![]() Author has written 42 stories for Wreck-It Ralph, Five Nights at Freddy´s, Yo-Kai Watch, Animal Crossing, We Bare Bears, Lilo & Stitch, Tom and Jerry, Loud House, and Warriors. Hello everyone! I'm Mangle, andI love stories relating to Wander Over Yonder, FNAF's, Wreak-It-Ralph, Courage the Cowardly Dog and lot's more! I also love making fanfiction about my OC's! And bellow here are other sites I'm on: Deviantart: Where I'm known as MlpWOY or Angel (I post pictures of my OC's on there granted I don't do all of them I mostly do my Wreak-It-Ralph OC's). Archive Of Our Own: Where I'm known as Suzzysnips where I work on other fanfiction like Cuphead, Kirby, Steven Universe, and an Alternate Universe Five Nights At Freddy's basically this site is for stories that I belived wouldn't do well here. I mostly do stories on Wreak-It-Ralph so in order my stories are: 1) More Than Meets The Eye (Done) 2) The Price Of Love (Done) 3) The Backstory (Done) 4) Parasite T (Done) 5) Two Heart's Becoming One (Done) 6) Hornymoon (Done) 7) Fudge Smoreline (Done) 8) Pregnancy Troubles (Done) 9) The Babysitters (Done) 10) First Impression (One-Shot) (Done) 11) The Bad Baby (Done) 12) Tough Choices (Done) 13) A New Era (Done -End of Season 1- 14) School Day Blues (Done) 15) The Sleepover (Done) 16) Love Is In Bloom (Done) 17) How To Catch Some Brats (Done) 18) The Nice Ladies (Done) 19) The Trail (Done) 20) She's Back! (Done) 23) Doomsday (Done) 24) Nothing Will Ever Be Okay (Not Done) 25) Never Again (TBP) 26) I'm Sorry (One-Shot) (TBP) 27) The Mocabra Mansion (TBP) 28) The Voicemail (One-Shot) (TBP) 29) (Almost) Baked Into A Pie (One-Shot) (TBP) 30) The Terrible Hue (Not Done) 31) One PETdicament (TBP) 32) Sexist (TBP) 33) Christmas With The Smorelines (TBP) 34) Mocho Mania (Three Stories In One) (TBP) -End of Season 2- 35) Years Later (TBP) 36) The Perfect Gift (TBP) 37) The End Of An Era (TBP) Sugar Rush Oc Bio's: Kit Smoreline: Kit a very enthusiastic and fun-loving, flower-loving white chocolate bunny fan NPC! Him and his other regular chocolate bunny fans cheer their number one racer Fudge Smoreline! But he's much shorter then the other fans and is the only one with white chocolate skin and blue eyes. He's sensitive about being called short, runty, tiny, etc. But this bunny knows how to pack a punch! He's stronger then any charecter in Sugar Rush and will do anything to defend his wife Fudge! Fudge Elcano Fritter Smoreline: Fudge is a shy racer that only does racing because she has such loyal fans (especially Kit) right behind her. She is very nice and sweet most of the time but looks can be deceiving! She has somewhat sentaint hair that she can control with her mind and has a bit of a short fuse. Fudge is often teased for being weak but she's anything but. Especially if you mess with Kit! Powdered Cinnamon Smoreline: Cinnamon is one of the two children of Kit and Fudge. She loves racing! And wants to be one when she grows up as she practices constantly on roller skates and rides on ger motocross bike. She has somewhat sentaint hait like her mother. But the girl dosen't trust others (especially adults) as she only has one best friend. Ever since she was an infant she tries to protect her brother Mocho but often gets blinded as she wishes to be cool and popular. Even seeing Mocho as obstacle at some points. Mocho Rosemary Smoreline: Mocho is the second child of Fudge and Kit. He's very shy around strangers (even worse then Fudge) and dosen't have alot of confidence to stand up for himself or others. He has the power of emotion manipulation but never really usses it. But deep down inside Mocho is a heart of gold that only cares about other people. Not ever himself. He pratices his power to get it stronger...and the practice is working cause he's getting stronger every day. Airhead Twix: Airhead was once a cruel beast that took over Sugar Rush with her sister by her side! But now thanks to Kit Smoreline she now is free and has a home and has adopted a wonderful child. Airhead may look dumb but she acually pays attention to every little detail in the world around her. And because of this she's able to figure out things fairly quickly. Sweet Loccino: ??? Annaween Orangeboar: This rambunctious little girl is the daughter of Gloyd and Taffyta! She loves roller skating and is best friends with Cinnamon (which is saying something)! Though a bit wild at times she cares about Cinnamon and just hopes her friend dosent do anything stupid Pucker Bittcid Lolli : Pucker Bittcid was once any enemy of Fudge only wishing to torment the racer. But she soon made amends and now makes sure to check up on her and Kit daily. She's known to get a very sour attitude when she wakes up on the wrong side of the bed. But when not iritated she's a laid-back nurse who just wants to make sure that Fudge and Kit don't get hurt...again. Dr. Lolli: Dr. Lolli is now the permanat doctor of both Kit and Fudge. After helping with the surgery to save Kit's legs from being amputated. He's put the Smoreline family on his radar making sure that the crazy family dosent end up breaking their necks. He's married to Pucker and makes sure to keep his wife in check with her