I know, I suck. I have written and deleted A Shocking Truth 2 or 3 times already, but I can't seem to get past the third chapter before writers' block hits.

I am still attempting to rewrite A Shocking Truth, but I am going to wait until I have a large portion of it written before I rereupload it!

I have been struggling with my mental health for a few years now, and I hit a major rut in life. I sort of wrote Pansy in this story off of my emotions with an added bit for context. Sounds dumb but yeah. This is a Pansmione, don't like it, don't read it.

Pansy POV

As I walk through the seemingly deserted corridor, I think to myself about how it feels so strange. The school I had once hated was now my refuge. Memories of the war crept into my mind as I drift aimlessly.

Why didn't I die as my father and mother did? Why was I exempt? And the old methods of trying failing to deal with the guilt weren't working anymore. The cutting has lost its sting, the choking stops before I go too far, and I can't bring it upon myself to attempt to Avada myself.

Why did I offer to sacrifice Potter to that mad man?

Why did I cower instead of fight?

Why did I know which side I would have fought for?

Why does knowing that hurt so much?

As I see the window ahead I wonder aloud "What if I hang myself? Would that work on Hogwarts grounds?"

As the idea starts to form in my head, I run towards the window and drop my bag and wand about 10 feet away. I try as quietly as possible to open the window and I then peek my head out to see if there was anything to hang a rope on.

As my front is completely hanging out of the window I hear a voice that I realize I know, but cannot place, scream "No! Accio".

With that cry, I am yanked backward, as though I had been lassoed around the waist. The person that had accioed me was thrown to the ground, me with them.

When I come to my senses, I scramble to my feet and take a look at my… I don't know. Savior? Foiler of my plans?

"Granger" I breath out, seeing the mass of chestnut curls on the ground. "Granger!" I screamed when she showed no signs of life, and remembered that Muggles feel the neck for a pulse (don't ask) and did so quickly.

I felt for her pulse and was relieved to feel a steady but faint thump… thump… thump. I quickly did a wandless Accio and collected my wand, then muttered "wingardium leviosa" to get her to the hospital wing.

This kinda sucks but, reviews and criticism are welcome. I, again, will be attempting to rerewrite A Shocking Truth, and if you are interested in collaborating, PM me!