A/N: *Crawls out from the bottomless pit* Sooooooo, it's been forever and a day. How're y'all doin'?

Bill's alarm startled him awake and he had half a mind to throw it against the wall. He was not a morning person. Especially if he had only just managed to fall asleep in the early hours of said morning.

He hauled his aching body upwards and out of the warmth of his bed covers. He shivered slightly in the chill and wondered briefly why he had gone to bed without putting a shirt on. Shaking his head of the thought he decided coffee was more important.

Dragging his bare feet on the carpet of his bedroom he made his way to the hallway and down the stairs of his house. Yawning widely as he rubbed at his eyes he couldn't help but think that he had forgotten something important. Typical Monday morning thoughts.

After downing two cups of coffee in quick succession, he deemed himself awake enough to actually focus on the plan for the day.

He'd spent the whole of the day before emailing and calling his employees for reasons to yet again refuse Preston's inevitable business partnership proposal. They'd collectively come up with something that Bill hoped would work. It was a solid plan that left room to be flexible depending on Preston's exact request.

Smiling to himself as he held his third mug of the morning, he made his way back up the stairs to dress and collect his things.

Bill carefully selected a midnight coloured suit. To the untrained eye you'd say it was black but when the light caught the fabric just right you would see the tinge of dark blue. His black dress shoes melted perfectly into the suit looking as if they were the same colour and made for each other. And as usual his golden accessories glinted with polished faultlessness.

Today he decided on his golden triangle shaped cufflinks, a golden ring on his left index finger and a golden stud earring in his right ear. His seven-fold tie was also gold in colour, the silk material giving him an aura of calm and controlled. Heaven knew he'd need it for dealing with Preston.

Letting out a quick huff, he moved to his mirror to brush out his hair. It really was a mess in the mornings. I should go for a haircut soon. He mused to himself as he brought the brush gently through his locks. After making sure the parting was just right, he ran his hand through to mess it up a little. The bedhead look took time to prepare.

With one final nod to himself, Bill scooped up his bag, made his way downstairs, grabbing his phone and keys on the way, locked the house, climbed into his beautiful Audi and began the half an hour drive to his workplace.

Dipper woke bright and early Monday morning, a large smile breaking over his face. He was going to see Bill again later today. Nothing could bring him down!

He didn't realise he was humming until Mabel gave him a sly grin and asked what had him so chipper this morning. Dipper faltered, nearly tripping over his feet. He could feel the deep blush on his cheeks and Mabel's grin widened. Though this time she didn't say anything and seemed content with making him a flustered mess.

As he dressed for the day, he took his time to actually think about what he was going to wear. He decided on a plain white t-shirt, a red flannel shirt, dark jeans, converse shoes instead of boots for once and donned a necklace that had a light blue pine tree shaped charm that Mabel had made for him. And of course, his trucker hat. He gathered his backpack and found himself wondering what Bill would think of his outfit choice. It was definitely different to what he usually wore.

Dipper's mind suddenly careened to an abrupt stop. He was wondering what Bill would think?! Dipper promptly found it hard to breathe, his hands grew clammy, his face and ears grew hot, his heart sped up and his mind whirred. His grip tightened on his bag as if it was the only thing anchoring him to reality.

Oh no. He thought, his heart sinking as it beat wildly. Mabel was right. I have a – a crush; on Bill. Shit.

Dipper took a shaky breath and tired to calm himself. In a way he knew this was coming he just didn't want to admit it. Bill was handsome sure – alright he was hot – and smart and funny and nice and just all round amazing.

But what did Dipper really know about him? He'd only met the man properly once. And that was another thing, Bill was a full grown man! He ran his own business for Pete's sake. And Dipper was just a student. Why would Bill want anything to do with him?

Dipper could feel himself start to lose it. This wasn't his usual panic. Was he having a panic attack? Oh God, Mabel had left already. Should he call her? No, she was in a lecture, he couldn't disturb her, that wouldn't be fair.

Breath Dipper! He ordered himself. Count it! In for seven, out for ten. Slowly, through trying to breath calmly Dipper managed to get his breathing under control. He uncurled his fingers from their death grip and winced at the cramp that followed. He looked up and realised he was on the floor. He must have collapsed in his panic. Sparing a glance at his watch to check the time, he did a double take. His watch told him only four minutes had pasted. It had felt like an eternity.