her sour moods and temperments. ???: This she-demon took over Sugar Rush and caused choas that still affects the citizens for years on end. After her defeat all of Sugar Rush believes she is gone, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. Petermint Swirl Zaki: Petermint is the older brother of Baking and is the son of Swizzle and Minty. Ever since the "Toxic Takeover" incident Petermint has never been the same, the boy does nothing but write poems not wanting to talk or see anyone. Petermint now has a pair of prostetic legs thanks to the "Toxic Takeover" incident and the boy believes he deserved the lose of his legs for taking away his brothers voice. Baking Swirl Zaki: Baking is the younger brother of Petermint. And is the son of Swizzle and Minty. He never talks (most suspecting he is mute) but thanks to his girlfriend Cinnamon he's now found a way to communicate! Baking is a bit goofy but sensitive and trys his best to make the right decisions for Cinnamon's sake. But under all the goffiness and sensitivity he often worries about his older brother Petermint. All the young boy really wants is to have his big brother back. Fried Fritter: Fried Fritter is the father of Fudge he is nice, caring, and considerate. Always looking out for his daughter Fudge him and his wife we're friends with Kit's parents believing them to be good people. But one day Fried Fritter gave up their lives not only to keep Kit alive. But to give him his freedom. Deviled Dish: ??? Coco Fudgecano: Coco was the wife of Fried Fritter and Fudge's mother. The woman was very sweet and only wished her daughter the best in life. She was a master chef (with the help of her husband) she cook spectacular recipies for all! She was best friends with Deviled Dish, and his wife: Crunch. But after realizing the truth she resented the two for ever hurting Kit. Crunch Dish: ??? Tigertail Snooper Rainbeau: Snooper is the daughter of Snowanna and Candlehead. She's very secrative and is the kid in school that knows everything about everyone. She won't speak a word about anyone's life though...unless that is you give her something she wants. Her office is in the third closet on the second floor if you need to know something... Sweet-Tooth Stratocaster: Sweet-Tooth is a boy who lives at the Smoreline residence with his mama, he's a very charasmatic and cheerful boy. He loves playing music and singing as his decessed parents had a carrier together involving that. Sweet-Tooth never found out what happened to his birth parents though...all he knows is that child survices bursted into his room and took him away... Monager Citrus Scoop: Scoop runs the gossip collum for the school newspaper. And he has alot of gossip to spare! Not only does he have gossip on everyone in the school, but he works with and is dating Snooper! The boy is secrative just like Snooper but he isn't afraid to blackmail or humilate people to get his way. So for your sake I suggest you don't get on his bad side! Smart Cookie: Smart Cookie is the headmistress of Sugar Rush Orphanage. She thinks of all the orphans as her children until their adopted one day. She tried her hardest to keep things in order and make sure all the orphans are happy and not causing any trouble. She's caring and sympathetic but she's no pushover! She knows when to lay down to law to rein her children in Screwball Smoreline: Screwball is the new family pet of the Smoreline's, and she loves her family. Screwball is very loyal to her family and whenever one of them is upset she won't hesitate to cheer them up (or hurt the person who upset them). She also is incredibly smart (almost as smart as a super computer) but even with her superior intelligence to her famlly she's very humble. Screwball is the best pet the Smoreline's could've ever asked for Hubert Huggins: Coming from the game Fallout, Hubert is the twin brother of Dewey Huggins and he loves his brother more then life itself! Unfortulently though Hubert is a bit of an extremist and will go to unethical or even criminal lengths in order to ensure his brothers safety. Hubert can also be cold, cruel, and heartless to people be dislikes or dosen't know but behind all of that he's acually a very cheerful and nastalgic man (with his brother around thsr is). Dewey Huggins: Coming from the game Fallout, Dewey Huggins is the twin brother of Hubert Huggins and he always looks out for his brother. Out of the twins Dewey is alot more affectionate, well-grounded, and careful always thinking things through and making sure his brother dosen't do anything foolish. Despite this however Dewey can be harsh and make split-second decisions when his brother is in harmsway or doing something wrong. But even with how insane Hubert can be Dewey loves his brother all the same. Clemintine Smoreline: Clemintine Smoreline is the future daughter of my OC's Sweet-Tooth and Mocho. Clemintine is a little on the cubby side, loves music, and had inherited some of her bunny side from her father and uncle. Clemintine is very cheerful and optimistic but can also be very forgetful at times. The only thing Clemintine dosen't like about herself is her crimson red eyes which often make it impossible