I understand that this is taken from the Imaginationland trilogy but this also takes place just after "The List" but because of this it doesn't makes it mine. This also focuses on Stan and Wendy. Trey Parker still owns the rights to the three episodes, the movie, the characters, and the Series this Fanfic is based on. This entire story is in Wendy's POV and Italics are her thoughts

Earlier today, Cartman gave some stupid story about seeing a leprechaun in the woods just outside of town. Me and Kyle were the only two people who didn't believe him and so we placed a bet saying that if he can't prove that he saw a leprechaun, he would pay both of us $10 and we let him choose his terms. He chose for Kyle to suck his balls and for me, to kiss Stan and allow him to vomit in my mouth. The only time that I have actually kissed Stan and had some restraint, was back when the Canadian- American ended, however he vomited on me right afterwards. For safe keeping he made us sign a contract. Just so that I don't have to swallow vomit, I hope that I am right.

Cartman brought everyone who believed him (Even Stan!) to the woods where he claimed that he saw the leprechaun. Me and Kyle sits on a log in front of Cartman so we can see his face when we prove that he is wrong in front of everyone

"This is so retarded, Cartman." Kyle exclaimed "You've got everyone believing your stupid story."

Cartman didn't reply and instead set up a wire hooked up by two rocks and calls my ex-best friend's boyfriend over a walky talky.

I tried to get his attention "Just admit that you were lying so everyone can just go home." Cartman backs up with saying to the two of us "O-ho no! We have a deal, you two! If I can prove there's a leprechaun, you have to suck my balls, and you have to kiss Stan for 60 seconds, remember?

For some reason both me and Kyle said "This is fucking retarded" at the same time. Cartman, who was going to get more joy out of his side of the bargain, said to Kyle "Hahaha, getting nervous, Kyle? When that leprechaun shows up you must suck my balls! Don't forget I have a signed contract from you." Kyle responded by saying "Yeah, and if you couldn't prove there was a leprechaun, you have to give me ten dollars! Now just pay up and stop being stupid!"

Cartman calls up Butters, who he calls faggot which for some reason makes me laugh, and told him to keep a look out for it. Kyle decided that he had enough and said that it's another trick that he made. Cartman for some reason tried to make it seem like he did see a leprechaun.

I hopped off the log and exclaimed "You didn't see a leprechaun, fatass! If you could prove it, Kyle had to suck your balls and I had to kiss Stan and swallow his vomit when he vomits in my mouth, but if you couldn't, you had to pay us ten dollars! Pay up!"

Cartman looked like he was just defeated in battle until Butters calls him in and says that he thinks he saw a leprechaun. Then a leprechaun walks up to us. I was absolutely stunned and my thinking went from, Cartman is making a trick, to knowing that I have to kiss Stan with vomit.

I said softly to Stan, "Can you hold it in?" and he just shrugs, more concerned about the Leprechaun. Then they just start chasing it and they eventually catch it. The leprechaun was talking about terrorist attacks and end of the world; it was difficult to understand. Then when it disappears everyone turns to Kyle and me and Cartman said "Kyle, Suck my balls" and holds up the contract that me and him signed. I then knew that I had to get Stan to the point where he doesn't get queezy or I'm going to be completely embarrassed in front of everyone.

The next day, I saw Stan, Jimmy, and Butters making some sort of fort out of snow next to the bus stop. I approached Stan and said "Stan? Do you mind if we can kiss a little?"

"But I'll vomit on you" Stan said concerned.

"I don't care now. I want to help you with that stomach issue that you have." Stan then jumped down in front of me and we tried kissing several times but each time he ends up vomiting either on me or on the ground. I didn't mind now, but I was concerned about later. "I'm sorry I keep vomiting. It's just I like you too much" Stan said. That was really sweet of him to say that however Butters had to make fun of us for it. I wanted to say something back to him but I hear "Hey dudes" from behind me. It was Kyle acting normal. I stare at him with everyone else completely terrified knowing that I was going to be next.

Jimmy asks him how he likes it and he exclaims "I didn't suck his balls, all right? And and I'm not going to!" That was a huge sigh of relief because Kyle goes first than I go second. This means I still had time to psych Stan up.

