Author has written 6 stories for DuckTales. Hai! My name is Clarice. I'm Bi Shy and Ready to Cry! :P Nah but seriously I am 14 years old and I love to write, sing and draw. I have a tumblr which is Claricethetomboy357, and that's my deviantart and wattpad as well (I regret that username QuQ) ! Anyways, just so you get to know me more ~I have my own book series called Bright Sky which I will upload ! I hope you read it and enjoy it c: ~I love watching anime and cartoons. My main fandoms include Fairy Tail, Steven Universe, Voltron, Ducktales 2017, Young Justice, and a bunch more !!! o3o ~My favorite things include the color blue, flower crowns, and stars! c: ~My other favorite things include music ((especially broadway musicals *cough*H A M I L T O N *cough)), food ((especially sushi, sweets and ice cream!)), milkshakes, coffee, bubble tea, acting, animals, S H I P S -w- ((but of course I will respect you shipping your ship if you do the same for me)) and a bunch more things because I love everything ;3; ((But of course I really love my family and friends!️)) ~I find myself to be really accepting towards everybody. It doesn't matter what race, religion, sexuality, gender, or whatever you are! If you want to talk to me or if you need someone to talk to, or if you want to be friends, I dont mind! ((I don't bite lmao)) 030 ~Thats it really! I hope you enjoy whatever crap I write lmao~ |