Author Notes: I love the DeathStar ship but decided to torture myself by making it one-sided.

Cuz you know, it's not like there aren't barely any stories for this ship ;_;

Already have the whole story outlined and planned and should be no more or less than 5-7 chapters, and I plan to update monthly. (But hey things happen)

Takes place before the final episode, so everything before then is canon here. Hope you enjoy!

Dominator was dancing in her ship reveling as she had yet again dominated another planet. Racking up those sweet points as she turned a once vivacious, bountiful, and peaceful planet to ash.

"Ha! Yes! That's another one for the board baby!" She turned towards the leaderboard on screen and pointed to her ever large roster.

"Ah~ isn't there something I'm not #1 at?" She cackled maniacally. "Let's see, #1 villain, best ship, most intimidating army, most wanted person in the galaxy. Yup I've pretty much got this whole "Greatest in the galaxy" thing in the bag" she sighed happily and sunk into her throne.


Her bubble of glee quickly burst and replaced with anger. "What?!" she stood from her throne and looked at the bot who dared to ruin her buzz. The bot who was standing amongst the others continued.


Dominator was shocked to say the least. "What do you mean I am not the most wanted in the galaxy?! I demolish entire worlds, I tear apart loved ones, I've committed crimes against alien kind for Pete's sake! Who could possibly have a bigger bounty on their head than me?"

Imagine Dominator's shock once she pulled up the fugitive listings only to find the furry, orange, wandering, do-gooder, Wander.

"What?! I can't believe that orange dork got the top spot on the galaxy's most wanted list" She continued to read the listing "And for 20 buh-million galactic dollars?!" She threw up her hands in utter disbelief. "There has to be something wrong with these listings, I mean isn't he all sunshine, pacifism, and all those other mushy stuff. Heh what did he do, steal candy FOR a baby?" She laughed and fell into her throne.

Eventually her laughter died down and was replaced with concern as Dominator tried to think deeper on the furball's wanted listing.

"Hmm, what if this is all some sort of scheme?" She pondered, slowly rising from her throne once again. She smacked her fist into a palm in realization, "Yees! Why else would such a docile and dope infested galaxy have such a lack of competent villains." She beamed as she elaborated more on her made-up theory. "What if he just pretends to be nice as a front, and while the other villains are fighting amongst themselves he implants his will on planets?" It seemed possible but there still a lot of doubt in her mind. She stroked her chin trying to figure out the reason for Wander's listing.

"Hey! You!" She pointed to the nearest Dom-bot.

"Calculate the probability of that Wander guy being some evil mastermind using kindness as a façade to take over the galaxy" The bot's screen proceeded to display an array of numbers as it calculated probability, possibility, and feasibility.


The bot jerked.


"Hmm well those definitely aren't betting odds…" she pondered more. A light bulb popped up atop her head as a new idea came up. Her face slowly broke into a dark grin as she started lurching and rubbing her hands together evilly. "Instead of sitting around here, why don't I just ask the fugitive himself~" She was at the control panel in an instant, pressing buttons to plot and follow the coordinates of Wander's last known location. "And then we'll see who deserves the #1 spot in this galaxy~."

Wander and Sylvia were on the planet Pactodermia planet had a savannah like ecosystem with a mix of woodlands, grasslands, and a few desert areas. And after a day of helping redirect a herd of elephant-like lifeforms known as Pactoderms from running off a cliff. The wandering alien and his Zbornak companion thought it best to relax and settle in early for the night.

They were currently residing within a large sandy colored cave, where Sylvia had just come in with a bundle of twigs for the campfire. "Man today sure was a busy one, ey buddy?" she asked her happy go lucky friend who was currently leaning against the cave interior strumming notes on his signature banjo. "Yes siree, today was mighty stressful. Those Pactoderms are quite frightful towards strangers."

Sylvia threw her batch of wood into the fire and huddled onto a comfortable spot on the cave floor. She yawned. "Yeah I think we definitely deserve a good night's sleep. You coming Wander?" He continued strumming on his banjo. "Nah, I think I gonna stay up and watch the stars for a bit." He said with a content smile as he stared at the night sky from the edge of the cave entrance. "Well, *yawns* good night buddy." Sylvia yawned out as she drifted to sleep. Wander, still in his position, continued star gazing. Feeling in awe of all the wonder each one brought.

The warm light of the fire glowed brightly in the night, And the Star Nomad took up drawing patterns in the sky. He connected the stars to see what interesting drawings and faces he could make. He had just finished a constellation of Lord Hater smiling when his finger landed on a peculiar looking star.

Odd. He had never seen a red star.

Nor had he seen one that looked like Lord Dominator's ship racing towards this very planet!

Wander fell backwards and quickly scurried across the cave floor to Sylvia. By this time, Dominator's ship was hovering right outside the cave. The hatch at the bottom of the ship opened, and as if on an assembly line, hordes of Dom-bots one by one dropped down.

Wander shook Sylvia furiously "Sylvia, Sylvia wake up! Dominator. Here. Dom-bots! Lots of em. Hurry wake up!" Sylvia groggily lifted her head and jumped up in shock as she was greeted to the sight of bots charging into the cave. Like an army of ants, they swarmed into the cave. Up to 50 of them filled the cave and slammed Sylvia into the cave wall.

As she was struggling to get free, two bots got on either side of Wander. They extended their tentacles and wrapped them around Wander's hands and quickly fled the cave with him. Just as quickly as they came, the Dom-bots spilled out of the cave as they forcibly escorted Wander onto Dominator's ship. Wander struggled in their grasp calling out to Sylvia. "Sylvia! Sylvia!" She sat dazed recovering from Dominator's bots knocking the wind out of her.

By time she came to, all she saw was her best friend's sad face as he was being taken into the clutches of a psychopathic planet destroyer. She gasped and tried to run, but Wander and the Dom-bots were quickly beamed up into the ship and were soon light years from Sylvia's location.

The depressed Zbornak fell onto her knees as she saw the ship zip into space and out of her view. She stood up and angrily shook her fist "Arrgh! Just you wait Dominator. I'm gonna save Wander and kick your green, evil, lava spewing butt into next Tuesday!" she growled and huffed.

She clenched her fist.

"Don't worry Wander, I'm coming!"