Stan, in response to Kyle's comments, said "Dude, why did you ever agree to suck his balls in the first place?"

Kyle said "I didn't think there would actually be a leprechaun! And I still don't! Why would a leprechaun be warning us of a terrorist attack? There's another explanation for all this."

Well that explanation came because some big, gay looking mayor approached us and said "Excuse me. Have you kids seen a leprechaun anywhere lately?" Are you freaking serious?

Stan said "What do you know about the Leprechaun"

"Ooooo, then you did see him. That's splendiferous!" The mayor said twirling "I want you to tell me everything he said. Where was he? What was he doing?" Kyle stopped him by saying that leprechauns are imaginary. He then went into some gay speech about imagination. I than said "Who the fuck are you?"

"Still not convinced, eh?" He said "I tell you what, kids. What say we all take a ride on my...Imagination Flying Machine?"

All of a sudden a huge blimp type thing appears out of thin air. What is this? This gay ass mayor comes along and- What the hell is going on?

Stan also was surprised by saying "Dude". The Mayor walked to the blimp ladder and said that he had something to show us. Butters then said what was on everyone's mind "Are you going to rape us?" The mayor stopped, looked at him, and hesitantly said "No?" Butters idiotically said "Well alright then," however he still thought that he was going to rape us. I took a knife from my backpack and put it on my waist just in case Butters was right. Stan said "Come on guys" so the five of us went on the blimp and he started flying.

He then starting singing a song that only had the word "Imagination", which was really long and stupid. Kyle then stopped him by saying furiously "Are you going to take us somewhere or not!" He then said "But my boy…we're already here". Stan and I looked to the ground and it was nothing like I've ever seen before. It looked like it came out of a dream, so I decided to pinch myself. "Ow" Well I'm not dreaming. "What is this place?" Stan asked. The mayor said that this was Imaginationland.

"It's where all the wonderful and goofy things that humans have made up over the years live together," He added. I noticed several characters from my favorite TV shows like ThunderCats. He landed the balloon and many imaginary characters flocked toward the blimp as he was putting down the ladder.

"Citizens of Imaginationland, we have guests from the world beyond" All of the imaginary characters oh-ed and awed as we went down the ladder. They greeted us with the greatest of respect. "Now good news everyone" he said "These 5 did see the leprechaun!" Everyone cheered.

A talking hammer asked "What did the leprechaun tell you, did he have any news?" Stan and I looked at each other wanting the other to say it but Stan said "Well there was going to be a- there was going to be a-".

Then out of nowhere a Muslim appeared with bombs on his chest, yells out "Allah!" The mayor immediately cried out "Oh Fuck No!" I cowered away from the guy just as he exploded. All of a sudden more explosions started and guns started firing. I look at my knife and I realize that it isn't going to be enough. I have to get everyone out of here.

I saw Stan, who isn't really into violence, looks like he's in a daze. I ran over to him and yelled out "Stan, we have to get out of here!" he didn't respond "Do you hear me?" Then a building behind us collapses missing us as Jimmy heads toward us. "Stan, we have to get out of here!"

I grabbed his hand and yanked him and he followed me. Kyle bumps into me as a dragon lands next to us. "Quickly, get on my back" the dragon said and so the 5 of us did.

"Fellas wait!" oops. I then see that's only four are on his back. I turned behind me and see Butters chasing us "Hold on fellas! Don't leave me fellas! Come back!" Then three terrorists push him to the ground and kick him repeatedly. "Dude" I hear a boy say. We all then yell "Butters!"

Then I woke up shaken and realize that it was all just a dream. I go to my phone and call up Stan to tell him about the dream and just realized that I didn't do my math homework. I honestly don't know why we are learning about pre-algebra this early. We haven't even mastered arithmetic yet.

The phone starts ringing and Stan answers it. "Hey babe."

"Hey Wendy, how's it going?" Stan says.

"Did you finish your math homework? I kind of lost time of track last night"

"No I hardly got any sleep. I had this messed up dream about this Gay mayor guy taking us to Imaginationland where all of these imaginary characters lived."

I was completely speechless. I couldn't even think of anything until I finished his dream for him. "And then it was attacked by terrorists?"