for her daddy Mocho or uncle Kit to look her in the eyes especially when she gets mad. Cooking Zaki: Cooking Zaki is the future son of Cinnamon and Baking, and he is the most popular kid in school without even trying. Cooking is very calm, passionate (about the things he loves), and for the most part laid-back but also is very anti-social not liking large crowds or meeting new people (which is a constant struggle at school). Cooking (if you haven't guessed by the name) is an amazing cook only liking food made by him or his parents. The boy also does not have a taste for any sweets of any kind easily being able to get sick off the sugar. Sebastian Buttercream: On the track Sebastian is a very talkative, hyperactive, and positive racer who shows respect for everyone no matter how mean. Despite this however this racer is a beast in the race track somehow coming within the first three places (mainly first) in every race without even trying. Sebastian dosen't really take racing seriously though thinking of it as more of a hobby or game of sorts. This racer however takes one thing seriously, dirty racing, this racers hates dirty racing to the core of his code. In fact just the mere topic is able to get Sebastian on a rant that will make you wish you we're dead it's even rumored Sebastian talks so much his talking can be used as a weapon. Outside the track Sebastian retains his positive, hyperactive, and talkative persona but is completely fluent (and able to write) in Japenease and is also very knowledgeable on the culture (mainly in the language, arts, and food). This talent leaks into his hobbies: drawing, writing, and making graphic novels which Sebastian is very bashful about telling or showing anyone often writing in Japenease so no one (other than his fans) can understand what's on the page. Sebastian also, for some reason, has great distain for his bucked teeth and hair often growing very embarrassed when teased or questioned about those "flaws". In fact this racer hates his hair and buck teeth so much he always wears a hat to hide his hair and at night Sebastian will wear a pair of (removable) facebow headgear in a desperate attempt to fix his buck teeth. But despite those insecurities Sebastian is willing (and ready) to meet new people he can be friends with! Velvet Cupcake: Velvet Cupcake (just like her name suggests) is the best cupcake maker in all of Sugar Rush (even managing to make her own buisness off of it! Despite what you may think however Velvet is a girl who causes trouble (purposely) wherever she goes with her flirtatious comments and jaw-dropping looks. She will go out of her way to make guys notice her (she isn't even interested in them) and make girls jealous with the way she talks and walks! Velvet is a nice (yet sassy) girl underneath however but you have to get to know her first, and if Velvet ever falls in love with you, kiss your virginity goodbye! Angel Cakes Zaki: Angel is the future daughter of my two OC's Annaween and Petermint and just like her name she is the most perfect little angel this side of Sugar Rush. Angel is an expert at making cakes and loves selling them to people to make them happy, she has a long list of morals she strickly follows which makes it nearly impossible for her to lie, steal, or do anything else bad a normal kid would do. Angel also loves having her picture taken and being in the center of the spotlight. This angel has a dark side however, if Angel is to do something bad she will start to break down as her mental state slowly deteriates. Monager Coco Scoop Junior: Monager (or how he prefers to be called Junior) is the future son of my OC's Snooper and Scoop, Monager is a shy child not liking any attention directed towards him unless it's someone he likes, knows, or wants attention from. Despite Monager's shyness however he is very good with the way he says and phrases things when speaking often being able to play with people (mental, emotionol, and physical) as if their pawns on a chess board and earning the nickname "silver/quick tongue" by his parents. Monager also is a very good photographer and is able to sneak around undetected, just like his parents. Jack: Jack is a hot-headed jackalope Clemintine managed to befriend in the internet and ia now her bestfriend. Torn away from his family at the age of five Jack is very independant and dosen't like being babied or treated just like how old he is. Jack also is very smart and sassy not caring or respecting adult authority but under all of that disrespect Jack can be very nice and sweet. This is easily shown by how much Jack cares about Clemintine and wishes to keep her safe. Cipher Snake-Eyes: Hailing from the internet is, Cipher, the fire demon. Cipher is a very nice, chill, and friendly child always making sure to treat people with respect. However, Cipher does not like talking much about his past and when asked about it he will dodge every question as best as he can. Cipher also gets very attached to people he cares often making jokes with them, showing off a little, and having their back when times get rough. Lucy and Kevin Fluggerbutter: The following Oc's belong to Agent BM be sure to check him out.
