The shadow scared her at first.

Do not be afraid, it told her, a voice cold as ice, and yet so warm and welcoming. I am your friend. I know you've been lonely… I wish to help you…

She had glanced around the hospital room warily, staring at the shadow looming over her bed covers. It looked like her own shadow… how come it hadn't ever tried to talk to her before now? "You… you'll really be my friend?" She asked, her voice small and raspy from exhaustion.

Of course, her shadow replied. I love making new friends, it's the best feeling in the world, is it not…?

"I… I don't really have any friends…" She murmured, frowning and looking down at her hands, at the strange tube connected to her wrist. "Except Kirby, he's really nice to me…"

Kirby… I've heard of him… the shadow made a strange sound, like a giggle. Do you think he'd be my friend, too?

"Oh, definitely! He loves making friends! I'm sure he'd like you, too!"

Mmh… maybe another time I can meet him. He's the hero of Dreamland, he may be busy with other things…

Before Lily could question the shadow, it seemed to suddenly vanish as the door to the room she was in opened, revealing her mother, who gave her a concerned look.

"Who were you talking to, honey…?" She asked with a frown.

Lily blinked, shifting her gaze back down to where the shadow once was. "No one, mommy…"

"Kirby, what did I tell you earlier today?" Meta Knight was quite disappointed in his student, seeing him attempt to fly yet again, despite telling him not to. "I asked you to practice your meditation today, not jump from more trees."

Kirby scowled at his mentor, not at all in the mood to be scolded. He was so close! He could almost taste the sky above him! "I did meditate, Meta! You never told me to do it more than once!" the child began climbing the tree again, spreading his twisted wings once he was up high enough. A strong breeze blew past, ruffling his feathers and the branches of the tree. The wind would surely help!

"Kirby, you are climbing much too high into that tree, you could get yourself hurt," Meta Knight warned.

"I've done this a bunch of times, Meta! It's going to work eventually, I know it!"

Meta Knight had to bite his tongue to prevent any words about Kirby's wings to come out. Despite telling himself to tell Kirby about his… predicament, he still couldn't bring himself to.

Kirby stared ahead at the ocean, the sparkling blue waves rippling under the shining sun as the ocean breeze blew past. He needed to jump higher, fall from a greater distance… perhaps that's what has been stopping him from flying…! "Meta, I think I know why I haven't been able to fly!" he looked back down at his mentor, his exhausted face suddenly brightening up and his eyes sparkling.

Meta Knight was going to question his student, but he stayed silent, narrowing his eyes slightly as Kirby climbed back down from the tree. From Kirby's huffing and the scrapes adorning his torso, Meta Knight knew that Kirby was pushing himself past the limit.

Kirby excitedly ran towards one of the many cliffs leading to the ocean a little ways away, the breeze growing stronger the closer he got to the ocean. This had to work! It just had to!

Meta Knight felt his heart drop to his stomach when he realized what Kirby was planning. "Kirby!" he shouted, unwrapping himself from his cape and running after Kirby.

The child didn't seem to hear Meta Knight, stopping at the edge of the cliff and watching the violently crashing waves far, far below. Surely, this was high enough…? He spread his wings, preparing himself to jump.

"Kirby, stop!" Meta Knight cried out, his voice nearly getting drowned out by the wind and waves. Without much more thought, the elder tossed his cape aside, his large, bat-like wings unfurling from seemingly nowhere on his back.

Kirby jumped.

The wind was rushing in his face, whipping against it harshly enough for Kirby to shut his eyes tightly. He angled his wings in the correct position, he could feel the sea breeze ruffling his feathers violently. Much too violently. He winced as feathers were yanked from the twisted limbs, flying upwards as he plummeted downwards, his heart following suit.

I'm not flying… I'm falling!

He wanted to scream, but his voice was caught in his throat, along with his breath. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't move. His wings fell limp as he fell further and further…

Meta Knight didn't hesitate to jump off after his student; unlike him, however, he was able to control his wings and angle them so that he was diving down. However, before he could grab hold of his student, a large blur rushed past, grabbing Kirby and soaring back upwards towards the ground.

Meta Knight immediately flapped his wings, his body wobbling slightly from the harsh wind as he regained balance. He looked upwards, seeing a few stray feathers fluttering around him. They weren't Kirby's, though. They were… lavender.

