*Butch can't get Buttercup to admit she likes him so during 2 weeks of vacation time at the rrb's vacation home he throws on the moves, will she be his? Laughter and shit awaits*

(Butch pov)

I get up and head to the shower. Lately my mind wandered to thoughts of a certain green puff, actuaully every day for a long time. Today my thoughts tortured me which were very dirty thoughts indeed.I felt the water cascade on my back. I stiffen at the sudden loss of blood from my upper half as my lower gave a stand of attention. "Oh dammit" I sigh my hand on my face. I thought of something that made me smirk. I've loved her for a very long time, 4 years and counting.

I could seduce her, I definitely bet I can. I needed an opportunity, soon! I know she is attracted to me. She gave me the eyes dammit!

Then I remembered that we are going to be going on vacation with the puffs today and I will get her to be mine hopefully.I grin the girls came to terms with us when we gave up evil after Mojo lost his fucking mind. After that Brick and Boomer started dating their counterparts. While Buttercup was too stubborn to cave, I definitely have the hots for her.

I get out of the shower and drape a towel loosely around my hips and dry my hair with another. I look at my flattened dark spiked hair and smile. I leave the bathroom, and go into my room putting on some black jeans. Hearing the door bell as soon as I fasten the button.

I fly to the door knowing that the other boys would be too lazy to open it. "Yo" I say opening the door. It was the puffs, of course. Bubbles and Bloss raised a brow at my shirtless form and shower hair, while Buttercup just stared.

"Sight seeing?" I say already moved aside for them to walk in. Bubbles being her hugged me in a friendly bone crushing hug. I still was not used the blue puff's fondness of hugging me, which was every time I see her. Bloss just waved and flew past me probaly went to get Brick. Bubbles let go of me and went off to Boomer's basement bedroom. Buttercup walked in and plopped on the couch. I looked at her smirking. " What!?" She asked looking uncomfortable. "Sup, anything new?" I say shutting the door and plopping next to her.

"Got training next month for ju jitsu" she said kicking her combat boots up on the coffee table. "Sweet" I say combing my fingers through my hair. She looked at her chipped black polish and back at me a mild pink on her cheeks. "Aren't you going to get dressed?" She asked with her trademark annoyed tone in her voice. "Eventually" I say getting up and walking back to my room.

She looked good today, grew her hair out nice and long with those green streaks she loves. She wore her usual ripped tank top and ripped black jeans. I pull on a Nirvana tank top, and black converse. I decided to leave my hair like it was, I definitely filled out with muscle over the years everything I wore showed every hour I trained. I head back to the living room and saw my brothers up with Bloss and Bubs cuddling them on the couch. "There is our dipshit" Brick smirks moving a stray hair out of Blossom's face. "Last I checked Boomer was our dipshit and you were our dick and I was our asshole" I throw on my leather jacket. Brick rolled his eyes as everyone got up ready to leave.

"You girls got everything?" Brick smiled putting his arm around Bloss. "Uh huh" Blossom blushed pointing to their car. Buttercup was the only one who drove it being the tall curvaceous girl she was she didn't like how small back seats were.

"You boys lead the way and we'll follow you there " Blossom said getting in the front seat of their black jeep. "Alright!" Brick chuckled getting in the front seat of our Cadillac. I sighed getting into the driver's seat. Buttercup rolled her eyes and got into the driver's seat of their car. Bubbles and Boomer got in the back seat of our car they began kissing and cuddling.

"You two are too damn sweet... just watching you is giving me cavities" I roll my eyes and start the engine. "Jealous because your girl is too stubborn to love you back" Brick smirked knowing how to push my damn button. "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about" I start to drive down the road. I look at the rear view mirror and I see Buttercup who looked like she was in deep thought as she drove.

"You like her dude, it's pretty damn obvious" Boomer spoke up and Bubbles giggled. "So what if I fucking do" I get an idea to make them shut up. "We know under all those big muscles you are just a big sensitive teddy bear- Ow fuck dammit Butch" Brick yelled after I slammed on the breaks at a stop sign, causing him to hit his head on the dashboard.