(FNAF) Five Night's At Freddy's series (in order): 1) One Tiny Thing (Done) 2) To Curse Or Not To Curse (Done) 3) What I Did (Part One) (One-shot) (Done) 4) How To Create a Demon (Done) 5) Doc's Secret (Done) 6) What I Did (Part Two) (One-shot) (Done) 7) The Project Of Horror (Done) 8) The Bet (Not Done) 9) Big Brother Lefty (TBP) 10) What I Did (Part Three) (One-shot) (TBP) 11) The Cute Little Demon (TBP) 12) Look Who Came Crawling Back (TBP) 13) What I Did (Part Four) (One-shot) (TBP) 14) The Mind-Reader (TBP) 15) My Best Friend (One-shot) (TBP) 16) What I Did (Part Five) (One-shot) (TBP) 17) Too Tight! (TBP) 18) Grampa Reaper (TBP) 19) What I Did (Part Six) (One-shot) (TBP) 20) Too Far (TBP) 21) Gettin' Better (TBP) FNAF Oc Bio's: Docline Furvenfurter Doonkle: Or how "he" prefers to go by Doc. Doc is the caretaker or "dad" to the animatronics. Making sure they are fed, bathed, educated, and even spoiled from now and again. Doc is normally very calm, fair, and balenced "he" even has a sixth sense when the animatronic are involved in any situation. But despite housing and adopting the animatronics Doc isn't a social person...often staying in "his" homes located in the woods, only leaving when going to work or going shopping. Amber Lucifer Satin: Amber is the daugter of the king of the underworld himself: Satin. Both of her parents are demons though she never talks about her mom. Amber loves to tease and joke around with her friends (especially Mike) she's an amazing flyer able to twist in turn and do almost anything! But she never likes to show off her tricks. Pristine ??? Diamond: Pristine is the first richest girl on the island. And she loves to abuse her power! She often teases others for not having as much money as her (along with other things) and will blackmail or abuse anyone who gets in her way. Nobody knows her middle name...though the last person who ever said her middle name was Royal... Royal Heavenly Plum: Royal is the "best friend" of Pristine. And is the second richest girl on the island. She often joins in teasing her "best friend's" most hated victums Nat, Mike, and Amber. Not many kids know why she started hanging out with Pristine...but every kid knows it was the same day she said Pristine's middle name. Lottery ??? Diamond: Lottery is the father of Pristine. And unlike his daughter he is very kind and fair, he's the richest man on the island as he owns the richest tycoon business on the island (his only rival being Ember and Nat's entire family). He often helps people, familes, and other business sell stuff in his shops and gives half of the money back. But because of all this work he puts himself into, he ends up (acidently) neglecting his daughter. ??? Nat ???: Nat and his mama are the only farm on the island so everyone comes to them. Nat never takes his hat off for some reason and only goes by his middle name: Nat. Not even Pristine, Royal, Amber, or Mike knows. Nat is very cheerful and happy most of the time but if you ever mention his dad then he won't leave his room for a week. Ember ??? ???: Ember is Nat's mom. She and Nat both run the farm breaking their backs to keep up with the demands of the islanders. She's the only one who knows Nat's first and last name. Ember gave his son the hat his father used to wear as a way to help him cope. Lucifer Demonic Satin: Lucifer/Satin (he goes by both) is the father of Amber. He rules the underworld but he makes sure the undead souls (unless they did something truly horrible) have a good time and have a chance to beg God to go to heaven. He loves his daughter dearly as he had forced the girl to go to human school. Only him and Amber knows what happened to his wife... Mike Faith Afton: Mike is the son of William Afton and Henry. He dosent remember who his mother was or what happened to her. Mike is often very nice and a bit shy and gets incredibly flustered when Amber teases him. And ever since Amber (acidently) turned him part demon. Mike has never been seen too close to Amber and her father's home... Pearl ??? ???: Pearl is the one who built the animatronics. Though nobody knows what happened to her. The animatronics get very emotionol talking about her though...