Shakily, Dipper stood. Deciding that for now it was better to forget what had happened, he slung his bag over his shoulder and left the flat.

Still slightly rattled, the walk to the university seemed to pass by quickly. He didn't pay much attention to where he was walking once he entered the building. He bumped into a few people and mumbled half hearted apologises. It wasn't until he accidently jolted a girl that he vaguely recognised from one of his classes that he looked up.

"Wasn't that Mason Pines?" She asked her friend.

"Yeah, I think so." Her friend agreed, the confusion evident in her voice.

"Hmm, I don't remember him looking so cute." The faint admiration there was enough to make him perk up and try to listen to the rest of their conversation without making it obvious. Someone thought he was cute? What?

Unfortunately, the rest of their conversation was lost as the hallways filled with students. Though now he paid more attention to where he was going and he noticed a lot of double takes. Was changing his clothes slightly enough to warrant this much attention? He certainly didn't think so. He decided to ignore the attention as best he could and carry on with his day. This was a university after all – a place of learning – not a runway.

He went through his lectures as normal but as he moved through the hallways he received complements that he tried to brush off and lingering touches that he found very uncomfortable. He was glad when he reached the safety of outside and found a bench to flop on. And was promptly disturbed.

Before he could huff and tell the person to leave him alone, she spoke.

"My, my, Dipper. Aren't we attracting attention today?"

Dipper straightened immediately and a genuine smile appeared on his face. "Pacifica! It's so good to see you." He flung his arms around the girl in a tight squeeze, grateful to see a familiar face in the weirdness that had been happening around him all day.

Pacifica let out a laugh as she removed Dipper's death grip from her body. "You literally saw me Friday Dipper." Her smile then morphed into a knowing grin. "How'd it go by the way?"

Dipper forced a chuckle as the memory of that morning came rushing back. "It went well actually. We're meeting up again later today."

Pacifica frowned uncertain and Dipper knew his face was betraying him.

"Really?" Dipper gave a firm nod as he tried to school his features into a more believable expression. "Your mouth is saying one thing Dipper but your face," She gestured to his face. "is, yeah, not saying the same thing." She looked genuinely concerned and Dipper was once again so happy that she'd come into his life.

Dipper sighed quickly and began to tell Pacifica everything. From what happened at the café, to Mabel's interrogation, to his panic attack this morning. She sat in silence and only prompted him slightly when he hesitated.

"And that's everything." He finished. He had to admit he felt a lot better with having told someone of his insecurities about the situation. He felt lighter and knew that Pacifica would help him to the best of her ability. What he hadn't expected her to do was giggle.

Pacifica held her hands to her side as the laughter pasted through her body. Dipper stared at her incredulously.

"What? What's so funny?" He meant to sound annoyed with her and he was to a certain extent he was but Pacifica's laugh was infectious and he soon found himself laughing with her.

He supposed the whole situation was hilarious. There was nothing wrong with having a crush on an older guy. They were both adults and Bill couldn't be any older than thirty surely?

Their giggles started to subside but then their eyes caught and they were off again. They were lucky that they had an hour and a half lunch break.

Finally, they recovered, both breathing hard.

"Dipper," Pacifica heaved wiping a tear from her eye. "you are so stupid. There's nothing wrong with this at all. And to be honest I have to agree with Mabel. Everything you've told me seems to indicate that you're not alone in feeling that way."

Dipper gaped at her. It made sense. Rationally he knew that but he still couldn't help that bit of fear at the back of his mind.

"I still don't know much about him though. I'll have to get to know him better. You know, without turning into mush with his very presence."

Pacifica snorted. "That would be helpful yes."

Dipper shook his head exasperated at himself. "I'll work on it." He smiled softly. He looked back at Pacifica and now that he was over his own worries he could see the nervous energy that was thrumming through her body. "What's new with you? You seem really excited about something."

As soon as he finished speaking, Pacifica's eyes lit up and a wide smile broke out on her face letting Dipper now that he'd hit the nail right on the head.

"You remember I told you about my six step plan to dominate the world of corporate business?" Dipper nodded, he knew her plan inside and out as he helped her devise it. "Well, I think I may have just rocketed to step five."

