Woohoo! New chapter! Hope you all enjoy as I'm working a little more on kinda building up some characters, especially newly introduced ones.

"Joey wants to build… what?" Sammy questioned in the break room as he, Norman and Henry all sat around with some cups of coffee in between each of the men and an ashtray or two. The music director was looking at Norman like he had just grown a second head, while Henry was pinching the bridge of his nose and asking whatever god was out there why Joey would even want something like that.

"Heard it from Mr. Drew himself as he was talking to someone in his office." Norman sighed deeply as he snuffed out his cigarette into the ashtray. Sammy immediately slapped a hand on his face and Henry just quietly asked a simple "Why?" without expecting a response at all… not that the other two men were going to give him an answer to that.

"Heard about what?" the voice of Bendy asked as the little toon practically popped into the room with the resident Janitor, Wally, not to far behind and equally curious on the conversation. Clearly the two were walking and talking as Wally made his rounds before overhearing some of their conversation.

"Joey… wants to build an amusement park." Henry answered with a heavy sigh that practically made Sammy break his own personal "Two cigarettes only" rule for work. The answer got a wide eyed, excited look from Wally and a tiny excited gasp from Bendy.

"Joey's gonna be building one? When's the first line of tickets coming?!" Wally asked, beaming like a child with Bendy not to far behind.

"Will it be close enough to the studio that I can go? Is it gonna be like the one in one of the shorts?"

The two could have gone on in excited circles for hours before the designated killjoy decided, now was the time to do his unofficial job.

"The moron wants to build it UNDERGROUND in the studio!" Sammy shouted, throwing his arms down onto the table in anger. Both Wally and Bendy practically froze on the spot from the outburst, Wally being more used to the Music Director's infamous rage recovered quicker… Bendy on the other hand still wasn't completely used to them even after almost a full year living at the studio. The little demon felt himself shaking where he stood, and quickly taking more interest in his shoes then anyone else in that very room.

Both Henry and Norman gave Sammy a side glare before the former got up and went over to Bendy's side and gently placed a hand on the small toon, while Norman just gave Sammy a quiet glare. Wally during this time, seemed to be doing a little mental math before his eyes widened and he turned to walk out of the room.

"If Joey thinks I'm gonna clean both the studio, and an entire Amusement Park, I'm outta here!"

As soon as the janitor was out of the Break Room, two of the four occupants stared after the young man who left, while one was slowly getting the other back into a smiling mood.

"... A dollar says that Wally's gonna back out before he even begins to rant to Mr. Drew." Norman casually brought up as he picked up his coffee mug and took a slow sip from it.

"We both know that's exactly what Franks is going to do Norman." Sammy sneered, his mood much more sour then it usually is as he pictured all the distractions that would come from Joey Drew's new crazy idea.


The crew that would be responsible for the building of the amusement park came in two weeks after the news was shared. Many of this new crew were surprised to see a living toon like Bendy, but like many new employees they soon got used to the little devil's presence. Sammy was much more grouchy then usually during the next few months as his department was on the lower level and Bertie's crew (Though the man would continually correct people to his name being Bertrum, many people still called him Bertie) was constantly going in and out through there.

Bendy would try to sneak down to check it out often but was often turned back by one of the workers, Lacie her name was, for safety reasons. When Boris and Alice came into existence as well, they honestly had no idea what the whole construction was for, but they did their best to ignore it.

One day however, as Henry and Bendy were doing a usual "Swing Session" with Boris and Alice both joining in, Wally came running into the animator's sectioned off work desk.

"Guys Bertie," everyone who knew the guy could practically hear the man shouting that his name was Bertrum into the high heavens as Wally continued like he did nothing wrong, "And his crew are finally letting some people in now!"

"I thought Amusement Parks took longer than a year to build." Henry quietly muttered to himself as both Bendy and Boris gasped in pure excitement, while Alice was just as skeptical as Henry on how quick it seemed to be completed. The small group followed the excited Janitor to the lower levels where the park was being built.

They were greeted by the large sign reading "Bendy Land" as well as three familiar faces. Joey, Bertrum and Lacie were all standing at the opening, Joey and Bertrum were talking while Lacie looked more like she was waiting for them as she raised a hand and waved them over.

"Bout time y'all got here." Lacie smiled as she saw the excited looks on three of the five people in the group. A few other workers were going in to look at all the hard work the construction crew had done but Lacie wasn't paying them much mind.

"Do Amusement Parks usually take a year to build?" Alice questioned as she peeked into the park, seeing a few games being played and a few other door ways that were harder for her to peer into from her vantage point.

"Well, usually no. We don't have many rides built up either due to the time we had to spend building rooms to work for them… but we got enough small things done to do a test run if ya will." Lacie shrugged as she motioned for the group to follow so she could show them all that they had done so far.

It made sense, Henry supposed as he looked around and saw mostly carnival games setup and the beginnings of one of the rides in a different room. All in all Henry could tell this was gonna take a few more years down the line till everything would be complete.

"Henry can we play that game?!" Bendy shouted in excitement as he pointed to the shooting game that was set up. Henry chuckled and the rest of the day he spent in the beginnings of "Bendy Land" just playing a few games with the toons and only quietly laughing to himself when they had just a hard time as anyone else seeing as "Toon Logic" didn't really work in the real world.

But that wasn't to say none of them didn't have a good time down there. Heck, when they all had time, they would go down there just to play some of the games to pass time or even just for the fun of it.