Reviews for Snape's Promise
Anne LM chapter 16 . 9/7
I loved this story, the tenderness of the relationship growing between Harry and Snape - Snape having a meltdown because Malfoy has taken Harry was one of the best scenes in it! He doesn’t realise he loves Harry, but Vladimir can see it so clearly...

I’m longing to know what happens in those two weeks and at the end of them! Any chance of a continuation?
Guest chapter 16 . 8/26
How could you just leave this?! I think ik that Harry is gonna get back to Severus, but honestly i would choose the Malfoys too!
And idk why, i would just feel more loved. Like why Severus, why can't you love the poor boi?
He's very kind and i think he loves Severus, but really it was so awkward when he chose the Malfoys over him...
I hope you will write more, bc i honestly don't think this is even close to finished...
But i really enjoyed this part of the story!
I hope you're well and thanks for the great book!
MissKnowItAll chapter 15 . 8/26
Oh my gosh I feel so bad for Severus!
MissKnowItAll chapter 14 . 8/26
Lmao I wanted to take the leap for Dumbledore... Poor Severus, even he is driving him mad!
PotterSnape4ever chapter 16 . 8/26
Why haven't you done writing it! :(((((( I am very sad right now. I want to know what happens next, when he meets draco, when he goes back to Snape (cause Ik he will) please complete writing! I love this oh so very much!
Potterfanatic101 chapter 15 . 8/26
Don't you dare not finish this! pleaseeeeeeee!
Potterfanatic101 chapter 14 . 8/26
I like how you kept all the characters in place! Especially Snape and Dumbledore! You should teach me... Will you? Pretty please with sugar on top? ...Meh... I guess not...
Potterfanatic101 chapter 13 . 8/26
Your writing is awesome! Keep going!
MissKnowItAll chapter 4 . 8/26
Awwh, when is Severus going to realise that Harry is a good person?
WoNdEr GrAy chapter 16 . 8/12
You need to update! i desperately need to know whom Harry chooses!
vvvvvc chapter 16 . 8/2
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm finish plz
murf18 chapter 16 . 7/26
It’s been so long since you updated and I can’t wait for the next chapter! When do you think it will be ready?
Guest chapter 16 . 7/13
Please update!
WhiteDragonWarrior chapter 16 . 6/23
Ah, yes, surround an abused child with an abused slave. That's bound to go well. Hopefully Severus has little to worry about.
PearlM21 chapter 16 . 5/30
Interesting turn of events. I liked how you included this complication. I look forward to seeing how Harry's first interaction with Draco will be. Draco did attempt to be friends with him when they first met after all, so maybe things will go well? Hopefully.
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