Author has written 35 stories for Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Get Smart, Harry Potter, Invader Zim, and SpongeBob SquarePants. Penname: Amandah Leigh ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1. The Dark Lord's Daughter has NOT been abandoned. For personal reasons, updates slowed to a crawl, but I've uploaded multiple chapters tonight (27 August) with the next to come in a few days and then with regular updates restarting after that. Thanks for your patience! 2. If you see any of my fics from here posted anywhere else under a different pen name, PLEASE report it and, if possible, let me know. I am Amandah Leigh (or AmandahLeigh) on here, Facebook, AFF, Wattpad, and A03. I previously posted on the Albus/Minerva Proboards, on A03, and on Pax message boards under the same name. I do not currently have accounts elsewhere and I never post my fics under a different username. 3. If you would like to translate my fics into another language, that would be awesome! Please contact me via PM. (Currently When Sorrows Come is being translated into French thanks to Alindorie. You can find it in my Favorite Stories list.) THANK YOU! -AL BRIEF BACKGROUND: I have been reading and writing fanfiction since middle school and posting online since early high school. The Scarecrow & Mrs. King community is where I got my start; believe it or not, there was a time when SMK was in the top 10 on this site (ranked by most fics posted)! This was, of course, before YA phenomena like Harry Potter, Twilight, and Hunger Games (and also back when the top ten was listed on the home page). For perspective, now Harry Potter has over 781,000 posted fics, while SMK only has 2000. I left fanfiction for a number of years after JKR sunk my favorite ship, but a friend's excellent fic series sucked me back in and I've been posting frequently for the last two years. I have since deleted several of my oldest fics, so my apologies if you're looking for them. Others I've kept (mostly for posterity) but have lightly edited or plan to edit eventually, or have added a disclaimer.
THE DARK LORD'S DAUGHTER, OR, THE CORRUPTION OF HERMIONE GRANGER is being updated ANDROMEDA TONKS: LONG-TERM, ADDICT is being updated, almost complete ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME is on hiatus with my apologies, until further notice THRICE THE TABBY CAT HATH MEW'D is on hiatus, possibly permanently HP Character Preferences & Ships: Favorite Female Characters: 1. Minerva McGonagall 2. Bellatrix Lestrange 3. Narcissa Malfoy 4. Andromeda Tonks 5. Hermione Granger Favorite Male Characters: 1. Severus Snape 2. Albus Dumbledore 3. Tom Riddle/Voldemort 4. Newt Scamander 5. Lucius Malfoy Current Favorite Ships: 1. Narcissa Malfoy/Severus Snape 2. Bellatrix Lestrange/Tom Riddle (Voldemort) 3. Severus Snape/(Adult!)Hermione Granger 4. (Adult!)Hermione Granger/Lucius Malfoy 5. Andromeda Tonks/Kingsley Shacklebolt My favorite HP fics of all time include: 1. "The Forgiveness Within" and its sequel, "Which Witch?" (NT/SS) by Kerrymdb 2. "Epithalamium" (AD/MM) and "A Slant-Told Tale" (MM/AM) by Squibstress 3. "Masterchef" and "Ninety Days of Darkness" (HG/LM) by Fragilereality 4. "Hospital Beds" (NM/SS) by mrs.milfoy 5. "Play Cissy For Me" (HG/LM) by the artful scribbler My favorite fanfiction authors are: 1. KerryMDB (HP) 2. Fragilereality (HP) 3. Squibstress (HP) 4. Emerald.Horizon (DQMW) 5. Mary (SMK) My favorite non-HP fics of all time include: 1. "Abduction Aftermath" by Emerald.Horizon, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman 