Welcome back, dear reader. In the last chapter, Dudley and Harry got to talk and finally tried to sort some of their long bottled-up feelings while the adults got to finalise the arrangement of Harry's future guardianship. But their little reconciliation didn't quite work out. Also, they didn't take one furious Potions Master into account when ripping apart Bathilda's living room. Now, somebody is definitely in trouble. See how the story continues…

Please Come For Me - Chapter 24 – The Road Ahead

'YOU! Over here!' Severus pointed at Dudley. He crooked his index finger at the boy, accompanied by a stare that left no room for interpretation.

The large boy approached the angry man slowly, carefully staying out of arm's reach. His secure stance didn't last long though as a firm hand gripped him by the arm and yanked him a good stride to the front. Lined up with his cousin, the uneven pair was now standing before an angry Potions Master with a very stern expression on his face. One boy a lump of misery, rigid from sheer horror, the other one with some stale flowers draped from his crimson ears, looking rather insulted by this harsh treatment.

'What the HELL has been going on in here?' Severus repeated.

While Dudley finally succeeded in shrugging off his floral decoration, Harry hadn't moved a muscle yet. He was staring right through his new guardian's feet, his chest rising and falling quickly.

'I will NOT ask again,' Severus stated in a much quieter and much more threatening voice to the two troublemakers.

'He hit that vase over my head!' Dudley finally wailed in mock pain, clutching his porky hand to the back of his head and gesturing towards the broken pieces with his other hand.

Severus' hand twitched as he gave the boy his deadliest stare. Dudley squirmed lightly, but stared back defiantly. If he had learned something from his dad, it was never to step back, never to apologise. What for, anyways?

'Are you implying that your cousin purposefully assaulted you with that ceramic to injure you?'

Severus sighed at the boy's hesitation. Next time someone whacks him, please use a thesaurus, he thought. When another couple of seconds passed without a response, he rephrased his question.

'Did he do it on purpose?'

'Of course, he did!' Dudley wailed, ignoring his cousin's flinch. He was used to Harry getting all upset when he had accused him of some misdeed, and right he was! After all he was the reason why his Dad was gone now and his Mum didn't love him anymore!

Deciding that Harry would fully deserve any vicious punishment this angry man was surely going to deal out, he surpassed himself.

'He never liked me and used to take all my friends away from me! He used to make fun of me because I could never run as fast as he would and though I always tried to make up with him, he never bothered because I am not his real brother.'

A flood of tears would have stolen anyone's show now, but Dudley couldn't bring himself to do it. Probably, it wasn't necessary either, because the angry man had changed his murderous look into some sort of pitiful glance, shaking his head ever so lightly. As he beckoned the boy to come closer, Dudley edged towards him. From the corner of his eye he made out Harry who seemed to have shrunken even more into the carpet.

Just as a small grin was about to spread on Dudley's rosy cheeks, it was blown away by the force that suddenly yanked his body off the ground. Firm hands on either side of his shoulders had lifted him up right in front of the man's face; his feet were dangling in mid-air now. As Dudley's eyes levelled with those of the Potions Master, the man began speaking with a very even voice.

'Thank god that you are not my responsibility. If you were my son…' Severus stopped and put Dudley back to the ground, a little bit more forcefully than necessary perhaps. With a dismissive gesture, he let go of the boy, shoving him into the direction of his mother who still appeared to be glued to the doorframe. 'Let's hope your mother will deal with you,' he said, fully aware of the chances that any such thing was ever going to happen.

Severus ignored the look Petunia had shot him. He had to bother about other things now, and one of these things was still cowering before his feet, apparently solidified to a mass of pity that was never going to move again.

'Harry,' Severus spoke, trying to keep his anger out of his voice.

'He's not listening to you!' Dudley jeered, realising that he seemed to be out of trouble. 'Never does when he's in such a state.'

Severus turned on the heel and crossed the space between the boy and him in two swift strides. He raised his open hand just slowly enough to give the suicidal kid sufficient time to flee from the room with a squeal. As soon as Dudley was out of sight, Petunia running after him, Severus allowed himself to relax a little. Yet he showed no sign of outward relief. This boy had been so stupid to get into a fight with Harry! What if he had accidentally triggered Harry's protective sphere and been seriously hurt?

