kunai knife!" She sounds a little inflamed by saying that, but she corks it fast, "It'll be seven Euro's."

Eren nods to the woman as he pulls out his bag of Euro's, "This should be enough." Eren pours out his Euro's and separate's the amount he needs into his hand. Giving the woman the correct amount, he puts the rest into his bag, and stores it in his pocket.

"Thank you! Here you go, and have a nice day." The woman puts the coins into the small chest behind her, still facing Eren. She finally gives him his purchased kunai.

"You too!" Eren turns his head to face the person.

(Back to the scene of the murder)

Eren turns his attention back to the Asian corpse. It was the same woman who sold him the kunai knife, which means that the person being dragged was the girl that looked his age, "What was that girls name again?" Eren talks to himself.

Eren takes notice of a very strange contraption lying on the floor of the carriage, it looks like a leather bracer, but there's only one. Eren picks it up, and finds a piece of string with a loop hole. Pulling the string, a blade pops out. He thinks to himself "Useful!" Eren doesn't know what the thing is, but it works fine. He stores is into his pocket for now.

Then from the corner of Eren's eyes, a small glimmer of fire lies not too far from where he's at, "Alright girl, here's where nine years of hunting experience pays off. I'm coming to save you." Eren thinks to himself, unfurling his hood. Stalking through the grass and the darkness, Eren notices a stump that can be take him up to the high ground in the trees, "I can do it. I'm a fourteen year old man! I've don this enough times!" Eren builds up his own confidence. Clearing his mind, he sprints up the tree, and leaps towards the fire.

(On the other side of Eren's destination)

"Tell me something? Why did we have to get this girl again?" Says the tall thug, turning his head to his friend.

The big thug just remains calm in front of their captive, "… Look, the boss didn't say why." He starts to grow infuriated, "All I know is that the MOTHER was the target, and you just had to kill her!" snaps the big man.

"Wha- I had to! She killed Nick! If I didn't shoot her we'd all probably die." The tall thug tries to excuse himself, but it's not happening.

"You better hope we'll get rich for nabbing their little girl; I don't know if it's to just to rape her, murder her, question her, or all three. Whoever contacted the boss was willing to pay top dollar for her mother! Not her daughter!"

The tall thug gave it some thought, while looking at the girl's scared face, "Look at this way. She may have something useful, and we managed to take their entire hull. I'm sure we'll be in the clear."

"I can only hope it'll be just you that needs the clearing." Slaps the big thug with his words.

"I'm so cold!" those three words is all that their captive can think of.

(From the interest of time, somewhere else.)

"So dear how much Euro did we make from today's stop?" the father asks while reining the horses to speed up.

She begins counting piece by piece of Euro's, "Well we made about sixty-four Euro's in total, today." Says the mother.

"Good, good. That's real good news. It's better than our last stop." The father admits while keeping his eyes focused on the horse's direction.

"Mikasa, how are you doing back there?" The mother turns her attention, asking for an update on her daughter.

"I'm doing good, but it's hard to get this thing out, what is this thing again?" Mikasa works around with this unusual device on her wrist. When the blade popped out unexpectedly, it almost cut her palm.

"Careful with that. Are you okay?" Mikasa's father asks to his daughter, giving her a brief look behind.

The mother looks back to see Mikasa is fine, she barely has a scratch. She unties the contraption off and gives it to her mom, "This is what our family calls a hidden blade. You are just of the age to wield it." She gives her fourteen year old daughter a smile, "When you have children of your own, keep it away from them until they're old enough to handle it." She gives Mikasa a hint of sarcasm.

Mikasa takes a brief pause at her mother, "I really don't want to think about that okay?"

Her mother couldn't help but chuckle, "Okay. But you shou-"

(Bang) Off goes the father's head, and the two horses by a sharpshooter's Enfield, "Greetings!" Says the big man, with a pistol at hand.

"If you two come nice and slow we won't-"Mikasa's mother shoots the guy with her own flintlock, but one of them managed to shoot her down before she could attack.

Mikasa was in complete disarray. She felt her life flash all around her, "Mom! Dad!"

"What're you doing we were to only kill the father!" The big thug shouted.

"But she killed Nick!" The tall thug complains

"No excuses, take the kid." Orders from the big guy.

