Kenny Likes Lois
Next day;
Chris became more and more attracted to Kenny, but he knew he had to tell Kenny the truth because he couldn't keep this secret anymore.
'I hope Kenny would take it well,' Chris was thinking hopefully.
So everyone began eating breakfast; Cartman kept ripping on Kyle for being a Jew and love-boy.
Chris couldn't stop staring at Kenny, he was admiring his beautiful eyes, lovely lips, cute nose, nice skin and had a sexy body and watched Kenny eating his breakfast slowly and patiently.
"Oh..." Chris groaned lightly, as he was imagining that Kenny was sucking Chris's dick ...
'Sick! Stop it, Chris!' Chris thought in disgust. 'What the hell is wrong with me?!'
"Eric, would you like me to show you my Time Machine?" Stewie asked Cartman.
"Time machine? Seriously?!" Cartman replied excitedly. "Hell yeah!"
"Time machine? What are you talking about, fatass?" Kyle frowned.
Lois and Peter looked surprised when they both heard Kyle saying "fatass."
"Stewie has a Time machine," Cartman smirked. "We are going to explore the past or the future, heheh!"
"Yeah sure," Kyle scoffed.
"I am seriously!" Cartman snarled.
"Kyle!" Stan wailed.
"Cool, meet me in my room after breakfast, ok?" Stewie nodded at Cartman.
"Yea!" Cartman nodded too. "I will!"
Stewie jumped off his seat then walked off to his room. Peter and Lois were talking about their plan for today.
A few minutes later, Cartman also left Kitchen to go to Stewie's room. Stan was actually upset that Kyle paid no attention to him, Kenny was looking at Lois.
"Hey Lois," Kenny interrupted.
"Hello Kenny," Lois smiled.
"Erm, you look so gorgeous," Kenny said shyly.
"Oh! Thank you so much!" Lois cheered up.
"Hey Kenny, don't you try to steal Lois away from me," Peter pointed at Kenny jokily.
"NO!" Kenny screeched.
"Haha, man I am joking," Peter grinned, then started laughing hysterically.
Kenny rolled his eyes.
"KYLE!" Stan yelled, then slammed his hand on the table loudly, making everyone face him in surprise. "KYLE, I TRIED TO APLOGISE BUT YOU KEPT IGNORING ME! FINE, SCREW YOU! YOU CAN GO DATE MEG AND SUCK MEG'S BOOBS SEE IF I CARE! FUCK YOU KYLE!"
Kyle, Meg, Lois, Kenny and Chris were entirely shocked and appalled. Peter found it funny he continued laughing.
"Stan ... how could you think that?" Kyle whispered, trembling. His green eyes filled up with tears.
Suddenly, Stan regretted to see Kyle's tears.
"Stan is right! Yesterday I saw Meg and Kyle flirting with each other in the cafe!" Peter laughed.
"Peter, shut up right now!" Lois snapped at him.
She grabbed Peter's arm then forced him to get out of the kitchen.
"GET OUT!" she seethed.
She pushed him out, then Peter went to the living room and watched tv.
"Stan, grow up," Kenny said sharply.
"I am so sorry," Stan sniffed. "Kyle, I didn't mean to say it. I was out of order, really."
Kyle had not finished his breakfast yet, but he decided to get the hell out due to Stan and Kyle got up, miserable.
"Lois, I am going to take a walk," he muttered.
"OK," Lois accepted.
"See ya," Kyle nodded at Kenny and Chris.
He left. Meg was secretly upset and hurt that Kyle ignored her.
'What's happened?' she frowned.
She also got up and stormed out in anger. Lois became confused and bewildered about Meg's attitude.
"Erm, Kenny ..." Chris began.
"Lois, I would like to help you with cooking/cleaning," Kenny smiled.
'WHAT?' Chris thought in horror.
"Aw thank you Kenny, but I am fine really," Lois smiled back.
"I want to help," Kenny looked at her hopefully.
"OK," Lois mentioned.
"Yay!" Kenny cheered up, started dancing and singing, 'Wooo, wooooooooo!'
"But Kenny, you are supposed to play xbox with me!" Chris carped.
Kenny stopped dancing, "Huh?"
"You said you want to play xbox with me!" Chris snapped.
"But I want to help Looooois!" Kenny beseeched. "Please let me help Lois?"
Stan quietly sniggered, "Ooh, why is that? Is that because you have a crush on her?"
Kenny shot him a furious look; "I DO NOT! I just want to help, that's all!"
Stan didn't break a smirk, "Umm..."
"Fine!" Chris huffed then continued to eat his breakfast.
"Calm down, boys. Kenny, yes you can help me," Lois finished.
After breakfast;
Kenny helped Lois with cleaning, Kenny couldn't stop gawking at Lois and he fantasized about kissing and making love to Lois.
"You have a very sexy body," Kenny blurted out, then blushing deeply.
"Haha, thanks," Lois smiled.
"Er ... I-" Kenny carried on, "I am glad to be here."
"Aw that's great!" Lois beamed. "I am glad you are happy."
Chris couldn't believe Kenny that he knew Kenny had a crush on Lois and Chris became very upset and angry.
Chris smirked evilly, "I will gladly slay you in retaliation, Kenny."
"I promise I will have my vengeance," Chris said darkly.
What happens next?