His jaw nearly hit the floor. "Wha? Huh? How?" He fumbled over his words shocked. How had Pacifica managed to speed her life up so quickly? It was Pacifica and if anyone could do it, it was her; but still? Could she share her secret with him please?!

"Close your mouth Dipper. You'll catch flies." She smirked sarcastically. Dipper dutifully clamped his mouth shut before opening it again to speak.

"How?" He whined in wonder. "I mean, it's great and I'm happy for you but how?" Okay that last bit was more whining than wonder.

Pacifica shot him another grin before she dug in her pocket, pulling out her phone. "Well, my friend," She stared as she unlocked the device and started scrolling. "I happen to have friends in high places. I didn't know it at the time but my new friend happens to be the CEO of a major corporation. Even bigger than my dad's."

She handed him the phone so he could read a series of texts exchanged between her and someone she had under the name 'Golden Triangle'. At first it was mostly small talk and complaining various aspects of their lives. He didn't read all of them as that would have been rude and he quickly scrolled to the bottom where the messages Pacifica wanted him to read were.

Golden Triangle: So I was going to email Pyronica back but then I thought texting you directly would work better as it's about you specifically. I've read over the info Pinkie sent me and I think you'd be perfect to work directly under me as an intern / assistant so you can learn how to run a multi-million company direct from someone who knows how to do it.

I know your ultimate goal is to become CEO of your own company one day and if I can help that in any way I would be glad to. The internship, should you choose to take it would begin in the new year. I'll give you some time to think it over but I would need your answer within the next week to start on paperwork and other red tape bullshit. You know how it is. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Golden Triangle: And yes I was writing this text when I should have been doing work but I think you know my stance on stuff like that already. :P

Dipper looked back up at Pacifica who was watching him nervously. Obviously his opinion meant a lot to her just like hers did to him. He smiled softly at her. "Why haven't you yelled yes in all caps yet?" She giggled and he was glad to see some of her nervousness drain from her face.

"You don't understand Dipper. He's the head of Weirdmageddon – Cipher Industries." She stressed as realisation dawned on Dipper like a ton of bricks falling on his head. "He's Bi – " She tried to continue before Dipper cut her off.

"Bill Cipher." He breathed as his brain tried to compute this new information.

"Yes." She exclaimed. "Even you – someone who knows nothing of the corporate world knows who he is. He's famous Dipper! And I don't know if I have what it takes to work directly under someone like that. I mean he's my friend sure but if I take the internship he'll become my boss in work and my friend outside of it. That'll be hard to juggle. And what if his employees think I only got the internship because I already know him?! And what if – "

"Pacifica stop." Dipper ordered cutting her off once more. "You are more than good enough to take this internship; so take it." She opened her mouth to protest again but Dipper started talking again before she could make a sound. "And besides, you can handle Mabel on Smile Dip so you'll be able to handle this."

"Thanks Dipper, that's just what I needed to hear. And Mabel on Smile Dip," She shivered and Dipper joined her. Mabel on any amounts of sugar was horrific but on Smile Dip…. He didn't even want to think about it. "it's not easy but you're right. I do handle her, so I'll definitely be able to handle Weirdmageddon. Ha! Weirdmageddon is nothing compared to Mabel on a sugar rush." She exclaimed triumphantly.

"Atta girl!" Dipper cheered but his smile faltered thinking that his Bill and her Bill where the same Bill. He'd have to tell her, the sooner the better. He didn't want to bring Pacifica down from her triumph, but she needed to know this little potentially life changing fact.

She saw his face fall and was immediately back in caring friend mode instead of her victorious all-my-dreams-are-coming-true mode.

"What's wrong?" She queried.

"Nothing really but you know my little crush," he saw her raised eyebrow. "okay fine, my massive crush is also called Bill."

"Okay. So that'll be a little confusing but as long as we make sure which Bill we're talking about we won't have a problem." She offered as a solution not following what Dipper was trying to say.

"No. you're not following Pacifica. They're the same person."

Dipper waited for the break down but all he got was:


He had just parked his car in the bay reserved for him when he felt his back shiver. It wasn't cold in his car; it was a nice sunny day outside so why did he just get a sudden sense of foreboding? Shaking it off he stepped out of his car, grabbed his bag and locked it as he walked away.