Severus realised that foreseeing Harry's magical outbursts was probably downright unrealistic for the other boy. Even if the kid had been blessed with a shred more intelligence, it would have been impossible for him to tell. Severus tried to ignore that thought and looked down upon his ward.

'Speak to me,' he said, giving the boy a slight nudge against the shoulder. For a moment Severus thought the boy was going to topple over, his whole body rigid, his mind impenetrable.

Severus swept away a flick of hair from Harry's forehead, inspecting his face in search of any injuries the brawl might have caused. Grabbing his chin, he tilted the boy's head left and right, but no visible injuries were to be found.

'Are you alright?' he asked.

When Harry neither moved nor spoke, Severus' tone became a bit more serious.

'You will answer me, boy' he said slowly, not providing any solace to his miserable ward. It had pained Severus to see that only orders worked for Harry when he was in such a state. That was something else they'd have to work on. But, to Severus' surprise, this time it didn't seem to take the desired effect.

Harry swallowed hard and shook his head. After a brief moment, Severus decided not to take this out in public before curious eyes.

'As you wish. We are leaving,' he announced with an even voice and grabbed Harry by the arm. With shuffling steps, the boy obediently followed his guardian, looking very miserable while he was dragged towards the kitchen. With his free hand Severus flicked his wand around the living room and every broken item that had come in the path of the two troublemakers was restored to its original state, neatly placed to where it had been standing before.

Stopping in the hallway, Severus glanced at Bathilda who shot him an exasperated look. Petunia looked equally unnerved, for other reasons though. Obviously her boy had just been about to throw a perfect tantrum because of her earlier disloyalty and now stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of the irate Potion's Master.

'We must be leaving,' he announced to Bathilda, 'I will speak to you later. Petunia,' he nodded towards the younger woman curtly and then left the room, his little ward in tow.

Petunia didn't move at all, but as soon as the front door fell shut, Dudley launched his shrill tantrum, deafening both women's ears.

x x x

Severus had been pacing his living room. He had shoved the boy into one of the chairs by the window and Harry hadn't moved since. At a loss of how to deal with his young ward, he had considered his options. Taking away privileges was hardly possible as the boy had none. The only thing that came to his mind was the promised trip to Hogsmeade, but as the boy was so used to disappointments, he probably wouldn't even consider it a punishment if his guardian suddenly changed his mind. It would only make his behaviour look erratic.

Rubbing his temples lightly, Severus noticed that he was actually looking forward to this trip.

Of course he knew what Harry's cousin had been playing at. And he hadn't bought it for one second. Yet Harry didn't seem to realise that he was not in trouble for what he had allegedly done to Dudley – but for getting into a fight in the first place and then refusing to talk to Severus, disobeying a direct order he had received.

Severus stopped next to his fireplace and rested a hand on it, contemplating on his next moves. Then he walked to the chair Harry occupied at the moment and sat down next to him, staring out of the window and observing the treetops rock back and forth in a warm summer breeze.

'I imagine,' Severus began his monologue, 'that living with your cousin Dudley must have been a difficult affair. He seems to be a rather spoilt child.'

Harry's breathing seemed to slow down, yet there was no other sign that the kid was listening at all.

'I can only imagine how his parents have treated him over the last decade; after all such impertinence requires some practice! Even teaching at Hogwarts – and trust me there are many impertinent kids – I haven't seen a boy who would flat out lie to me like your cousin did today in a long time.'

Severus knew that when it came to discipline, his Hogwarts reputation was legendary. Hardly any student dared to mess with him. Thinking of a platinum-blonde boy, he smirked inwardly. There were exceptions, of course.

Severus' expression grew earnest again as he continued his story.

'You mustn't believe for one second that I bought his little story, fishing for sympathy and trying to get you into trouble. And although it is high time somebody dealt with his behaviour, he is not my responsibility.'