2. "My Soul to Take" by Mary, Scarecrow & Mrs. King 3. "Wildfire" by 7starfish7, Law & Order: SVU 4. "Shall We Dance?" by apckrfan, The King & I 5. "One Single" by XLI Itd, Monk MY FANFICS: COMPLETION STATUS ORGANIZED BY PRIMARY PAIRING/SHIP -0-0-0- Severus Snape/Poppy Pomfrey COME TO DUST - COMPLETE -0-0-0- Hermione Granger/Severus Snape: WHEN SORROWS COME - COMPLETE THE MAN OF HER DREAMS - COMPLETE THIS USED TO BE LIFE - COMPLETE THE DARK LORD'S DAUGHTER... - IN-PROGRESS JUST ONE NIGHT - IN-PROGRESS ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME - ON HIATUS -0-0-0- Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Tom Riddle (Lord Voldemort) PLEASURE, POWER, PAIN - COMPLETE MISTRESS OF THE DARK LORD: An Augury Origin Tale - COMPLETE LOYAL TO THE DARK LORD: An Augury Origin Tale - COMPLETE DYING FOR THE DARK LORD: An Augury Origin Tale - COMPLETE EXHAUSTED: An Augury Origin one-shot - COMPLETE LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! - COMPLETE THE DARK LORD'S DAUGHTER... - IN-PROGRESS DEVOTED TO DARKNESS: An Augury Origin Prequel - IN-PROGRESS DESTROYED BY THE DARK LORD: An Augury Origin Spin-off - NOT YET POSTED -0-0-0- Narcissa Black Malfoy/Severus Snape STAGES OF GRIEF - COMPLETE WANTING NARCISSA - COMPLETE ANDROMEDA TONKS: LONG-TERM, ADDICT - IN-PROGRESS -0-0-0- Andromeda Tonks/Kingsley Shacklebolt STAGES OF GRIEF - COMPLETE ANDROMEDA TONKS: LONG-TERM, ADDICT - IN-PROGRESS THE DARK LORD'S DAUGHTER... - IN-PROGRESS UNPLANNED - NOT YET POSTED -0-0-0- Andromeda Tonks/Ted Tonks LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! - COMPLETE THE DARK LORD'S DAUGHTER... - IN-PROGRESS ANDROMEDA TONKS: LONG-TERM, ADDICT - IN-PROGRESS UNPLANNED - NOT YET POSTED -0-0-0- Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy STRONG ENOUGH - COMPLETE THIS DARKNESS DOES NOT LIVE IN YOU - COMPLETE STAGES OF GRIEF - COMPLETE PURITY WILL ALWAYS CONQUER - IN-PROGRESS SOMEONE LIKE YOU - IN-PROGRESS IF YOU CAN'T STAND THE HEAT - IN-PROGRESS PICKING UP THE PIECES - RECENTLY DELETED -0-0-0- Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy WANTING NARCISSA - COMPLETE LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! - COMPLETE SOMEONE LIKE YOU - IN-PROGRESS IF YOU CAN'T STAND THE HEAT - IN PROGRESS THE DARK LORD'S DAUGHTER... - IN-PROGRESS PURITY WILL ALWAYS CONQUER - IN-PROGRESS UNPLANNED - NOT YET POSTED -0-0-0- Lucius Malfoy/Hermione Granger SOMEONE LIKE YOU - IN-PROGRESS -0-0-0- Lucius Malfoy/Hermione Granger/Narcissa Malfoy THE SUMMER OF SEVEN SINS - NOT YET POSTED -0-0-0- Minerva McGonagall/Albus Dumbledore AFTER THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - COMPLETE CANDY, SOCKS, AND BLANK-EYED UMBRIDGE - COMPLETE MINERVA'S BLIND DATE - COMPLETE THE LAVENDER ROOM - COMPLETE ALBUS AND THE SLEEPING BEAUTY - COMPLETE THRICE THE TABBY CAT HATH MEW'D - ON HIATUS IS THAT MY...? - RECENTLY DELETED COME SEPTEMBER - RECENTLY DELETED -0-0-0- No Pairing THE DREAM OF SOMETHING MORE - COMPLETE CURIOUS BEDFELLOWS - COMPLETE MUDBLOOD - COMPLETE -0-0-0- Multiple Pairings: LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! - COMPLETE STAGES OF GRIEF - COMPLETE WANTING NARCISSA - COMPLETE WHEN SORROWS COME - COMPLETE PURITY WILL ALWAYS CONQUER - IN-PROGRESS SOMEONE LIKE YOU - IN-PROGRESS IF YOU CAN'T STAND THE HEAT - IN-PROGRESS THE DARK LORD'S DAUGHTER... - IN-PROGRESS -0-0-0- Non-Harry Potter GETting SMARTer - COMPLETE I DON'T NEED ANYTHING BUT YOU - COMPLETE -0-0-0- Written by Homestar Skellington, age 11: SPONGEINVADER ZIMPANTS - COMPLETE |
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