Kirby was trembling violently in the strong arms that caught him, his breath caught in his throat as he stared up at the sky. He wasn't able to… he wasn't able to fly…

"Breathe, child. Breathe for me," a deep, powerful yet gentle voice quietly urged him.

He attempted to inhale, but he wasn't able to get much air into his lungs before he let out a dry sob, the sky above him spinning as his vision wavered from the lack of oxygen. Why… why couldn't he fly…?

Meta Knight landed on the ground, quickly folding his wings behind his back as he made his way over towards the man who saved his student. However, when he was just a little ways away from them, he let out a small gasp, stopping in his tracks.

He was the same species as he and Kirby, though he was larger than both of them. He was clad in platinum armor, two golden horns protruding from the top of his head, and a pair of huge, lavender-feathered wings that were so large, the feathers from the tips were dragging on the ground.

Meta Knight knew this man.

The larger puff was gently soothing Kirby, who was trembling violently in his arms and letting out feeble sobs. As Meta Knight drew closer, he shifted his crimson gaze upwards, and they widened in shock when they made eye contact with Meta Knight's.

"Wh… Meta, is that…?"

Meta Knight narrowed his eyes a bit and nodded. "Galacta?"

Galacta Knight's eyes brightened, his smile was nearly visible beneath his mask. "Meta! It really is you! I-"

"I… I-I couldn't…" Kirby let out another sob, immediately drawing both the elders attention to him.

Meta Knight was furious; both at Kirby for his blind stupidity, and at Galacta. How dare he not let me know he was at least alive all these years?! His eyes flashed red for a brief moment, which caught the attention of Galacta.

"Meta, we can talk about this later, we should be worrying about this little one," Galacta murmured, looking back down at Kirby.

Meta Knight sighed and nodded, pushing his anger aside. His anger would have to wait.

Calming Kirby down took a while; the child was incredibly shaken up from his stunt, exhaustion wracking at his body. Eventually, however, Kirby managed to calm down.

"Now…" Galacta let out a sigh, narrowing his eyes at the child, who was now sitting down on the grass and staring at his feet. "What were you doing, young one?"

Kirby didn't answer, his eyes half closed as he looked to the side.

"Were you… trying to end your life? You're awfully young to be thinking such thoughts, are you not?"

Kirby blinked and looked up at Galacta, confusion written all over his face. "N-no… I don't wanna die."

"Then why did you…?"

"I was trying to fly."

Galacta's eyes widened in bewilderment, looking at the child's wings. "With those?"

"With what…? My wings…?"

Galacta frowned slightly, shifting his gaze over to Meta Knight, who was looking away in what appeared to be shame. "...Kirby, was it? Your wings… they're not, oh, how do I even put this…"

"Not what…?"

"You couldn't possibly fly with those wings, not in the size and shape they're in."

Kirby blinked, his face twisting in confusion. "Wh-what? Yes I can! Meta said I could! Meta…" the child slowly looked over at his mentor, his heart sinking as the elder didn't say a word to confirm his statement.

"That solves that problem, then," Galacta crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes at Meta Knight. "Meta, did you lie to Kirby?"

Meta Knight didn't answer, tightening his grip on his cape. His eyes trailed down to the ground and narrowed.

"M-Meta… you wouldn't lie to me… r-right…?"

Closing his eyes for a moment, Meta Knight inhaled, and then exhaled. He knew this moment was going to come sooner or later, there was no backing out, now. "Kirby," he started, opening his eyes back up to look at his horribly confused student. "Galacta is right."

The color seemed to drain from Kirby's face, his eyes widening and his mouth opening slightly in shock. "Wh… what…?"

"Your wings. There's… something wrong with them. You can't fly with them. I've known for a while now."

Kirby blinked, his legs seeming to give in beneath him as he sat down on the ground, his wings dropping to the grass and a single tear rolling down his face. Words wouldn't form in his throat, so he just stared in shock at his mentor. Meta… lied to me… I couldn't ever fly… it was all just…

Meta Knight swallowed thickly, though the growing lump in his throat remained. Watching Kirby's face turn from despair to anger, he braced himself for his students anger.