Yo-kai Watch Series: 1) From Two Differant World (Done) 2) Saccharophobia (Done) 3) "He Kissed Me!" (TBP) 4) Sissy Sargent (One-Shot) (TBP) Yo-kai Watch Oc Bio's: Sargent: Sargent is a toy poodle yo-kai that inspirits adults (specifically parents) making them (overreactivly) put down the law. This yo-kai isn't very patient as he can't deal with children throwing away their future especially if they disobey their elders. Sargent hates sugar and sweets ans refuses to eat them. Sargent also always wears a hat over his eyes an ears for some reason. Sweetz: Sweetz is a toy poodle yo-kai as well she inspirits kids making them want sweets begging adults for them. She can also inspirit adults making them crave sweets of any kind. She also steals desserts from people and households to satisfy her needs. Sweetz is normally very perky and happy (and that's not because of the sugar) but sometimes she's mischivous liking to cause trouble when on a sugar rush!
Animal Crossing Series: 1) The New Mayor (Not Done) 2) The Cursed Town (TBP) 3) Up For Sale (TBP) Animal Crossing Oc Bio's: Angel Kirby Chrysanthemum: Angel is a very curious pre-teen. She often gets herself into trouble tought with her curiousity and her determination. But when she's not cooped up with her personal mystery she's a very creative, (albiet easily distracted) girl. But even then Angel is still determined to solve a mystery that pleagues her and others just like her. Xavier Major Hal: Xavier has been Angel's best friend from the very beginning. He laid-back and calm for the most part never too nervous or afraid to playfully tease with anyone (especially Angel). He's often seen swimming or fishing to pass by the time, when he's not doing that he's with Angel helping her in any way he can. Garnet Rosemary Gills: Garnet is the oldest out of the four humans. And because of this she is the most confident, intelligent and wise out of her four friends. She isn't afraid to tell her friends the hard truth or stick up for what's right and she can often be seen getting into fights. But despite her bluntness and violent tendacies she does all her actions out of love. And her friends know it. Agatha Girdle Cathrine: Agatha dosen't talk much around strangers so only her friends know who she really is. The girl is always seen wearing some sort of outfit and she adores butterflies, flowers, and everything pretty! The girl is very sweet and kind always wanting to help people despite of any wrong-doings they might have done. She often the one to give Angel her creative ideas and loves being around her pals!
Lio and Stitch Series: 1) Sandwiches and Love (Done) 2) Leroy and Lube (TBP) 3) Revenge is Best Served with Tunamelt Sandwiches (TBP) Lio and Stitch Oc Bio's: Experiment 438/Lube: Lube (also known as experiment 438 and the nickname "kitten") is a very loose-lipped and perveted experiment. Being able to change and adapt his body/abilities towards any lover or nightly fling in a decetly fast pace. However despite Lube's M-rated interests and talents Lube is actually a very affectionate, emotional, loyal, and fun-loving experiment to those who cares for and whomever he decides to fall in love with.
We Bare Bears: 1) Pygmies (Not Done) We Bare Bears Oc Bio's: Bubsy: Bubsy is a very chubby pigmy rabbit he loves eating just as much as he loves Spice. He's known to be a bit chubby (for a pigmy rabbit) and is very easily embarrased when his weight becomes a problem or becomes noticed. Bubsy often makes rash choices or dosent think at all when he is stressed or with anything related to food. He has been with Spice for as long as he can remember and he wouldn't have it any other way. Spice: Spice is a thin pigmy rabbit she loves singing, dancing, reading, and really anything she finds fun. She loves making new friends almost as much as she loves Bubsy, but unfortulently, she is very shy when meeting new people (or when she is in a large crowd) and closes up. But when Spice is around Bubsy (or when Bubsy is hurting) she can be very caring and outgoing. Spice has been with Bubsy for as long as she can remember and she wouldn't want it any other way.
