South Park Streets- Night. Toolshed and Call Girl, now adolescents, are seen fighting some of Ginger King's hitmen. Using her selfie-sticks, Call Girl downs a henchman, and watches as Toolshed takes on two at once.

Call Girl: Stan's fighting multiples. So brave, so handsome, so-

She is hit over the back of the head by the henchman she supposedly brought down. Toolshed sees her fall. He pushes the two henchmen he's fighting back with his duelling screwdrivers, and charges at the third henchman to avenge his girlfriend. He impales him through the stomach, and the henchman falls to the ground, dead. Toolshed glares at the other two, who just retreat. He reaches an arm out to Call Girl.

Toolshed: Are you okay Wendy?

Call Girl grabs his hand, and he pulls her up onto her feet.

Call Girl: Yes, thank you.

Toolshed gets his phone out and facetimes headquarters.

Toolshed: Doctor Timothy, the area is free of Ginger King's henchmen.

Doctor Timothy: Good work, you two. Now get back to base.

Toolshed: Will do. (He hangs up) C'mon Wendy. Let's go.

Call Girl: Okay Stan, but first I want to talk to you in private.

Toolshed: Yes, well, uh, go ahead Wendy.

Call Girl: Follow me.

Toolshed follows Call Girl to an alleyway.

Call Girl: Ah good, no one is here.

They stop.

Toolshed: Now, what did you want to say?

Call Girl: Stan, remember our first battle together and I said that you were good with your hands?

Toolshed: Yeah?

Call Girl (Stripping herself of all devices): Well, I want you to use them on me.

She lifts her tank top and skirt up, revealing to Toolshed she's not wearing any underwear, surprising him.

Toolshed: Wendy! You're not wearing a bra, or, panties...

Call Girl: I thought that, since we were going on a mission together, they were unnecessary.

Toolshed: That's pretty self-explanatory.

His subconscious: I want those titties and that pussy.

Call Girl (Lusciously): C'mon, baby. Put your hands on me.

Toolshed slinks behind her and coils his arms around her, taking his gloves off. He moves his hands to one of her breasts and his other hand to her vagina. He starts to rub both the nipple and the clitoris.

Call Girl: Oh god, yes. That feels so good!

Toolshed: Shhhhhhhh. We don't wanna get caught.

Call Girl: C'mon, faster, faster! (Toolshed rubs faster) Oh yes! Fuck!

2 minutes later...

Toolshed: My fingers are all wet.

Call Girl: Oh god, I'm cumming-

She came all over his hand. Wendy bent down on her knees and panted, recovering from her orgasm, while Toolshed licked her cum off his fingers.

Toolshed: Mmmm, yummy.

After recovering, Wendy pulled her top and skirt down and put her devices back on. She and Toolshed hugged.

Call Girl: Thank you for putting your hands on me, Stan. It was amazing.

Toolshed: You're welcome, Wendy. Now, let's go back to base.

After one last kiss, they depart.

The End