Kevin, Lucy, Petermint, Baking, and Annaween we're all at Vanellope and Rancis's castle. As them and their parents we're all eating dinner and talking.
"You guy's are sure you know what to do if Mocho and Cinnamon's night terrors get too intense?" Vanellope asked,
"Yeah don't worry we know what to do!" Lucy said. Suddenly knocking was heard somewhere in the castle.
"I got it." Sour Bill said somewhere in the castle, before his foot steps could be heard going towards the entrance.
"I hope that's Cinnamon!" A robotic voice said as Baking's amulet glowed, everyone smiled warmly as they knew that despite how calm Baking was acting he was actually really excited on the inside. And luckily a moment later the Smoreline family came through the dinning room entrance. Kit was wearing a sapphire blue thick coat as his ears we're covered with a beanie. Fudge had a brown coat on as she was just taking off the hood, Cinnamon had a tan beanie on her head with a scarf wrapped around her neck as she wore a thick coat. And finally Mocho had a thick coat on as well as his ears we're covered by a beanie as well, his cheeks we're red from the cold.
Cinnamon and Mocho took off their beanies and coats while Fudge and Kit simply unzipped their jackets.
"Vanellope I know it's winter but did you have to program the winter's to be so cold! The first year winter came around my ears became icicle's!" Kit said, Vanellope's only response was a chuckle.
"It has to be that cold or else no snow will come." Vanellope said,
"Point." Kit said crossing his arms.
"You know you all look super cute bundled up like that but none of you beat Cinnamon!" A robotic voice said, the entire Smoreline family blushed especially Cinnamon who playfully glared at her boyfriend.
"We are not cute!" Cinnamon and Kit said at the same time, everyone chuckled. Mocho and Fudge simply rolled their eyes, both of them accepting the fact that they we're cute.
"Wanna have dinner we made plenty!" Rancis said,
"No thanks Kit and I already have plans tonight. And getting ourselves stuffed like turkeys will only make us tired." Fudge said.
"Ooooh! You guys already have plans huh? I think we all know what you two are doing tonight!" Gloyd said, wiggling his eyebrows. Both Kit and Fudge blushed while the other parents laughed and the kid's didn't get what was so funny.
"We aren't doing that!" Kit said, grumbling slightly.
"If you must know we're going to the new game, Carnival Games: Wild West. We've never been to a real carnival so we thought we'd check it out." Fudge said indignantly,
"Awww come on! You know we're playing!" Jubileena said.
"Yeah, yeah. Now seeya later, and remember Cin and Mocho if you need anything go to Vanellope and Rancis." Kit said, zipping his jacket up as Fudge did the same. Mocho and Cinnamon groaned their cheeks flaring.
"Yes mama and dada." They both said, and just as they did Sour Bill came in with two duffle bags.
"Thanks Sour Bill!" Fudge said giving the sour candy a ten dollar coin, before her and Kit took their leave. Sour Bill gave a genuine smile,
"I love the Smoreline family." Sour Bill said leaving the room. Rancis then put books on Cinnamon and Mocho's chairs before placing plates on the table. Mocho and Cinnamon both rolled their eye's but sat in their chairs anyway. Mocho was completely silent as he ate not used to many adult figures in one place. While Cinnamon kept her head low as she ate, her muscles tense.
Once every one was done eating the adults left (minus Vanellope and Rancis of course). And the kids walked over to Lucy and Kevin's room ready to get their sleepover started.
Little did they know that their night wouldn't be what any of them would expect.