![]() Author has written 87 stories for Alvin and the chipmunks, South Park, Hotel Transylvania, Simpsons, Ponyo/崖の上のポニョ, Rugrats/All Grown Up!, Powerpuff Girls, Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, and Saw. NAME:Thomas AGE:24 DOB:March4 1995 HARE COLLER:Very dark brown EYE COLLER: Blue COUNTRY:Australia FAVIROTE HOBBIE'S: Watching TV,playig the xbox360,using the computer,Bungie Jumping,Playing nerf,Playing poker,and renting/buying DVD's And of coarse fanfiction FAVIROTE VIDEO GAME'S: Fallout3, Fallout new veagas, Skirym elderscrollsV,the Grand theft ato game's,slenderman,resident evil5,Saw2 flesh and blood,Dawn of war,Call of duty ,Call of duty nazi zombies,shadows of the dammed,The futurama game ,The thing thing games,& Brainz![Brainz! is a zombie game btw, South park the stick of truth FAVIROTE MOVIE'S/TV SHOWS: Ninja Assassin,Saw,Ninja,TenaciousD,Stayalive, south park, South park bigger longer and uncut, Hosous, Hosous vs. authority, Ninja scroll,kungpow enter the fist ,The Caben in the woods,True blood, Game of thrownes,The walkng Dead,Board walk Empire, The Eagle, the kids are all right Underworld,Blade, Rambo first blood,Rambo4 ,The Terminator,Family guy, Futurama,the simpsons, 21 Jump streat,crank,crank2 High voltage, 47ronin, Death race,Deathrace2,Deathrace3, Rome season1,Rome season2, stan helsing, Alvin and the chipmunks meet the wolfman, the chipmunk adventure Alvin and the chipmunks trick or tresion, Alvin and the chipmunks, Vampire Diaries, 1 ,Alvin and the chipmunks the squeakquel, Alvin and the chipmunks chipwreked, Sweany tod the demaon barber of fleat streat, Taken,& tekan, [ Taken and tekan are two diffrent movie's btw, Madmax, sin city, scooby doo, kangaroo jack, Little Alvin and the mini munks, Machittae, American pie, Eurotrip, scarface, kung fu hustel, Mulan, Django unchaind,The pillers of thr earth, the worlds end, Spartacus blood and sand Spartacus vengeance spartacus war of the damned the green mile and spirit. pet's: I have three dogs named Peanut Gizmo and Kismet they're all Jack russles Injerys: I burnt my arse on an inclosed fierplace when i was 3, when i was4 i frachord my arm after falling off a cobberd,when i was 12 i gashed my arm,when i was 13 i sliced open my foot on a old roof rack thank god it was not a rusted one, & when i was 15 and a half i grased my nee and elbow. When i was 17 and a half i accedantly stabbed myself in the finger with a fillit knife there was alot of blood. FAVIROTE CHIPMUNK COUPEL:Simon and Jeanette SECOND FAVIROTE CHIPMUNK COUPEL:Theodore and Eleanor THIRD FAVIROTE CHIPMUNK COUPEL: Alvin and Brittany RESION'S WHY I LIKE SIMON AND JEANETTE: Because they never fight their allways responsabel & some times i think They should be the eldest of the group RESION'S WHY I LIKE THEODORE AND ELEANOR: Because they also never fight & they have a lot of love for evryone I CANT THINK OF ANY RESIONS WHY I LIKE ALVIN AND BRITTANY SORRY FAVIORTE SOUTH PARK COUPEL: STAN AND WENDY SECOND FAVIORTE SOUTH PARK COUPEL: KENNY AND BEBE THIRD FAVIORTE SOUTH PARK COUPLE: KYLE AND REBECCA FAVIROTE MIXED SOUTH PARK COUPLE: KYLE AND WENDY SECOND FAVIORTE MIXED SOUTH PARK COUPLE: STAN AND BEBE FAVIROTE FILM QUOTS : Ain't killing what they love. That's how it is every day all over the world. (John Coffey the green mile) FAVIROTE HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA COUPLE: DENNIS X WINNIE |