After a short pause of regret that Dudley was indeed not his responsibility, he added 'But you are, Harry.'

At this, Harry looked up for the first time, unsure what to think. A squirrel was jumping from one treetop to the other excitedly, catching Harry's attention. After a few seconds, a quiet cough brought his attention back to the present. He jumped a little, grabbing hold of his chair's armrests. He had expected Mr. Snape to be very mad. After all he had fought with Dudley. Harry had been so angry, he had actually tried to hurt him and broken things. Yet Mr. Snape didn't even seem to bother. Was he trying to trick him into some sort of confession?

'Stop working yourself into a tantrum!' Severus ordered. 'I have just told you that I do not believe what your cousin said about you. So, if you fear to get punished for whatever he has said you allegedly did, you are wasting your energy.'

'But I got into a fight,' Harry finally looked up. 'I hit him and he hit me back. And we… we broke things…'

Severus looked intently at the boy who avoided his gaze immediately. Something else they would have to work on…

'Get up.' Severus ordered calmly. 'And look. at. me.' Now that Harry was standing in front of his new guardian, looking properly ashamed, ready to be chastised, Severus continued.

'I am aware that you got into a fight and… I said look at me!... Yes, things got broken. As far as I can tell, none of you was seriously hurt and the damage to property caused has been restored. What I am very interested in, however, is the reason for this fight. Would you enlighten me?'

Harry looked to his feet again, mumbling some incomprehensible words.

'Speak up!' Severus ordered.

'He said something mean about my parents.'

'And what did he say?'

'That they didn't want me because I am a freak.' Small sobs accompanied the confession.

Raising his hand, Severus ignored the flinching and lifted Harry's chin until the boy was forced to look him straight into the eyes. He had teared up and looked like he was going to cry in earnest any second.

More out of reflex than on purpose, Severus opened his arms and a second later, two arms were flung around his chest and held on tightly. The little boy was crying his heart out.

Severus kept stroking Harry's hair and when, after some minutes, the boy calmed down, Severus started talking again.

'I knew your mother, and your father. And I can tell you that they loved you more than anything else in the world. There is nothing they wouldn't have done for you. They gave their lives to save yours! You must not think for only one second that they didn't want you. Such comments are designed to hurt you and if you believe them for only a single second, you insult their memory.'

Withdrawing Harry from the hug, Severus looked at him sternly.

'This will happen again. It may not be Dudley. And it may not be the same insult – but this is your weak spot and people know. Every wizard knows how your parents were killed and naturally a child would love them, even if you never got to know them. There are dangerous people out there and they will search for your weaknesses. You have to learn not to fall for that every time someone makes a nasty comment. Because you know better! Do you understand?'

Slowly, Harry nodded, stroking a tear from his cheek with the back of his hand. His eyes were puffy from crying.

'So, consider this something you need to work on: Learn to deal with provocations.' Pleased how the conversation developed, Severus continued.

'You told me that before you create your protective sphere, you always feel angry. Like something is building up inside you which you cannot control?'

'Yes,' Harry nodded.

'What was different today?'

'I am sorry?'

'Why didn't you blast away your cousin?'

Harry looked at his guardian carefully. 'I never do it on purpose!'

'I know that. That's not what I meant,' Severus reassured the boy. 'And you are not in trouble, not for that. I told you that I want you to trust me and speak to me. You need to handle your accidental magic. You got very upset today and yet you didn't use your magic. What was different? Why did you charge at your cousin and not just blast him away?'

The boy started biting on his bottom lip, squirming under the stern gaze of his guardian. After a while, he quietly said,

'He's not much of a threat, you know?'

'Explain,' Severus demanded.

'Well,' Harry didn't know how to put into words what he felt. 'It was different with my uncle. I am afraid of him,' Harry's voiced ebbed away, his gaze returned to the floor.

'Nothing to be ashamed of, Harry. And certainly not your fault," Severus said slowly. 'So, tell me, what else was different?'

'Uhm,' Harry started to bite his bottom lip again. Wasn't it obvious? 'Once Uncle Vernon got mad, there wasn't much I could do, right?'

