Chapter 2, here we go!

Time to finish this two chapter story!

Webby was in her room, sitting on the floor, humming a song she once heard while on an adventure with Scrooge, Donald, and the triplets. She was always eager to know more about the McDuck family tree and history.

Just as she exited the room and entered the hallway, she heard footsteps running nearby, she turned to the right, and somebody collided into her.

She opened her eyes and saw Dewey, on top of her, staring into her eyes.

He blushed as she stared at him while lying on top of her. She quickly realized the embarassment and got him off of her as her face turned a bright shade of pink, like the bow in her hair.

She said with an embarassed tone of voice, "Dewey, what are you running from?! There's no demons or haunted ghosts in here to avoid...unless you want me to handle this for you."

Dewey was about to reply when he heard two voices calling him nearby in the hallway, with a teasing tone in their voices,

"Oh, Dewford! We know your there, you lovebird!"

Dewey then realized that his blue notebook was missing from his hands and when he turned around, he saw Webby, looking into the notebook with a curious expression on her face.

Dewey yelled and quickly grabbed the notebook from Webby's hands, and started running away from her down the hallway.

Webby then got her grappling hook gun and night vision goggles and swing across the hallway, after Dewey.

Dewey ran down the stairs and his brothers, were at the bottom of the stairs, smirking while slowly cornering Dewey.

Huey said, "Oh, dear Dewford...can you explain to us something?"

Dewey said nervously while backing up against the wall, "I don't know what you guys are talking about...can't we all just get along now?"

Louie then said, "Explain to us...why do you have romantic feelings towards-"

"Towards who?!"

Louie was interrupted by Webby, who was behind Huey and Louie at the stairs.

Louie said while smiling slyly at Dewey, "Ah! The attractive adventurer herself... you are just in time to find out something from our dear friend, Dewford."

Webby took off her night vision goggles and said, "Really?"

Huey said with a teasing tone in his voice while pointing at Webby, "Dewford, would you care explain to us once again...about your feelings towards her?"

Webby blushed and asked, "Dewey...what's going on?"

Dewey couldn't take all of this pressure anymore and simply yelled, "I THINK YOUR CUTE, WEBBY!"

Dewey then realized what he just said, covered his blushing red cheeks in embarassment and ran away from Huey, Louie, and Webby.

Huey and Louie started laughing out loud, rolling all over the stairs in laughter, while Webby was simply standing in shock and embarassment.

"Dewey has romantic feelings...towards me?" She thought in silence.

She thought about her feelings towards him, and oddly enough, she feels the same way back towards Dewey. "I do think he's brave and sweet, though..."

She blushed in a deep pink shade while thinking about her private feelings towards him.

When she realized all of this, she decided to give it a chance and while Louie and Huey were walking away, chuckling to themselves in amusement, she went to find Dewey.

She eventually found him, hiding underneath his bed in the triplets bedroom. He was in a fetal position and he was also crying silently while hugging his blue notebook in fear.

She asked, " everything alright? Are you okay?"

Once he heard her voice, he stopped crying, got out from under his bed and saw Webby, sitting on top of his bed with a worried expression on her face.

He felt shy and said, "Hey, Webby. I'm doing okay, there's nothing to worry about."

Webby wasn't going to take this for an answer and told him with a worried expression on her face, "Tell me what's wrong, please? I want to help in any way I can."

Dewey knew by that point that it was time to tell her his feelings towards her...the right way.

He grabbed both of her hands, and give her a quick kiss on the cheek as a romantic gesture.

She blushed and stared at him with a look of shock on her face.

Dewey looked away with a soleum look on his face and said, "I get it, you don't feel the same way, I completely understand.."

But just as he was about to leave the room with the blue notebook in his hands, Webby took action, grabbed Dewey's head and kissed him on the beak with passion.

Dewey didn't know how to react when she did this. Both of their faces turned bright red as the two of them shared a passionate kiss together.

They pulled both of their beaks away from contact after 30 seconds of kissing.

Webby then asked, "Does that answer your question, Dewey?"

Dewey simply fainted with a blushing red face and his blue notebook in his hands.

Webby giggled and before she left the room, she picked up Dewey, tucked him in his bed, hid his blue notebook underneath the mattress, and pecked his cheek after saying, "Goodnight, you silly and cute duck, you."

She walked out of the bedroom with a blushing, smiling face and giggled to herself as she went into her bedroom and went back to bed herself.

She fell asleep with a gleeful smile, as she realized that this was the start of a beautiful relationship.

That's it for now, you DuckTales fans!

Did you enjoy it? Tell me your opinions in the reviews!

I don't know if I should make more Debbigail stories because my hands hurt after typing this and I'm tired.

Should I make a sequel or mini one shots about Debbigail?

Thank you and have a good day.
