It wasn't long until the ball officially started. So many people, from rich to not so rich, showed up at McDuck Manor. Everybody was wearing extravagant dresses and sophisticated tuxes, and everybody was enjoying themselves so far. Scrooge was making an announcement before officially opening the buffet and dance floor.
"I hope you all enjoy yourselves, now go have some fun!" Scrooge rose his cane and threw his hat in the air as a crescendo of cheers filled the ballroom. The crowd immediately split into different sections. Some talked among themselves, while some went to the buffet and started grabbing food. Some poured onto the dance floor and started swaying to the music.
"So little duckies, what are we gonna do now?" Lena questioned her friends as she was sipping a huge glass of iced Pep.
"I actually don't know. I don't know what you really do at a dance. Don't you just hang out with friends and eat?" Huey questioned, unsure himself of what is done during an event like this.
"Well I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna go and try to meet some ladies~" Louie finger gunned and winked at his friends, clicking his beak as a finishing accent to his sentence before he started walking around the room to introduce himself.
"Typical Loubert." Dewey smirked and rolled his eyes as Lena chuckled in response.
"Of course I'm going to get some food. There's a HUGE dessert bar in the corner that's LOADED with ice cream and cookies. Y'all coming?" Calli looked back at the others, the others responding with a nod as they followed her footsteps.
"Oh damn they took all the cookies already?! There's only one chocolate chip cookie left." Calli took the second to last one and devoured it in less than 10 seconds. She then took one of the decorated glass bowls filled with perfectly spherical chocolate ice cream and started eating it.
"I CALL DIBS!" Dewey and Webby both reached out for the same cookie, resulting in their hands landing on top of each other. They suddenly jerked their hands away from the sudden contact, both parties trying to control a small blush that dusted their cheeks.
"Oh sorry, you can have it!" Dewey took the cookie and gave it to Webby, Webby responding by taking the cookie and snapping it in half.
"Here! So we can both have one!" Webby smiled as she handed him back a half of the cookie.
"I'll just take the pumpkin-shaped jello." Huey picked up the platter that held a cherry and strawberry pumpkin-shaped jello, which had a ruby-like appearance that glistened underneath the chandelier light.
Louie started walking back to them, his hands drooping by his waist.
"So how'd finding a lady go?" Calli questioned as she handed Louie a Pep slush that was positioned right by the jello bowls.
"That one I met was a complete stuck up," Louie sighed and took a sip. "I wish I could find a girl. Dewey, how'd you find a girl before me?" He pouted his lips in a taunting manner, burying his beak back into his drink.
Dewey was about to open his mouth to retort any comment, a certain song came up that made Webby's eyes light up with excitement.
"THIS IS THE SONG WE PRACTICED WITH!" Webby smiled as she wiped off the cookie crumbs that clung onto the bottom of her dress.
"Well you wanna go dance then?" Dewey extended his hand, trying to sound as casual as possible.
"I'd be delighted." Webby smiled and curtsied as she accepted his hand and walked to the middle of the dance floor. As they reached the center, Webby placed her hands on the shoulder pads of Dewey's tuxedo as he gently positioned his hands on the fabric of the dress on her waist. As they started swaying, Webby spoke up.
Dewey looked at Webby's eyes as Webby looked at him smiling yet embarrassed.
"I still can't dance."
Dewey looked at her wide eyed for a few minutes, but then started laughing underneath his breath as Webby silently adored the chuckle that escaped his beak.
"Neither can I."
As he responded with that sentence, he just started dancing on his own accord. He just moved his feet forwards and backwards as he moved their hands in the same rhythm of their feet. Webby followed his lead, and they both eventually melted into the song. As the notes rung through the air, they started laughing and smiling at the fun they were having with each other, no matter how ridiculous they looked at times.
"YOU'RE DOING GREAT SWEETIES!" Louie cupped his hands around his beak like a megaphone and screamed, not loud enough for everybody to look at him but loud enough to reach Dewey and Webby's ears. They ignored him anyways.
"MY COUSIN FOUND A LOVE EARLIER THAN I EVER WILL." Calli started tearing up in happiness and subtle envy, wiping the tears that were resting on her eyes as Huey was beaming too, holding a tissue box in his left hand as he held the box towards her arm.
"You guys overreact SO much." Lena looked at them and rolled her eyes as a smile made its way to her beak, signifying that she felt happy for Webby.