(Warning: This series, unlike my other ones, is rated M. If you are 16 and older you are free to read, however if you are under the age of 16 and read it anyway I will not take any resposibilty for your poor decision making.) Sonic Series: 1) Infinite Pain (Not Done) Sonic Oc Bio's: Star: Star is a very nice and sweet wolf, not liking violance or gore. Unfortolently though she can often be seen as a coward running from her issues or problems. But behind her cowardly atributes she can be very brave when she wats to be, she just has to find that part of her. Babs: Babs is a level-headed wolf who isn't afraid to get down-n'-dirty. She will often fight for what she believes in but despite this Babs knowns when enough is enough and it's time to retreat. The wolf is also good at treating medical injuries and surviving in harsh conditions. To say she is prepared would be an understatement.
Warriors Series: (Warning: Some stories in this series may be rated M. If you are 16 and older you are free to read, however if you are under the age of 16 and read it anyway I will not take any resposibilty for your poor decision making.) 1) The Secret Life Of Loststar (Not Done) Warriors Oc Bio's: Loststar/Lostpad (or also called by the name Lost and formally known as Casper): Having been raised and grown up to be the leader of Lostclan, Loststar had originally been very cruel and ruthless in both his decisions and punishments. But one day during a mission Loststar got taken in by two legs when he was injured and broken his clans most sacred rule by being a kittypet. No wanting to give up his power or leadership, Loststar continued going back and forth between his life as a kittypet and his clan. But one day Loststar had been caught and instead of accepting his punishment he ran away, and thus Lostclan began to look for him hurting anyone and everyone who got in their way. After seeing the destruction of his decision and suffering more then he ever thought possible Loststar started to convince Fleetpaw and every kittypet, rogue, or loner in the area to fight back. Once Loststar managed to convince everyone and train them to fight he led them to battle and with the help of Fleetpaw led them all to victory. But once everything was said and done no one wanted to go back to their old lives and instead wanted to live the life of a clan cat. Loststar took this chance without thinking and started convincing all of them and eventually Fleetpaw himself they could make a clan and Fleetpaw could be their. Luckily though Acorn and Viperheart was just as enthusiastic as him and once they convinced everyone and helped build Hopeclan. After everything was set up Loststar officially stopped using his leader name, instead starting to go by the name Lostpad, and even since then Lostpad has felt more happy and accomplished he ever felt in Lostclan. Fleetpaw/Fleetstar: Fleetpaw's life in Lostclan hadn't been a good one with him being abandoned by his parents at birth and as he grew up his entire clan hating him or viewing him as a joke. Eventually though Fleetpaw broke one of the most sacred rules of his clan and was greatly humiliated before being kicked out resulting in his losing all confidence and respect for himself. With no where else to go Fleetpaw went to his two-leg owners where he lived until disaster struck with Lostclan (under new leadership) announced that all kittypets they ran into would be kidnapped, tortured, and eventually killed. After Fleetpaw, his friend (and former leader of Lostclan) Lostpad, and all of the kittypets in the area had suffered alot of abuse they had enough. And after a tiring and deathly battle Fleetpaw and the other kittypets managed to defeat Lostclan and it's leader. However, once the battle was over none of the kittypets wanted to go back their old lives and started thinking that Fleetpaw could be the leader of their own clan. After some encouragement and managing to build up the clan (with Lostpad, Viperheart, and Acorn's help) Fleetpaw finally felt truly happy as he was given the name Fleetstar. Viperheart: Viperheart had first opened her eyes and saw she had been alone but that didn't scare it bother her instead she started to try and explore her new environment. And as she got older she traveled around to new areas meeting other cats and just trying to be a beacon of happiness and joy all without even having a name for herself. However, one day Viperheart (unknowingly to her) got bitten by a poisonous snake but she still wasn't fazed and kept going on without seeking treatment. This resulted in Viperheart eventually passing out from her bite and being taken in by two-legs, while on the brink of death. But by some miracle Viperheart survived given an anti-venom in the nick of time. But as Viperheart woke up it was soon discovered that she had went blind from the snake venom and had no chance of getting her eyesight back. Viperheart didn't even mind this change of events viewing it as good luck because