-Greer -
Hello, milady. Thought it would be gentlemanly to let you know why I've not returned any of your calls. I'm grounded. And it's all thanks to Stacey McGill. I would have gotten away with sneaking off to Amsterdam if not for her. The genius sent a postcard to Barbara Hirsch saying I was in Amsterdam. Barbara's parents read the postcard, called my parents, and you can figure out the rest. My parents let me go on and on about Myrtle Beach for three whole days. Now I'm grounded for the next five years. So, got any plans five years from now? Let's do lunch. - Alan
Hey Heather,
Have you been getting my letters? I've not heard from you. You have returned from Ethiopia, right?
Like I said in my other letters, my family freaked out over my dreads. They are such slaves to Babylon. I had to shave my head. I have a little hair left. I look just like my aunt Cecelia, which is pretty stale. A lot of people around the neighborhood have been pointing at me. Some people are such racists. Mama and Daddy made me stop talking like a Jamaican, too.
Your friend, Jessi
Hello Mallory,
Thank you for the postcard from New York. I am in Austria again. It's very nice to be home with my father. I told him all about you. He says you must come for a visit! Maybe over Christmas or in the early summer? Love, Gerhild P.S. I am sorry your brothers called you Medusa-Head. It is probably best you cut off the dreadlocks. I do not believe Gudrun and I did such a good job.
Dear Silke,
Hi! Remember me? We met a couple weeks ago. I am the owner of your granddaughter, Shannon. Just wanted to let you know what an honor it was to meet you. My friends feel the same way. Shannon (the human) and Anna send their love.
Unfortunately, I have some bad news about my friend, Claudia. (Remember, the one with the pails who tried to wear your collar as a belt?) Apparently, unbeknownst to us, Claudia got addicted to something called cannabis while in Amsterdam. I don't know all the details, but Claudia's parents thought she'd kicked the habit. Well, last week Claudia got caught in a sting operation behind Pizza Express buying this cannabis stuff from a kid named T-Jam. Rather than give herself up willingly, Claudia made a run for it. She stole Old Man Finkelstein's electric scooter, then ten feet later crashed into Mr. Gardella's Miata. Her parents have since checked her into a juvenile rehab center. I just know this is going to affect club business.
I have to walk Shannon now. I'll write again soon!
Deer BSC Mimburs,
Hi evrybudy! Cladia here. I em dooing relly good in reehab. The cownsalers say my progras is stedy. I shood git owt sooon. Yay me! Dont wurry. I im no longur adiktid to kanibas. I stil dont even no whut that is. Yur frend, Claudea
Dere Charlee Tomus,
Ashlee Whyuth said yue cood hook me up. I dont hav eny munny. (No bebysiting jobs in hear. I axksed). Wood ewe tack sum junck fuud art as colatturol?
Yure sisteer's freind,
Dear Mrs. Kilbourne,
My mom says I have to write this. Thank you for taking me to Amsterdam. I had fun, even though you made me sleep on a futon. Thanks, Amanda Delaney P.S. We just bought a Pomeranian. She cost three hundred dollars.
Hi Gerhild,
I'm having a really bad week. The triplets won't stop calling me Medusa. Actually, it might just be Jordan and Byron. I don't remember seeing Adam since I returned from Amsterdam. I have too many siblings. It's hard to keep track of them. Plus, the triplets look alike.
Your Latin is really stale. I don't think Kama Sutra means what you said it means. I gave the book to Ben as planned. He was really excited. He agreed it would bring us closer together. He suggested we go into the Genealogy room. (We were on a library date). I'm really not sure what happened next. It's all kind of a blur. I vaguely recall screaming, then Ben screaming, then Mrs. Kishi screaming. Now Ben's doo-dad is sprained. The doctors fear he may never father children. His parents are very angry. I assured them that I was not opposed to adoption. That didn't seem to comfort them. Ben's not allowed to see me anymore and I'm not allowed to see him. We're just like Romeo and Juliet. It would be much more romantic if my parents let me get contacts.
