Hey everyone! Sorry for the long delay again; blame college and life... Anyway, here's the last chapter of Unforgiven! Enjoy!

22. Forgiven and Free

Rancis felt as if he was drowning in darkness. He gritted his teeth and opened his eyes, determined to face Taffyta's death like a man. Her image, flickering and faint, lay on the ground. He waited for the moment she would wink out of existence and out of his life. And waited. And waited some more. Doubts entered his mind. Is it possible she….no. And yet, it seemed as though her body was solidifying. How?

The last thing Taffyta remembered was pain; overwhelming pain. I thought I was going to die… wait, didn't I die? How am I still alive?

In the code vault, Vanellope suddenly gasped. "What happened?" Jerry asked. "Taffyta…she's awake." Vanellope replied.

As Taffyta regained control of her mind, she felt something different at the back of her mind. Taffyta! A voice called. Can you hear me? Slightly puzzled, Taffyta tried to form a response. Who…is…this? It's Vanellope. What's happening? Taffyta suddenly felt a rush of information. She realized that she was able to access Vanellope's memories and thoughts. Like a movie, the whole story played out before her: Vanellope's animosity and hatred that led her to sabotage Taffyta's code box and eventual realization of the wrong she had done. Taffyta watched herself dying and Jerry and Vanellope speed off to save her. Vanellope agreeing to link Taffyta's code box to her own, risking her life for Taffyta's.

Rancis didn't understand. Taffyta was fading a few moments before, preparing to wink out of existence. Yet she didn't, and for some reason, her figure was solidifying again. He scarcely believed it when she suddenly twitched and began breathing again. "Taffyta!" he whispered. "Can you hear me?" Taffyta's eyes fluttered open. "Rancis?" Tears of joy coursed down Rancis' face as he embraced the one he had given up for dead, yet had been miraculously brought back to life. He didn't understand, but he didn't care. All he knew was that Taffyta was alive, and that was all that mattered to him at that moment.

Everyone in Sugar Rush was gathered in front of the palace, summoned by Vanellope. Most were still puzzled by what had just occurred. Only three people really knew what had happened, and they stood at the head of the crowd: Vanellope, Taffyta, and Jerry.

Vanellope took a deep breath. "Thank you for assembling. There are a few things I need to say. Firstly, Sugar Rush thanks the brave soldiers of Hero's Duty, who, at mortal cost, defended our kingdom from the menace of the CyBug. We remember the great sacrifice of those who gave their lives for a game they did not belong to, and we are forever indebted to them." She paused as respectful applause swept through the crowd. Calhoun and her remaining soldiers nodded and saluted the crowd.

"Secondly, I have something to confess." The crowd grew hushed. "Many of you know of Taffyta's injury and miraculous recovery, prior to this day. In the CyBug battle, she was mortally injured in the process of rescuing Kristin Jellybean. Coupled with her previous trauma, she came close to death.

The truth is that I… was responsible for her initial injury." Shock rippled through the crowd. Rancis looked up, stunned. Vanellope continued, "Most of the racers knew of my animosity towards Taffyta. I allowed my resentment to control me. When Turbo took over Sugar Rush, he sabotaged my code box and turned me into an outcast. For that, we considered him a monster. Yet I did the same thing. I ostracized Taffyta, and eventually, I went as far as to sabotage her code box." Vanellope lowered her head.

Rancis stood up, rage etched across his features. "You don't deserve to be Princess!" he screamed. "You're just another murderous tyrant like Turbo!" An undercurrent of anger surged through the crowd, directed at Vanellope.

Taffyta stood up and held up a hand. The crowd's yells of support swelled, expecting Taffyta to retaliate. "Silence!" she called. The crowd quieted, puzzled. "The story does not end there. Earlier in the CyBug battle, I tried to save Kristin from the CyBug, and I was injured in the process. My code had been previously damaged; and thus, began to break apart. I should have died. But I didn't." At this point, Taffyta turned to Vanellope. "Because of Vanellope." Once again, everyone was stunned; Rancis most of all.

"Vanellope agreed to let Jerry link my code to hers to give me a chance at survival. It was the only hope; in fact, the military medic gave no hope for me. With the link came a risk. My fate would be tied to Vanellope's. If I died, her code would suffer serious and possibly fatal damage. Yet Vanellope agreed."

"Vanellope did try to kill me… but she also saved me. She has realized her wrong, and tried her best to right it. When I awoke from my brush with death, Vanellope communicated with me through the link. She explained everything she had done and asked for my forgiveness. I could have held it against her. Instead, I chose to forgive her. And I repeat this again." Taffyta looked Vanellope in the eye. "I forgive you." Taffyta and Vanellope embraced as the crowd slowly began to cheer.

Vanellope whispered again, "I'm so sorry." Taffyta replied, "I forgive you, sister. I've got plenty to ask your forgiveness for, too." They pulled back to look at each other and smiled. Sister. That would take some getting used to.

From enemies to sisters; from unforgiven to forgiven. They both reveled in the freedom that comes when we forgive.

Wow, I can't believe it...my first story is finished! To all the readers and reviewers of this story: Thank you so much for sticking with me on this journey! It's been a great experience; this was my first story on FanFiction. I'm older, wiser, and hopefully a better author. A special shout-out to crankyman7: Thanks for all the reviews, advice, and constructive criticism.

This is JarrettSoon signing off: Goodbye for now and God bless!