Anyone he passed on his way to his office he glared at, making sure they knew how displeased – scratch that – how furious he was at having to come to work during his holiday!

Naturally everyone stayed out of his way except Janette. His secretary never shied away from him. He wasn't sure if that was because she was stupidly brave or stupidly oblivious or both.

"Mr. Northwest is already in your office Sir along with your Heads of Department. Good luck." She breathed in her typical away-with-the-fairies manner. He gave her a gentle smile which she returned before turning back to her computer. He was never gladder to have hired her. For her airhead attitude she was surprisingly good at grounding him.

Taking a deep breath outside his door, he let it out slowly and schooled his features into a look he knew would set Preston on edge.

Opening the door with more force than necessary – making his annoyance even more prominent to those around him – he strode into his office.

Everyone sat around the mahogany oval shaped table jumped at his entrance and he smirked to himself as they all rushed to compose themselves. Walking around the meeting table purposely slowly he eyed up everyone. Those who dared to look him in the eye soon shrank back from the force of his glare.

Preston himself didn't meet Bill's eyes, instead focusing on something past his shoulder. A classic move to make it look like you were looking someone in the eye to outsiders.

Bill quickly gave him an evaluation. His suit was crisp but Bill noticed a couple creases near his neckline and cuffs. His tie was wonky and appeared to not have as many folds as usual. His hair was brushed neatly but the parting was not a single line straight through. His face was hardened; lips pursed tightly together, jaw straight, eyes glinting. For all intents and purposes he was ready for battle. But this wasn't the Preston Bill was used to seeing.

For one, Preston would have never come to Cipher Industries unless he was perfectly presentable. That meant: no creases anywhere, tie straight with 5 folds at least, hair in a prefect side part and gelled to stay there. his face may have looked schooled to an outsider but Bill could see through the cracks that were starting to form.

His lips were pressed so tightly together it should be hurting him. His jaw was so unwavering it seemed had has an invisible neck brace on. The glint in his eye wasn't the one that showed he was ready to fight until he could fight no more. His eyes were withdrawn and clouded. He had poorly hidden bags under them and once Bill had fully digested all of this in a matter of seconds he came to the conclusion that Preston looked… defeated.

He didn't know how to handle that but he didn't let his own battle armour fall.

He reached his place at the head of the table and gently place his bag beside his chair. With great purpose he sat slowly, keeping control of the entire room with barely any effort. Everyone there knew that Bill was their puppet master and he thought it hilarious how easily all of them had given him their strings.

"Let's make this quick shall we." It wasn't a question. They all knew that. "I am supposed to be on holiday and I had to cancelled plans to be here. So, Preston; what is it that is so urgent it couldn't wait another week?"

Every person in the room had relaxed microscopically after Bill began speaking.

"I would first like to thank yo –" Preston started to said, flattery leaking form every syllable.

"Cut the crap Preston!" Bill broke in angrily, once again making everyone jump. "I am not in the mood to do this dance. You know I don't like you. You know I don't want to partner with you. You know I'm against everything you stand for. So why are you so goddamn insistent on something you know is futile?!"

Bill's employees all looked at the table, hoping they wouldn't infuriate their boss more. Preston also lowered his gaze but did not back down completely. He seemed to have an internal battle with himself before he looked at Bill once more.

"I will be completely honest with you Bill." This gave Bill a small startle. Preston had only ever called him Mr. Cipher. This must be serious if he was actually willing to drop pretence. "But only you." He finished casting a pointed look to the nearest Weirdmageddon employee. It didn't take a genius to understand what Preston meant but Bill's employees would not leave the room until Bill had given them permission to do so.

"Everyone leave." He responded to Preston's silent request in a bored fashion, grinning in his head as he employees all raced to the door whilst still remaining professional.

Once the door clicked shut, Bill rose from his seat; walked across the room once more though at a quicker pace then he had entered it and flipped the handle to lock the office.

He turned back to Preston, causally crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow indicting that Preston was allowed to speak.

Preston sighed. Another action Bill had never seen from him before. This day was just getting weirder and weirder.

"Bill, please just let me talk. I need to get this out in one." Bill nodded. He wouldn't make a sound until Preston was done.