Severus sunk back in his chair and rubbed his temples. For a while, he said nothing. Then he looked at Harry again.

'I think you might just have solved your problem.'

'I did?' The boy looked up in surprise.

'Yes. I think your accidental magic is triggered as a last resort, not only when your offender yields physical superiority, but also when you are aware of this and know that he is going to hurt you!'

Harry wasn't sure if he understood everything of what his guardian had just said. Yet, in an odd way, it seemed to make some sense.

When the boy didn't look particularly cheered, Severus said

'What is it? Don't you think that you are making some progress here?'

'What point is there in knowing?' Harry shrugged. 'I still won't be able to avoid it!'

'That you don't know, yet,' Severus objected. 'It is something we can work on. One step at the time.'

Suddenly, Severus expression became stern again. Some things still needed sorting and he wasn't going to put his ward on a blank-cheque-policy.

'Look at me, boy.'

Somehow this phrase seemed to alarm Harry. He was still standing in front of his guardian, shifting from one foot to the other, now raising his gaze ever so lightly.

'I promised you that I will separate disrespect and impertinence from any other reactions that might be a result of your past experiences. And I will never be unfair. But since we are working on a way to improve your behaviour, we need to make our arrangement reliable for you.'

Obviously, the boy had trouble comprehending this.

'If you make an effort and improve your behaviour, there will be rewards. Consequently, if you act out, I will punish you. It will be that simple.'

Harry looked at his guardian whose gaze was unwavering. A lump had formed in Harry's stomach, but for the first time, he felt that despite of this latent threat, he was in a safe place. At first he had felt pure horror when Mr. Snape had shouted at him and Dudley. He thought that he was going to explode any second, but his guardian's reaction had been cool and rational. It was an oddly warm and comforting feeling. Reliability certainly had not been part of Uncle Vernon's behavioural repertoire. And seeing that his guardian kept his temper was a nice change. Yet he was apprehensive what sort of punishments and rewards Mr. Snape was referring to.

As if reading Harry's thoughts, Severus continued.

'If you do not complete the tasks you are given, you will attend to housework.'

Harry was surprised. Those were chores, not punishment!

'Also, if you are insolent, you will be deprived of any privileges you may have attained until that time which would lead us to the rewards you may receive for good behaviour.'

At this, Harry looked up. He had never received any sort of reward for good behaviour unless you considered the absence of a thrashing positive reinforcement. The lack of attention from Uncle Vernon had indeed been the best he could have hoped for.

'Certainly, there are things you wish to do, and I will try to accommodate to your wishes. I can tell that you have taken a liking to this little strategic game Madame Pomfrey taught you.'

A small smile spread on the boy's face.

'Unfortunately, you have not experienced this in the past, but generally a child is rewarded for good behaviour and if you earn it, I am more than happy to acknowledge any progress you make. Nevertheless,' he continued and Harry had to acknowledge that, even when sitting, a strong sense of authority radiated from his guardian, 'don't be misguided that you can get away with everything like that just because you give me a sad puppy look.'

At this, Harry stopped smiling. Severus sighed.

'I already told you that I will never thrash you like your uncle did.'

'When you spoke to Dudley back at Mrs. Bagshot's house, I thought that you…' Harry's voice trailed off.

Severus smiled dryly, more to himself than anybody else.

'Your cousin is none of my business. And none of yours, too, at the present moment. Your uncle has beaten you senseless and there is no excuse for it. When people can't think of a fitting response, they often…' Severus halted and looked at Harry for a few moments, causing him to shift uncomfortably from one foot to the other, again.

'Listen,' he began anew. 'I think we're done talking. It is time you see and learn by action that there are other ways to discipline a child. In this house, you will not be beaten, starved or physically harmed in any other way. I realise that this is hard for you to accept, but you will get there eventually.

Harry eyed his guardian carefully. 'So, you are not going to hit me?"

'That is correct,' Severus answered patiently.

Severus waited for a while to let the words sink in. He understood this need for reassurance. And certainly, this wasn't going to be the last conversation of that type. Then he continued.