The same ghostly blur from the hallway earlier was lurking in the room, hiding behind one of the standing pillars. The blur looked at the ducklings and took a deep breath.
"Time for an introduction."
However, that dance ended early along with the blur's attempt when a completely different ghost flew through Webby and Dewey, catching their attention as their hands were no longer on each other.
"Hey, am I the only one who saw that?!" Webby turned to look at the blur, who was flying through the room with zero attention drawn to that ghost from everybody else except the triplets, Lena, Calli and Webby herself.
"No I saw that too! What's it doing here?!" Dewey's eyesight was dragged with the direction the ghost was flying.
"IS THAT A GHOST?!" Louie's pupils shrunk as he slammed his Pep slush back onto the table.
"And are we the only ones who see it?" Lena observed the other animals around the ballroom, and nobody seemed to notice the ghost flying. In fact, they WERE the only ones who can see it, and they're the only ones for a reason.
"Oh no, not now!" The blur escaped its hiding spot from the pillar.
"Follow that blur!" Webby whisper-shouted as she ran towards the balcony where the ghost flew off the balcony. In all the adrenaline, Webby jumped off the balcony as well to try and catch the ghost, but looked down towards the ground and shrieked.
"Webby!" Dewey tried grabbing her by her dress, but they both ended up falling off the balcony.
"WEBBY! DEWEY!" Huey screamed as the only ones who saw the ghost started running from the ballroom to outside.
"Dewey?" Webby was falling and looked up at him, tears starting to form at the corners of her eyes.
"I got you Webby, I'm here." Dewey's eyes became glossy with tears but he was determined to comfort her. He pulled her towards him, hugging her close to him as he was falling on top of her almost close to the ground. She clung onto him like a lifeline, silently tearing up as they held onto each other. That's all they focused on. That's all that was happening in their world. They ignored the winds picking up as they almost hit the concrete, only focusing on being in each other's embrace. She buried her face into his chest as he rested his chin on the side of her head. The ghost blur from the hallway looked down from the balcony and saw two ducklings falling, Webby and...
"Dewey!" The ghost jumped from the balcony and flew down as quick as possible, catching Dewey and Webby and safely landing them onto the ground.
"Thanks, but..." Webby started, still holding onto Dewey until the other ducklings left the mansion and saw them.
"Stay away from them!" Lena got into a defense pose and everybody grabbed the closest thing to them that can be used as a weapon.
"No don't hurt them! They helped us." Dewey stood in front of the ghost, the ghost responding by placing its hand on his shoulder.
"Thank you, Dewford."
"Why does she sound so familiar...unless.." Calli's pupils immediately shrunk in size, her voice trembling as her body was stiff from shock. "N-No way..."
"We wish to know who you are!" Webby tugged on the ghost's hand gently but strong enough to grab its attention.
"Oh I apologize, I'll transform into my original form. I did this so no other ghosts would get any facial features off me." The ghost then slowly morphed, it's nondistinct features of its body and face slowly creating features for itself. Originally, the face only held milky white eyes and short hair. But each hair on her head gained more detail as her eyes became more in depth, her beak and dimples eventually showing as well.
She looked so familiar, like the triplets knew her. Her short chopped hair and her gleaming eyes. Her smiling beak and her cheeky dimples.
Is that-
((Nah I won't end it here I'm not THAT evil :P))
Dewey stood in shock, staring at the figure as Huey and Louie examined her features and realized that she did, in fact, look like their lost mother.
"Mom, is that you?!" Huey exclaimed in complete shock, unsure if it was out of happiness or pain or complete surprise. Louie started tearing up at the sight of his 'mom', understanding that if this was her, then she was dead.
"No...I'm not your mom." The ghost couldn't bear to look at the triplets, so she looked at Calli instead. "Remember me Calli?"
"Ohmygodohmygod..." Calli started feeling tears slowly drip down her cheeks as she remained in her spot, shaken by the sudden memories. She was on the verge of breaking down. This had to be a dream, this wasn't real.
"I'm not your mom. Hubert, Dewford, Louis..." The ghost felt a small tear form at the corner of her eye, the tear falling but never hitting the ground. It just took the form of a swirl and disintegrated into the air, never being seen again.
"My name is Lucy...and I'm your sister."
((okay maybe I'm a little evil -3-))