WELCOME to my first story of Wander over Yonder! -strums invisible banjo- This was based on an idea from someone on Tumblr to which I could never find the name but give full credit to that very person! I was going to wait until chapter 5 to be done to start posting, but agh just couldn't drag it out any longer XD this is a story that happens in season 2, preferably The Wanders. Catch up to season 2 if you haven't! please R AND R.
It was mid afternoon. A lone sun shined in the starry sky. Unlike other planets while they were different colored skies, billions of stars dazzled in broad-daylight. But somehow the sunny mood wasn't helping a certain Zbornak. A little fellow wobbled on her back.
"Ohhhhhh...if you wander...over yonder..!"
An upbeat tune echoed into the air, breaking silence.
"Hey, check out this and that!"
Wander happily rocked back and forth with his small frame to the melody, "If you wander, over yonder...! Best be sure to wear your hat!" He chuckles.
His green, helpful hat bounced on its own. The star at the top flickered.
Sylvia rolled her eyes, but Wander didn't see. She wasn't exactly annoyed, but underwhelmed.
"Come on, Syl! You lead!" He encouraged.
"No bud, I'm fine. I know you like that song, but what about something else?" She suggested.
He stopped strumming the banjo and put one finger to his lips in thought.
"Good idea. Let me think..."
Sylvia thought for a moment she would get some regular silence to herself and her thoughts, but thought too soon.
"Yooo, let's come up with a new song, one that gets ya gutty works a singin'!" A random, unknown melody strummed into the banjo.
Sylvia let out a sigh.
"You're just making it up as you go-"
"Woahhh, who is that guy just laying there on the ground?"
He played faster. That time, he did manage to make a melody.
"Wander, what made you want to say that- Oh my grop!"
Sylvia stopped walking and gasped.
He wasn't joking. Someone was laying down face-first into the dry cracked surface!
"I gotta-!"
Wander without hesitation leapt off her back, but Sylvia had already sensed he would do that. She grabbed his hand before he could go on further.
He showered her with his puppy eyes, begging for the permission to intervene.
"Can I, please?"
Sylvia gave a small grin.
"Proud of you, you've gotten better at asking me. But next time, be sure to ask first before running off, okay?"
"Yeah, sure thing Syl! Love ya!"
Sylvia let out a moan. She slowly followed after.
"I hope he got the message."
Wander reached the unmoving new stranger. He could see he was breathing...but through his gills. It was a large, male fish.
"Hello, good sir! How are you today? Anything I can do to help?"
The good old cheery face was back. The one side of Wander Sylvia knew for so long still hadn't changed. What she wasn't expecting was the fish man to suddenly pounce on the small nomad.
Even though he was still smiling, the fish man grabbed hold of Wander's shoulders and pushed him into the ground, eyes crazed and horrified. Beads of sweat rained on his small body, but it didn't bother Wander.
"Mirror? Do you need one to look at?" Wander asked happily.
"NO!" He sobbed.
The man pointed with one fin. A small truck sat still a few feet away. Packages were strewn everywhere, paper and bubble wrap flapping in the wind. But what stood out the most, was a large mirror, "Hey uh, care explaining what happened?"
Wander's best friend looked around, confused.
The fish man kept his eyes on Wander, refusing to look at anything else. He adjusted his glasses on his snout.
"It's that gropping mirror. It made me do this!" He whimpered.
A fully packaged mirror with two stands stood, and two words were placed where the glass should be:
"The Mirror"
Wander gave a sharp nod, "Ah I get it! I understand. Sometimes you work so long all day and ya come home, look into a mirror and go ' "Oh man… I look like that?" 'Wander makes himself appear exhausted, his fur uneven and dirt on himself.
"No. That's... Oh, it doesn't matter! You've gotta help me!"
"Oh boy…" Sylvia narrowed her eyes nervously.
The two words "help me" were enough to make the small alien make a loud squeal that would make a hot kettle jealous. Wander's body puffed with excitement and joy. He took the man's fin and shook it uncontrollably.
"What can we do, uh… Mr...?"
Wander held his grip, making a huge enthusiastic smile.
"Cod. It's Cod."
Cod kept making nervous glances at the mirror ahead and at Wander, as if one of them was going to start strangling him.
"Look, whatever you do, don't let anyone see that mirror."
Cod shivered like they were in the colder planets even though it had to be over 80 degrees.
"Alright, you got a promise!" Wander let out a sing-song voice.
"Whoa whoa, hold it right there!"
Sylvia gave Cod a firm glare before snatching her little friend up and taking him away from earshot.
"Wander, what are you promising, exactly? We can't just go and take over someone else's job, they could get fired."
"I know! But he said he needed help, right? So let's do it!"
Sylvia put a on finger on his mouth.
"But that's not it. There's something fishy going on with this guy, and what if he's trying to scam us? Or he's one of Hater's goons?"
Wander chuckled.
"Oh, good one Sylvia! Something fishy goin' on!"