'Nevertheless, your behaviour today was wrong and I do not intend to let you get away with this. If we disagree on something, we can always talk about it…'

'But…' Harry cast his guardian a puzzled look.

'Yes, you are allowed to disagree and present some argument if you feel that you are being treated unfairly. But let me assure you that two things will never be negotiable. First, I will NEVER accept it if you dare lie to my face in such a blatant and disrespectful manner as your cousin did today.'

'Yes, Sir.' Harry shuddered.

'Second, I will NEVER allow you to act intentionally cruel, no matter towards whom.'

Slowly, Harry nodded. Severus smiled inwardly. The boy was impressed. Good. To give honesty credit, Severus could hardly imagine a situation in which Harry would act out like his cousin had done today. It didn't seem to be his nature. Yet he had promised the boy to be straight with him from the start, and by all means, he couldn't have been any more honest with him than just now. Strangely enough, the boy had just nodded. He would have expected him to object or be scared again, but somehow he just nodded.

'Very well,' Severus said. 'As we have settled this, there is one last thing I would like to know.'

In surprise, Harry looked at his guardian.

'Did your cousin make this nasty comment without a reason, simply out of cruelty to hurt you?'

Ashamed, Harry looked down.

'I expect an answer,' Severus said sternly.


'No, what?'

'No, Sir. It wasn't out of cruelty,' Harry said and with a small voice he added, 'I insulted him first.'

Severus' gaze lay intently on his little ward.

'You will look at me,' Severus demanded and when Harry obeyed his command, he continued.

'What exactly did you say?'

'I kicked the cushion and it hit that vase which then dropped on his head. It was an accident! Honestly, I never meant to hurt him, but then I laughed at him and made fun of his lame reactions.'

"So, you might just have found his weak spot then,' Severus said. Harry had started to fumble with his fingers.

'What else is there?' Severus inquired.

'I called him an idiot.'

'And why did you do that?'

'I just did,' Harry shrugged.

'Not so easy,' Severus shook his head. 'I don't think that you just wander around and insult people, so I want to know what made you call him an idiot. Did you intend to hurt him with your comment?'

'I guess so.' Harry shrugged his shoulders again. 'It felt good to get it out.'

'I see.' Severus nodded. 'So, I take it you are feeling better now?'

Slowly, Harry shook his head, looking very miserable.

'What does it feel like then?' Severus was merciless.

'It feels like I am one of them now.' After a short while Harry added, 'I never wanted to be like them.'

Barely visible, Severus nodded slowly. "Very well. Enough talk. To make sure you do not forget this lesson, you will sit down and write lines. Follow me!"

With that, Severus got up from the chair and made his way to the library without looking back. A little shuffling noise trailed his footsteps reliably. Upon reaching the library, he flicked his wand and several sheets of parchment, a quill, and a bottle of ink appeared on a small desk.

'Sit down,' Severus ordered and motioned for Harry to take the vacant and rather hard wooden chair in front of the small desk. No need for the boy to get too comfortable.

Harry obeyed wordlessly.

'I want you to write I will always think before I act.'

The boy didn't even ask how many times to write the lines, but he didn't start on them either.

'Is there a problem?' Severus inquired sternly.

'I have never written with such a thing, Sir.' Harry hung his head, pointing towards the quill with his index finger.

At this, Severus' expression became a little softer. 'That won't be sufficient reason for you to get out of your punishment.' He crouched down next to the boy. Putting the quill in the boy's hand and then grabbing the small hand with his own, he showed Harry the right movements on the parchment. When he was confident that the boy had grasped the concept, he dipped the quill into the ink bottle, handed it to Harry, and nodded encouragingly.

'It takes practice, and for the time being, you will have lots of it.'

And with those words he retreated to his favourite library chair just a couple of strides away from his ward's desk, summoned a big book he had longed to begin with quite a while ago, and started reading. Diligent scratching and scribbling noises accompanied by small huffs here and there were all he needed to hear right now. Occasionally glancing over the top of his book and observing the boy's progress, Severus smiled and turned to the next page.

x x x