"My company's gone under." Bill sucked in a breath of shock. It had been expecting something big but this? This was massive! "It happened slowly. Products weren't selling well, employees were quitting, developments ground to a halt." Preston let out a shirt bitter laugh. "I thought I could save it. I should have thrown in the towel when my Director of Developments quit. He was the one that really ran the company; not me." Preston buried his head in his hands. "I've been advised to declare bankruptcy but I don't want to do that. I wanted to leave my company to my daughter. If only I hadn't been such an idiot I would have a company to give her!" Preston looked up at Bill once more but this time all façades were gone. Bill saw a defeated man – a defeated father that had only wanted to provide for his daughter.

"I know you don't like me Bill but please; buy my company. Take it over, make it better so she has something!"

"Preston, you know I can't do that." Preston angered and made to object but Bill held up his hand to silence him. "I can buy your company. I can improve it like you ask but I cannot just give it to your daughter. She will have to earn it and that will only happen if I decide to hire her in the first place."

"I understand that. I am confident that she will prove herself to you. So, will you do it?"

Bill pondered the proposal for a moment. It was true that if he took over Preston's company that his own reach would be expanded. He would be open to Preston's market that would be left without him. This was actually a great opportunity for him; he had been thinking about expanding for a while.

He looked back at Preston and gave a slow smirk. "How much?"

Preston's whole face showed his shock although he quickly recovered himself and named his prize at which Bill scoffed. "I'm hauling your ass out of the fire. Be reasonable." After a few moments of 'negotiating' they came to an agreement. And now for the elephant in the room.

"And your daughter?"

"Yes, yes Pacifica. She's still in university but I think that – " Bill had stopped listening. Pacifica.

He'd known that Preston had a daughter; he'd just never heard her name until now. How common was a name like Pacifica anyways? Surely more common than he thought.

Subtly Bill brought his phone from his pocket, ignoring Preston's list of accolades about his daughter and swiftly opened his email. Pyronica's email was still at the top of his inbox. Once it loaded he immediately went to were Pacifica's name was written. Originally he had ignored it, he already knew her name after all. But now he realised that he never looked at her surname.

Pacifica Northwest shone out of his phone screen in black and white. Fuck, fuck, fuckidy, fuck, fuck. Went through Bill's mind. What would she think when she found out that he'd bought her father's company? They could not have a conversation like that through text or over the phone. This was an in person thing. He only hoped he could explain it properly before Preston manged to tell her.

"Yes, Preston that all sounds good." Bill spoke again, cutting off whatever Preston was saying. "Have someone email it to me and I'll get round to it. We're done. You can see yourself out. I have a holiday to get back to." He continued as he gathered up his things and left.

Walking past Janette she gave him a look and he only answered with thumbs up. She smiled and went back to her computer, knowing that he'd explain everything to everyone when he had officially finished his holiday.

Sitting back in his car he didn't pull away immediately. First he had a text to compose to Pacifica whom under his contact list was called Llama.

Bill: Hey Pacifica, can we meet up today? I have some news that you'll be interested in.

Llama: Don't leave me in suspense Bill! I can do 6pm today after uni lets out. Does that work for you?

Bill: Yep, that works for me. Meet in the usual place?

Llama: Sure thing. See you later then. :)

Bill: :D

Having that sorted Bill started his car to head back home. He'd have some hours to kill before meeting up with her. As he drove, he couldn't help but feel he'd forgotten something important.

A/N: Does having posted the longest chapter I've written for this story help with the lateness of it? No? Okay I understand. I'll just get on my knees and beg for your forgiveness then. *Gets on knees and grovels for forgiveness* Are we all good now? Yay!

Anyway. I am so so so so so so so so so so sooooo sorry for how let I have left this un-updated. I know some of you don't read profiles but on mine I have said that (6 months ago now, damn time flies) I've got a new job so I have less free time then I did but I am much happier there so yay for me.

And I'll leave it there for my excuses. If you're still reading this fic (or any of my works) thank you so much! It means the world to me.

I think I've only got one, possible two chapters left for this fic and possibly an epilogue. That's probably half the reason I've left it for so long. I don't want it to end!

Right, I'll shut up now. See you in an year's time for the next update. I'll try an update it with a year. Here's hoping. *Falls back into the void*