Mikasa couldn't take her eyes off her parent's corpses. The horses have been butchered. It's just unbearable! She lost both of her parents in the blink of an eye. Both of the thugs came circling Mikasa. She paid more attention to the murderer with the loaded flintlock pointing at her. Her sweat tickled her cheeks, but she didn't dare touch them.

"Behave yourself kid, or you'll meet the same thing." Says the thug holding the pistol to her head. He nods to his friend, and the same guy knocks out Mikasa from behind with the butt of his pistol.

(Now where's Eren?)

Eren has a bird's eye view of the bandit's camp; two thugs with guns, a stack of crates from the caravan, and one captive. The captive who Eren was hoping to find. Eren's sharp eyes lock onto the scrawny tall guy. Pulling out an arrow, and setting up his bow, he eases his temper into his words, "Just like any other animal. I pray that you will be given mercy by my hands. With only one shot." Eren prays, releasing his arrow into the guy's head. Down and out. The big guy is completely shocked, he has no idea where the shooter came from. The big guy pulls out his axe, and takes a sweep around the area. Eren didn't notice at all that he ran out of arrows. There was another branch that overlooks the other crook from beneath. If Eren can get over there, he can take him out by tackling him with his knife. Creeping on the branches is harder than it seems, but he's done enough times. Every step rattles the trees, leaves fall with every shake. He's yet to be unvigilant in his agility. Gaining posture, he makes it to the chosen branch. Pulling out his kunai knife, he takes in some silent breaths."The slightest sound will tip the notice of your prey." Eren whispers in his head. Backing up a few steps to gain momentum, Eren charges for the murderer's neck. Unaware of the hunter, the man falls dead, kissing the dirt with the taste of his blood.

Eren saw the girl. In her state, he can't help but feel sorry for her. In the moment he felt a strong sense of responsibility, looking into those dark, dusky eyes. The fire dances around her shadow, she's tired. "Her name is Mikasa. I finally remember her name!"

Mikasa could see the one who killed the two men. A man with dark brown hair, and green eyes. German heritage from the looks of Mikasa's knowledge. Instantly she remembers his face from today in town. He bought one of their knives, before they left. All of a sudden, she starts to feel an odd sense of excitement, and hope. She couldn't work her way up to speak, she just took the time to stare at him.

"It's okay now, there dead." Eren comforts Mikasa with words. He hoists Mikasa up to her knees, and uses his kunai to cut her restraints. "My name's Eren, we met in Verspruchen." After he untied her, Eren gave Mikasa the hidden blade, "Is this yours? I-" She instantly snatches it out of Eren's hand, "I… I found it from your caravan."

It then hit her; there were the two crooks Eren killed, the one Mikasa's mother killed, and the sharp shooter.

"There's one more person."

Suddenly the sound of footsteps approach from behind. Eren doesn't look back, he pulls out his hunting knife, but the group's sharpshooter kicks him in the face. Tossing him two feet away from Mikasa.

"Did you kill them?" The sharpshooter is distraught by the loss of his friends. He is struggling through the shaking of his knees.

Pain strains all around Eren's head. Struggling to get up, but the sniper man strained him down. He strangles Eren till he's out of breath. Mikasa could see that this guy is ignoring her. He doesn't know about the weapon in her hand. Eren tries to reach for his own knife, but he's out of reach. He looks at Mikasa, who is scared to tears.

"Fight!" Eren struggles to release his words. "We'll both die if you don't fight!" The sniper squeezes harder every moment. "You have to fight!" His hands begin to die down from exhaustion.

Tying the device to her wrist, she pops out the blade. She struggles to handle the pressure under her belt. "I… can't!"

Eren could see that Mikasa's just frozen in her place. Eren could barely keep his eyes open, he's barely conscious.

"FIGHT!" Shouts Mikasa. She charges to the man and stabs the sniper in his neck.

As I said before, expect the very unexpected!

I hope this story is worth the crossover. I'm sure you didn't regret reading this. Send me suggestions if anyone has any.

Now I'll admit, this Eren is a bit more… more… organized, but he's a hunter in this story, I hope you'll understand.

If I get enough views, and reviews then I will not give up this story. Keep clicking that favorite button! See you all soon.

GO Hajime Isayama, and Ubisoft!

PS: I hope the cover image is awesome, one in a million.