"Ow" I hear both Bubbles and Boomer say rubbing their necks. "Oh I'm sorry did you guys ever hear the expression of don't piss off the fucking driver" I smirk as they all glare. The rest of the ride was music, just what I needed. We park at the vacation home and I get out stretching and noticed Buttercup did it at the same time.

I guess me being 7ft tall and her being 5ft 11in had something to do with us being cramped in cars. I go to the girl's car and help Buttercup unload, Brick brought our guy stuff here yesterday. I pick up a large blue suitcase and feel it's weight, too heavy for a 2 week stay.

Buttercup noticed my face when I grabbed the suitcase. "Bubbles tends to... over pack" she smirked and I shake my head. She was a fashionable girl so I guess it made a ton of sense.

"Okay everyone here are the room arrangements, since Blossom and I are the eldest we get the master bedroom, Bubbles since you begged the water bed is yours with Boomer, Buttercup and Butch you gotta share a room because there is only three" Well all nod, while heading to our room I noticed Buttercup looked a bit flustered. "You alright?" I ask as we enter the room.

It had a king sized bed in the middle of the left wall, on both sides were 2 dressers with 4 drawers. On the right wall there was a 40 inch flat screen on a mini entertainment center with a couch in front of it.

"Yeah I think I just need a shower..." she sighed putting her bag down. "If ya want I can just put your shit away and let you do that" I sit on the bed ' this my chance for some points to swoon her' I yell in my head . "You'd do that?" Buttercup asked raising a brow. "Sure! I'm definitely guessing a hot shower would help you chill a bit" I crack my neck to release tension.

"Thanks I owe you" she gave me a small smile and took out some toiletries, towels and clothes heading to the en-suite bathroom shutting the door. I get up and open her bag and sitting it on her side of the bed near her dresser. Yeah, smart ass Brick labeled our names on the dressers so we could tell who's is who's.

'I believe her jeans go in the bottom' I think putting them all in said drawer. I put her shorts and shirts in the drawer above that, her pajamas above that, lastly... her underwear... I blushed and put it all in the top drawer.

Yeah, seeing what underwear she wore is totally killing my boner (sarcasm to the fucking max). I put her empty bag on floor, I sigh kicking off my shoes and flop on the bed. I yawn and stretch again, maybe I could nap. I close my eyes and drift off.

*2 hrs later*

I feel the bed dip and my eyes open, I sit up and see something that made my pants feel a tad tighter. Buttercup sat on the bed in a pair of black boyshorts and a tight green tank top. "Hey sleepy you up?" I see her look at me with a smirk.

"Yeah I'm up" I yawn and rub my eyes. "Everyone went to get food, since you decided to take a cat nap I figured someone had to be here when your lazy ass woke up... by the way how did you know the exact order my clothing goes into drawers" she held a Gameboy advanced playing spyro, 'I think i want to play it now' i thought. "Well because it's how mine goes" I stand up getting out a game system of my own.

She checked my drawers and was very confused. "Okay that is freaking weird and awesome" she laughed. I decided to play Playstation with Spyro Year of the Dragon , because seeing Buttercup play spyro made me want to.

"Oh fucking cool I haven't seen that game in forever" I hear Buttercup's excitement. "I have a collection of older games if you wanted to check it out" I say sitting on the couch by the tv starting to play spyro. I see her get up and look in my games bag checking out my game collection. "Crash bandicoot was the shit" she smirked and I nod in agreement. "You cannot top the classics".

She sat next to me with her feet up watching me play. I get through the tutorial stage of the game "Fucking hunter I swear is everywhere" I say making her bust out laughing. I take off my jacket and shirt, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye 'did she just bite her lip?' I question in my brain.

To be continued

*Mwahhahaha what a place to leave off*