She slapped and rubbed her face.
"Fine… We'll see where this leads. But promise me if something goes wrong, we drop the job. And we don't look back, okay?"
Her pink comb stood further up, emphasizing the ultimatum.
Wander smiled sweetly.
"You jerk!"
Wander looked at her confused, thinking she meant himself.
Sylvia growled and frowned and held up her fist. Then he witnessed why: Cod had taken all the fallen packages while they were busy talking, leaving the mirror behind and as fast as he could, drove off in the horizon.
"Ya flarfing imbecile! If I ever see your scaly mug again you'll be Awesome's shark bait!" She huffed, her anger apparent.
Wander lifted the thick papery packaging off the abandoned mirror. Wide-grinned he gazed into its face, not looking at anything else. The mirror's design was black with red rubies around it's frame and a large oval shape.
"Wander! You can't touch that!" Sylvia groaned once more.
"Aw, but it likes me!" Wander puckered his lips at her.
"It what?" She was dumb-founded.
The reflection of Wander's appearance was off. Most of his body was the same, except he had two heads. Then it changed, and Wander now had four arms, which waved at him happily. Oddly enough, he didn't question this strange mirror, making its reflections interact with him. He held the mirror which was twice his size with both arms.
"Howdy! It's nice to meet you! Can I know your name?"
Wander's reflection actually frowned and made a sad expression. It shook its head at him.
"Aw, we have a shy one."
He turned his head at Sylvia like an owl and made the most powerful puppy face at her.
"CAN we keep it, Sylvia? I'll make sure he gets entertained!"
"No." She replied flatly.
But two seconds later he admitted defeat and looked at his reflection, this time rain was falling from behind the copy of Wander.
"Look Wander, I know you've made a "new friend" if anyone is insane enough to call it that, but we got to take it back to whoever it belongs to."
"I know, but-
Suddenly the image of Wander changed instantly, his eyes turned red and enraged, fangs grew and he hit his fists against the glass. Sylvia had thought he broke through and was coming to tear them apart, which was exactly what looked like he wanted to do!
"Wander, watch out!"
By reflex she grabbed the real Wander and held up one fist at the mirror ready for it. Wander's body slumped against hers, sad that he made it upset and it couldn't stay.
"Alright, let's get it back its owner."
He gazed up at her with a grin.
"Yeah. The sooner, the better."
The reflection changed, this time it was Wander looking away from them, biting his nails. A moment later the two of them looked away to discuss what to do. They didn't notice the reflection was nibbling so hard, it drew blood.
Sylvia had nowhere to start. It was half an hour ago that Cod had taken off without giving a hint as to where to go to. She, being annoyed, folded her arms and tapped her large foot.
"That jerk not only dumped this stupid mirror on us, but didn't give us any directions."
"Maybe the mirror can help?"
Wander was killing the time by interacting with his reflection, which was unresponsive. He had his knees bent to get positioned. He poked at it to get it to move, which proved fruitless.
"UH-UH! No way am I trusting this freaky thing to do any favors for us." She shouted over her shoulder.
Suddenly, something zoomed past them, then back where they were standing. It was Cod.
"YOU!" Sylvia cracked her knuckles.
Cod nervously stepped out of the truck, holding his fins in defense.
"I-I'm so-sorry to leave y-you like that, before I had the chance to think I didn't give you t-this."
He shakily pulled out something from his shirt pocket and raised it to the angry Zbornak.
"What is it? Your apology letter? Coz I ain't accepting it." She huffed.
"No... Like I ever would apologize for leaving you to-"
That was enough to get Sylvia to start chasing him 'Looney Tunes style'. Cod, being too scared let go of the piece of paper which flew out and landed in front of Wander.
For the first time his attention was broken and looking at something different than the mirror. He gasped happily.
"Sylvia, you're gonna love this!"
Sylvia stopped midway from landing a punch on Cod, who was quivering.
Wander had unfolded it. It was bigger than he was, so he stretched his skinny arms as wide as he could.
She peered over it.
"The map to where you need to go, Miss."
She blinked and glanced at Cod, her anger simmering down.
Without struggle Cod released himself from her arms and got back into the truck.
"Take the mirror to Spearnight Historical Museum. That's your destination."
All fear was not to be seen on Cod; his face was lifeless and tired.
"Thanks Cod." Wander said in appreciation.
"But heed this... Don't trust anyone. Not even your friends."
Without looking at them in the eye, he shut the door and took off once more.
"Still a jerk."
Sylvia folded her arms, not taking her eyes off the horizon as he got smaller and smaller.
"But we have the map, let's go!"
"At least I have you to help me forget the past hour of stress we've endured as we travel." She smiled.
"Ah shucks, don't mention it." Wander made a wave at her.
Without discussion, Wander took off his hat and put his hand in, and out popped a large wheel barrow with long handles.
"Is that for the mirror?" Sylvia pointed.
"Yep, you walk, and I'll do the lifting."