That was it...She was gone.

And she was never coming back.

Lewis grimly looked on at the speeding van. It rapidly drove away from the Mansion leaving dust and tire tracks in it's wake. The farther it traveled the more he felt his heart break.

All he wanted was for her to see him and remember him! Even if she only remembered who he once was. That pink haired kid that helped at his parents restaurant Vivi seemed to love so much. He always imagined in his hormone crazed mind that perhaps she just came there for him.

He hung his head and let out a bitter chuckle at this thought.

He failed...

His rage at seeing Arthur clouded his vision and when that coward took away Vivi, right when she was about to remember him... He lost it.

Now, she was gone and he'd never get to see her again. He'd never get to tell her he loved her. Never get to hold her; even just one last time.

Lewis lightly popped open the now shattered heart to reveal a picture of his former self and the cute bluenette laughing together. It was taken a month before he was murdered.

They weren't a couple but my God were they close!

A silent tear ran down his face as he and the Mansion slowly faded off into his inner self. He had made the Mansion just for her. She was always into cute but Gothic settings. Plus, the paranormal and Mysteries gave her a thrill.

The Ghost were apparitions made by him along with the rest of the spooky pink hued building. He had hoped to get revenge on Arthur and have both Mystery and Vivi to himself.

Was that selfish? Was that too much to ask? Like it mattered. Neither one would be accomplished and now he was forced to endure the torturous existence of being a soul in Limbo.

He couldn't move on... He WOULDN'T move on! Not without her and not without his revenge!

This day had made his dead heart grow even colder...

He would fucking kill Arthur if it was the last thing he'd do.

His eyes grew a hot molten pink from his rage before vanishing with the rest of his self.

He'd wait... He would wait and watch like a predator, then pounce when his prey was off guard.

If he had to be the bad guy, if he had to be the Dragon in this Fairy tale, then so be it. He'd get his princess AND kill the knight protecting her!

"Why did you drag me away?!" Vivi furiously yelled at the frantic Arthur; her blue eyes piercing him like daggers.

"W-WHY?! Vivi. He was trying to KILL us!" Arthur yelled back in disbelief.

"Trying to kill you, maybe, but he wasn't going to hurt me!" Vivi looked out the window of the van perplexed by tonight's events. The images of the Ghost swirled in her mind and she felt more and more unsettled by the minute.

"I...I knew him. I don't know how but we had this...Connection. This...Chemistry." She hesitantly admitted.

Arthur nervously looked at Vivi from his peripheral.

"T-that's just stupid..." He stuttered as he gnawed on his lower lip.

"IS NOT!" She yelled at him with outrage before sighing and looking back out the window.

"Maybe our souls knew each other in a past life...Maybe we were friends. Maybe...Something more."

"V...Please. Let's just go home and forget this ever happened." He pleaded to the blue haired girl using his nickname for her.

Vivi looked at him warily before nodding.

It had been a long day and no matter how much she wanted to stay and find out who that Ghost was...She'd never know.

Maybe she imagined it or maybe they didn't know each other at all...No matter what she'd never find out the truth.

She thought that fact would settle her but it only made her more restless and confused.


"Wow...It's been 2 years since I wrote this and was on this bandwagon! I just watched the 'freak out' vid Ben made and seeing Arthur, Mystery, Vivi and most of all Lewis just brought back a LOT of memories. I'm afraid I'm not going to be writing a sequel to this. I got ahead of myself, really...I mean, I wrote all of this in TWO DAYS. Right off the back of my head! So, not only does that explain why it seems like I just vanished from this fandom (I burned myself out) but also the typos which I'm going to go through and fix.

I may or may not write the one shots and AU's, that will have to wait. Thank you for all the favs and reviews I NEVER thought this story would become this big, like, ever!

I'm afraid this fic is Au and is going to stay Au. I'm not changing Arthur working as a waiter or his family life in this fic it would mess with the plot too much. I got lucky that I made a good guess of Vivi working at a book store. I will give hints of Lewis being a cook and waiter cuz I can see that...But them being in there 20's? Vivi being 24 and the oldest? Well, NOW considering Lewis was 21 when he died according to the canon...No. Sorry this is staying AU babes.

Thanks for reading!

Authors Note:

Hello all!

Yeah, I've hopped on this band wagon and am shipping Vivi and Lewis like Fed ex! This is for mature viewer for the cussing, sensitive material and possible later chapters of *gasps* murder!

Characters belong to "MysteryBen27"

I own nothing and am not making a penny off of this. This is purely made for my enjoyment and others (AND SO I CAN BREAK YOUR HEARTS IN A BILLION PIECES AND WATCH YOU ALL FALL FROM THE FEELS!)...wait what?