in her own words: "I would've never met the two-legs if I hadn't gotten bitten"! Once settling down with the two-legs she was given the first part of her name, Viper, and eventually met Fleetpaw and his two-leg family. And as Viperheart spent time with Fleetpaw she fell in love with him to the point where she just had to follow and help him no matter what. Once Viperheart managed to help Fleetpaw out with starting and building his clan and became his mate in the process Viperheart knew she would stay in Hopeclan forever. Acorn: Acorn grew up with loving parents but as time went on his father grew less and less interested in his mother. And eventually one night Acorn's father left as his mother (who was pregnant) begged the tom to stay but to no avail. Acorn's mother wasn't sure what to do so she tried finding a place to lay down before she had to give birth. But while on the look out that's just what happened and Acorn had to help keep his mother calm during the birthing process. Once everything was dealt with, Acorn ran off to get some water and clean the kits, but when he returned and finished up with the cleaning he realized two of them were dead and the third was barely hanging into life. Scared and distraught, Acorn tried to take care of his little sister until his mother woke up, but Acorn's mother never did wake up again. Unsure of what to do Acorn took his sister with him to find someone that would help him, but as he was traveling he got separated from his sister. Alone and scared, Acorn started traveling any area he search for his sister but could never find her. That is until he decided to help join the war against Lostclan and found Viperheart, his long lost sister. Once the war was won and Hopeclan started getting built Acorn talked to Viperheart and the two started to build their sibling relationship while Acorn also found himself a mate along the way. Lightningspark (or also called by the name Spark) (Deceased): Lightningspark was once the very determined and goal-oriented leader of Lostclan after Loststar was stripped of his role as leader. However thanks to his straight-forward leadership tactics, Lightningspark caused the clan to fall (with a few other causes helping the overall disaster). Once falling so hard from grace however Lightningspark was desperate to try and gain some sort of win, attempting to kill his enemies, only to meet his gruesome demise by getting mauled by dogs.
NEW Loud House Series: 1) Letters From Ruby (Not Done) Loud House Oc Bio's: Ruby: Ruby is from an unknown faraway land who first came in contact with the Loud family after writing letters to Lincoln in "Letters From Ruby". Ruby is very talkative, positive, curious, always gives compliments, and is easily destracted espcially when involving new things and people. Ruby dosen't know English well always mispronouncing words, using the wrong nouns or verbs in a sentance, and refering to herself in the third person. However, despite all her good traits Ruby can land herself into trouble by breaking rules (whether minor or major) sometimes even intentionally because she's "curious" or "wants to have fun" or simply because she "views rules as suggestions". Ruby also dosen't understand (or care about) personal space or privacy sometimes doing very foolish things without thinking (which is another thing she has trouble with), but despite being a troublemaker at times Ruby is still a very lovable (if not quirky) girl.
Codename: Kids Next Door Series: 1) Suffering In Silence (Not Done) Ace/Numbah π: Ace is a young five-year-old cadet next door who is very observant looking around to gather information. Despite this however Ace is very clumsy and has a hard time speaking properly most of the time Ace has to speak in simple words or sentences in order to avoid making himself angry. Ace is also is very nice, obediant, and curious about the world around him which often outweighs his obediance making Ace inadvertidly cause trouble for others (and himself). This young cadet is also very trusting and affectionate greeting fellow children with open arms even if they have done something to hurt him. When it comes to adults however (epecially his mother and other grown-up woman) he becomes terrified often having acidents out of pure fear. Teddy/Numbah 0: Teddy is a young five-year-old cadet next door, just like Ace! Teddy is very friendly and chill easily able to calm anyone down from their fear or anger thanks to his calm nature. Teddy also has alot of self-confidence and pride in himself not caring what people think of him which is made very obvious with his long hair and pigtails he's not afraid to show off! Despite this however Teddy can get very attached to other people especially his friends so if he loses a friend or said friend is put into danger Teddy won't think twice before doing something stupid. But this flaw does have a good side to it, thanks to his attachment Teddy is very loyal and helpful to those he cares about. |