"Yeah! How did you know?"

"Stan, I had the same dream! We jumped on the Dragon's back and Butters got left behind!"

Then I hear Stan's mother over the phone asking if he's seen Butter's. Butter's mother said that he never came home that night. "What did she say?" I yelled out

Butter's father who was also over the phone said "We don't wanna jump to conclusions, but... we're worried that maybe somebody kidnapped Butters, sodomized him over and over again, and then fed his genitals to wild animals." Then Butter's mother starts bawling. Oh my god! Maybe that wasn't a dream!

"Wendy?" My mom asked.


"There's no school today. Power shortages."

"Okay" I tried to get Stan's attention "What are you doing today since we have no school?"

Stan said "I don't know."

"Do you want to come over to my house and try to kiss again?"

Stan seemed to gotten excited and yelled out "Yes!" Then he tried to compose himself "Ahem. I mean sure, whatever" That was so cute. "Okay, see you later"

I then hung up. Maybe if I put on a sexy outfit, he might be too aroused to vomit. I then went to my closet and found a red silk dress. I was thinking if it was sexy enough. So when I put it on, I went downstairs to my Dad, who was going to work, and I asked him "I'm trying to impress Stan. Is this sexy to you?"

He then told me that it was, but I think he's saying that just because he's my father. I went back up stairs and go through my closet again and found my whore outfit. I take one look at it and put it back. Then the doorbell rings. I go downstairs in the dress and its Stan and Kyle. Stan takes one look at me and he vomits.

"Do you want me to change?" I ask him

Kyle butts in and says "We don't have time"

Stan adds "Cartman sued Kyle and now he has to suck his balls and we have to kiss right afterwards"

I was really surprised in the fact that Cartman would go that far just to have this happen. "Can we just get this over with?" Kyle says.

"But we aren't ready!" I said "You just saw that!"

"I'll try my best" Stan said unconfidently. We're in trouble. I followed the two of them to Cartman's house until I see a bush and I pull Stan in a bush.

"What are you doing?" Stan asks me. I then kiss him too quickly for him to process what happened then he vomits in my mouth. I pull away and try to wipe my mouth from his vomit. Stan looks down in an apologetic manor. "It's alright. Practice makes perfect."

We get out of the bush and Kyle impatiently waits for us. "Do you want to suck Cartman's balls?" I ask Kyle.

"I just want it over with"

We then head to Catman's house where he's waiting for us dressed as a sultan. Now I've seen everything. "Yes, come on in, peasant Kyle," Cartman said to Kyle "and pay homage to this sultan's balls" Now I've heard everything. Kyle not looking pleased exclaimed under his breath "goddamnit". Both Stan and I knew that we were next and we both knew that we weren't ready because of a few minutes ago.

Then right before Cartman can whip his balls out, the four of us hear helicopters and trucks that get parked right in front of us. Then a general, a specialist, two soldiers, and two security guards pour out of the helicopter. My feeling went from fear of swallowing a large amount of vomit to fear of something that I did, which I didn't know what I did.

The Specialist said "That's them, sir. Stan Marsh, Wendy Testaburger, and Kyle Broflovski." Oh fuck!

The General and the Specialist walked to the three of us. "You three need to come with us on a matter of national security" The General said.

Trying to keep my cool I asked them "Who are you" but the general pushed us in the helicopter with Kyle being the last one. Cartman obviously tried to fight the general over Kyle but the General gets us in.

As the helicopter takes off I was absolutely scared of my mind, and wanted Stan to hold me but knowing how stupid these government officials are, I didn't. Instead I asked the general "What is this all about?" Thinking that I was going nuts, he said to a medic "Knock her out" What? "What?" Stan exclaimed in surprise. I tried to fight but he sedated me so quickly I didn't know what happened. Then I noticed that I was falling asleep and I tried to get to Stan but the last thing I witnessed that day was Stan Exclaiming "Wendy" Over and over and getting softer until I didn't hear him anymore.

To Be Continued

I apologize making this part of the story really similar to the movie and not a lot of original material but there wasn't a lot I can work with. Expect the same for Episode 2 but expect most original material on Episode 3.