Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. Hello! I am a 23 years-old Hufflepuff who enjoys Harry Potter fanfictions immensely, and I would love to share some with you – don’t hesitate to check the “favorite” section on my profile! General information: If I were to summarize what I’m usually looking for in fics, I would say that I like characters to feel human and relatable rather than perfect. The stories I prefer are those which take time to explore people’s depths and nuances. And since I guess it might sound naïve (who would say they like badly written characters?), allow me to precise a few points. 1/ Most importantly, I like when an author actually shows the consequences a character’s suffering has on them, and few things annoy me more than stories where the guy who has just been tortured is perfectly fine in the very next chapter and never goes through any kind of trauma, for example. 2/ I also like when antagonists and villains have actual human motivations and emotions rather than just “haha I’m evil I want to do baaaad” (or “haha I’m stupid and/ or crazy but I'm a villain so who cares if what I do makes zero sense”) 3/ I usually dislike blatant character-bashing; Ron-bashing especially irritates me, because although he is not my favorite character, I think he has interesting traits and that portraying him as some kind of one-dimensional moron is just lazy. (I have read a few fics where I felt character-bashing was justified, it's not something I absolutely hate every time I see it, but as a rule, it's not something I like) 4/ I also dislike when an author just brushes of in a few lines a relationship which in canon is close and important to the characters, just because said author wants their main character to become close to someone else. You guys know that people can like several persons at the same time, right? Favorite: I won’t list favorite pairings because I don’t particularly enjoy romance in fics; I like it in small amounts when it is part of an actual scenario, but if the whole point of a multi-chapters fic is to show two characters falling in love, well… Sorry, it’s just not my cup of tea. But I can enjoy almost any pairing when it comes in a well-written fic – except for relationships between teachers and students, or adults and young teens in general. And about favorite characters… well it depends. I like fanfics about Snape, despite disliking him in canon (unrequited love is no excuse for bullying students as a teacher, sorry not sorry) Stories which show him evolving past that are often really good though! And mentor-fics in particular. I often like stories about recovering from trauma or abuse, and a lot of those involve Snape, I think it’s how I started to like him as well. But I wouldn’t say he’s my favorite character. Hum, now I’m wondering: do I actually have favorite characters? I do in canon, but in fics not really; I guess it just depends on what authors do with them! Ah, et je suis française; j’ai simplement rédigé mon profil en anglais parce que c’est la langue dans laquelle j’ai décidé d’écrire la fic que je publie en ce moment. J’ajouterai une section plus longue en français quand je publierai une fic dans cette langue! |