"How… how could you…?" Kirby breathed out, a few more tears falling from his eyes and dribbling down to the ground. "Y-you… I-I…"

"Kirby, please try to understand, I didn't want to hurt you-"

Kirby cut him off with a breathless chuckle, a trembling smirk forming on his lips. "Hurt me… that's not what you wanted, a-and yet…"

"I believed if we just tried-"

"Try?!" Kirby shouted suddenly, making both him and Galacta tense up. The child hiccupped and looked up at Meta Knight, his cheeks now soaked in tears. "I tried so damn hard, Meta! You filled my head with lies!" He pointed at his mentor with a trembling paw, his breath growing faster and more labored. "What kind of mentor are you?! To lie to me like this?!"

"Do not speak to me in that tone-"

"Some mentor you are!" Kirby stood, his twisted wings puffed and spread wide in anger. "I thought you trusted me! I thought I mattered enough to be told the truth!" his rage began to cool down, his face twisting and breaking as more tears rolled down his cheeks. "I thought… you loved me, Meta… as a son… y-you said that to me before… or was that a lie, too…?" His voice had gone quiet, closing his eyes as his wings fell limp at his sides.

Meta Knight wasn't sure how to answer that. He stepped towards him, hoping to comfort him at the very least. "Kirby…"

Kirby shied away from his touch, closing his eyes tighter. "Don't… don't talk to me, Meta. Just leave me alone…"

"If you would just let me explain…."

"I said leave me alone!" Kirby's voice rose again. "Don't talk to me… ever again." With that, the child turned and ran off, pushing his way past the two masked knights as he dashed down the hill and towards his home.

Meta Knight was about to go after his student, but was stopped by Galacta.

"Meta, leave him be. Give him his space," the larger knight murmured.

Meta Knight closed his eyes and exhaled. Despite his concern for his student and the guilt ripping at his insides, he felt a twinge of anger rise within him. "...After all these years, Galacta… all those unanswered letters…"

Galacta sighed and gave a breathless chuckle, rubbing the vack of his head with his hand. "Yeah... I know you're angry at me, Meta, but please try to understand I did what I had to." The larger knight looked over the cliff, at the sea, which sparkled in the afternoon sun. "We must discuss this later. There are much more urgent things I came here for."

"...What… are you doing here?"

Galacta looked back at Meta Knight, his eyes dimmed solemnly. "You know of… Dark Matter, do you not?"

Tokkori jumped up in surprise, squawking in alarm as the door to Kirby's home slammed open, jumping out of the bed and fluttering his wings frantically. The small yellow bird saw it was Kirby who slammed open the door, and groaned in annoyance, quickly landing back on the bed.

"Oy, pipsqueak! What in the blue blazes was that for?! Ever heard of knocking before entering?!"

Kirby was breathing heavily, leaving against the door as tears continuously streamed down his face. "Get out, Tokkori," he choked out, hiccuping as he tried to hold himself together. He was ready to break any moment now.

"What?! You can't just come and kick me out!" Tokkori paused, noticing Kirby's broken face and tilting his head. "...Ya okay, kiddo? You don't look so good."

"It's none of your business. Get out."

"I live here too, it is too my business! I'm sure whatever happened isn't something to cry about-"

"I said get out of my home, damn it!" Kirby cried out, his breath shaking as his anger increased.

"Okay, okay, sheesh!" Tokkori knew all too well not to mess with Kirby when he was upset, as the last time he did it, it ended… not so nicely. He sighed and fluttered over to the door, glaring at Kirby. "But at least learn some manners next time!" with that, the small yellow bird flew out of the house, leaving Kirby alone.

The small child closed the door, the house going dim since the curtains were closed. He hiccuped again, fresh tears rolling down his cheeks as he slowly crawled onto his bed. He laid there, staring at the wall.

Meta… Meta lied to me this whole time… I could never fly… I could… never…

Was everything he ever told me a lie?

Kirby let out a soft sob, grasping his pillow desperately as the thought of his mentor, his friend… not actually caring for him… not actually thinking of him as family… not loving him…

Why… why didn't he just tell me…?

Kirby could no longer see past the pools of tears in his eyes, hiccuping one more time before his mental dam broke, and he broke into choked, pitiful sobs.

Author's Note: Yessssss I'm back from the dead! I'm so sorry about the hiatus! I sort of... lost my spark for my love of Kirby for a while. I didn't want to completely drop this story, so I kept it in the back burner for a while before finally picking it back up again.

The chapters will still be slow coming, as I'm not exactly a fast writer, but I'll do my best to post chapters regularly again :)