Not Meant to Be A Koopa

Chapter 1: Prologue

New Story Enjoy

The koopa's were in their lava filled region of bowser's kingdom. There was the Lord Bowser's he was the well lord. Then there was the oldest and strongest was Morton Koopa Jr. Then Roy Koopa. Next is Ludwig Von Koopa the smartest. Then Larry Koopa. Next is Wendy Koopa the only female. Then the last to and unique ones. Iggy Koopa: he was supposed to be a genetically engineered super powered koopa created by Ludwig but was a failure and is a normal-ish koopa. Then there is the youngest Lemmy Koopa he was the weakest smallest and shunned by the rest of the Koopa family. Everyone hates him except for Iggy. Lemmy gets tormented by his brothers and sister. He also has some medical defects including vision problems in his right eye, and he is unable to walk so he gets around with his ball.

All the Koopa family were sitting at a large table at a discussion on how to kidnap the princess. Lemmy barely cared at all. Iggy on the other hand enjoyed talking about how to kidnap the princess. He trued his hardest to get Lemmy to participate. "Come on Lemmy please give a suggestion" Iggy begged. I sighed in depression "no one cares about what i have to say. I don't even know why I am here". Iggy felt sorry for him "hey guys Lemmy has a suggestion". They were just talking about a plan but everyone stopped when Iggy said that phrase. Bowser then spoke "This better be good". All eyes were on me. I gulped "uh m-m-maybe we could uh l-l-l-l-like ta-" Lemmy couldn't even finish his sentence because he fainted in complete total fear. Everyone except for Iggy started to laugh. "He is such a pathetic ass failure" Morton said everyone except Iggy agreed. Iggy got up carried Iggy off into their room. He let Iggy lay down until he woke up. Lemmy eventually did wake up and was confused. "Iggy what happened." Lemmy asked. Iggy wasn't going to tell him what actually happened, even though he loves his brother he doesn't want to see him cry. "Uh you fell asleep…at the table…yeah". "Oh i don't blame myself i never do anything there anyway" Lemmy said. We just stood there i complete silence when Lemmy broke it. "Hey Iggy thanks for always being there for me bro. No one else ever does that". Lemmy then gave Iggy a hug. "Sure Lemmy its no problem you know I love you right. Lemmy knew well that he did and he loved him they were always there for each other. "I know I love you too". Lemmy said. Later that same day Bowser came into all the rooms. Morton with Roy, Larry with Ludwig, Iggy with Lemmy, and Wendy was by herself; he told them the plans for the Kidnap of Peach. Then he came into our room "so here is the plane we ambush the castle with our airships then while the rest if your siblings plus you too take care of the castle residents i will have Kamek deal with Mario and Green Stache got it" Bowser said and actually Lemmy doesn't have his own airship he is 'unworthy' to own one so Lemmy shares with Iggy. Later that evening everyone was sound asleep except Lemmy so tomorrow is the day i get embarrassed by everyone because i can't defeat Mario. But I don't like to fight i like to play and have fun not fight Mario but nobody cares about me except Iggy. I sighed "I'm not ready I'm going to fail and get grounded just like last time or even worse beaten by daddy. I'm starting to freak out. "It's okay Lemmy calm down everything is gonna be fine" Lemmy told himself quietly. Lemmy then got on top of his ball which was near his bed and proceeded to the kitchen sink for a glass of water. Lemmy began to slowly drink his juice still in fear about what treachery can happen tomorrow. After Lemmy finished his water he put his glass away and went back to bed. Lemmy though was completely unaware if the actions that will occur tomorrow.

Lemmy then awoken to only see his ball was missing. "This was another one of their pranks Lemmy just ignored it and crawled to do his daily business. After all that was taken care of Lemmy decided to skip out on breakfast and just get ready for the raid. He crawled onto the airship hanger and climbed aboard Iggy's Airship. "Hey Iggy here is your ball i uh saw Morton with it and took it from him" Iggy stuttered…why did he stutter. "Thanks" Lemmy said as he hopped back on. Bowser then came in on the radio "Alright just fly towards the castle and stop everything at all cost" Bowser said on the p.a. We started moving along and traveling Lemmy sat and did nothing until his failure time came. We soon arrived at the castle and we landed and the rest fought off the threat. Then something bad came over the P.A. "Bowser come in Mario and Luigi are approaching the castle door". This

is Lemmy's chance He can finally prove he is not worthless and useless. Lemmy rolled out and confronted Mario and Luigi. They seen him and started laughing, this isn't new. He casted some balls which were easily avoided. Lemmy tried to throw a bomb which missed and before he knew it I was being stomped on and crushed by them both. After Lemmy was injured the Koopa mercenaries took his body and his ball back to the airship. Lemmy sat and edited until It was over, when it was Bowser failed and we flew back home. Of course Lemmy was grounded because he failed to destroy Mario and Luigi. Bowser also gave everyone individual rooms so Lemmy had my own circus theme room. Lemmy could overhear in the next door room Morton was talking to Roy about his loss. "HE IS WEAK AND COST US ALL THE ENTIRE MISSION" Morton said. "I don't want him here either it's just dead weight we need to tell bowser about this" Roy said. That phrases broke Lemmy's Spirit he began to cry.

Well what do you all think next chapter soon.