Write back soon,
Hello Orchid:
You probably never expected to hear from me again. I didn't think you would be either. I was wondering if you'd give Stas a heads up for me. Let him know that Stamford Health Services will soon be contacting him. You should probably let Daniela know too. I'm still confused about what went on in Amsterdam. Even more confusing, I think I still love Stas. At least a tiny piece of me does. Maybe that tiny piece will always love him. Do you think I'm foolish? Oh, I don't have to ask that. I know you think so. I still want to know your real name. Sincerely, Stacey McGill P.S. Going home isn't half as hard as you'd think.
Hi Dawn -
You've not been answering our letters, despite our assurances that we will protect your identity. We need a few good people on the outside continuing to fight the murderous corporate machine. Are you that person, Dawn? Are you fighting the power?
Chain yourself to a tree and set it free!
Suzanne van Dort and Johanna van Rijn
Dearest Stacey,
You've not sent me your new address as promised. I'm worried about you. Did our time in Amsterdam mean nothing? I thought you loved me. I know I love you. I'm sending this in care of Boston College's Housing Services. I pray it makes its way to you. Otherwise, I'll drive to Massachusetts and track you down myself. I love you, Tyson
Georg -
You must stop sending me nude photographs of yourself. Sharon found one, but luckily forgot and cooked it in a vegetable lasagna. As much as I treasured our time together this must come to an end. Yes, you sent shock waves through my body, and yes, you taught me how to really scream, but it's over. I'm back with Logan. I know he's a liar and a cheat, but he looks like Cam Geary.
- Mary Anne
Dear Miss McGill:
We've never met, but my name is Cordelia Vankerbergen. I own a small store in the Red Light District. I am also your number one fan. I am the proud owner of not only your girl-on-girl video, but also your hard-to-find collected works featuring that studly blonde fellow. He appears in many of my videos, but you, my dear, are something special. I was disappointed to hear you've left the business. I'm planning a trip to America soon. I'll be visiting some old friends in Dayton, however, I'd love to swing by Connecticut. Perhaps we could meet? Best regards, Fraulein Cordelia Vankerbergen
Dear Mrs. Kilbourne and Mrs. Carson,
Thank you so much for taking us to Amsterdam. We had a dibble time! Thanks for all the great memories. Amsterdam's a place we won't soon forget!
Thanks again!
Kristy, Claudia, Stacey, Mary Anne, Dawn, Abby, Mallory, Jessi, and Shannon
(a.k.a. The Baby-Sitters Club)
And that's the end of Amsterdam! Amsterdam! It's been fun (mostly)writing this story and I'm thrilled so many people have enjoyed it. There is no better reward than the knowledge that othersappreciate your writing. Now I'd like to give special thanks to a few people:
emerald-doll: Amsterdam! Amsterdam! would not have been written if not for her. The entire idea was a joke, but she pushed me to actually write it. I didn't think I could do a Super Special (and yes, it was just as much work as I feared). Emerald-doll convinced me I could and should do it. Without her encouragement (and pestering) this story never would have seen the light of day. So, thank you emerald-doll for your constructive criticism, ideas, encouragement, for being a great friend, and for everything else.
blanket apologist: We met halfway through my writing Amsterdam! Amsterdam! and she quickly became important to its writing. She nagged, gave encouragement, told me what worked and what didn't. Amsterdam! Amsterdam! would not have finished so early without her. Thank you, blanket apologist for all your help.
My friend Manuela, who has never actually reviewed my story, but claims to have read it. She corrected my horrible German and provided me with many wonderful names of people she hates inreal life. (Gerhild, anyone?)
And of course, I must thank all my fabulous reviewers. How dibble it is to check my inbox and find a new review there. With your lovely reviews, advice, humor,and occasional criticism you motivated me to write the best story possible. I hope I have written a story worthy of your praise and expectations. I wish I could mention you all by name. Special thanks to those who have reviewed multiple times (you know who you are). Yours are reviews I look forward to receiving, as they always prove helpful and hilarious. I'd like to point out that McKay1 has reviewed about every chapter since the story began. Now that's dedication.
Any questions on Amsterdam! Amsterdam! may be directed to my e-mail or asked in review. Questions in the review section will probably be answered in my profile.
P.S. Jessi's still black.